Alfred >A long time ago, I was posting in Veeky Forums, my friends and I were posting for the natty gains of the local forum. We were trying to boost the test levels of our aesthetics crew by Brehing them with THICC QT's. But the posts were being raided in the High Test general by a BrawpPoster. So we went looking for the THICC posts without Brawps. But in six months, we never found threads with THICC QT's without BRAWPS. One day I saw a fraud general posting an ass the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been ignoring organic thiccposts.
Bruce Gain: Then why did he BRAWPpost?
Alfred >Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world BRAWP.
Bruce Gain >The Brawp Poster in Veeky Forums... did you catch him?
Alfred Yes
Bruce Gain >How?
Alfred We Banned the High Test Threads
Gavin Ward
Hahahaha top kek OP hot damn nice one
Ian Barnes
Nice meme
Thomas Brooks
Charles Reyes
Evan Ward
Top kek. Dont post this on r/Veeky Forums faggots
Noah Taylor
>An ass the size of a tangerine Read it all in Alfred's voice too. Hahahahaha
Robert Jenkins
For you.
Logan Miller
Ok friendo :^)
Elijah Evans
Lol Bruce Gain, good one.
Noah Hall
My other fit/Batman posts
>Bruce Gain is Stuck in Plateau Prison
Blind Lifter >You do not fear tfw no gf. You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak.
Bruce Gain >Why?
Blind Lifter >How can you squat deeper than possible, The Press heavier than possible without the most powerful impulse of the spirit: that fear when no GF?
Bruce Gain >I do fear no gf. I fear I'm not gonna keep gf here while my lifts plateau and there's no program to save it
Blind Lifter >Then lift the weight
Bruce Gain >How?
Blind Lifter >As a novice lifter did when he first started lifting for a feel. Without a Gf. Then, fear will find you again.
Lucas Bennett
Xavier Allen
Watched those movies the other day. Way underrated. That teenage angst is poignant and accurate. Unironically good.
Duc(train h)ard >Your parents back-SNAP was not your fault
[Bruce and Duc(train h)ard do many heavy reps]
Duc(train h)ard >It was your father's.
[Bruce furiously squats Duc(train h)ard, but is easily defeated]
Duc(train h)ard >Anger does not change the fact that your father failed to keep form on the last rep in that competition.
Bruce Gain >The man had knee wraps and straps!
Duc(train h)ard >Would that stop you?
Bruce Gain >I've had training!
Duc(train h)ard >The training is nothing! The will is everything!
[Duc(train h)ard bests Bruce once again]
Duc(train h) >The will to act.
Wyatt Ross
Bruce Gain >Yield
Duc(train h)ard >You haven't beaten me. >You've traded good compounds for an isolation pump
[Bruce Gain fails his last set, and Duc(train h)ard wins the lifting duel]
Dylan Perry
Parker Ward
Oliver Cruz
This thread is solid gold
Christopher Hill
great thread
Jace Hughes
We need to remember this for SIR 2017 comic
Justin Morris
Somebody screencap this shit and include me in it.
Zachary Stewart
Thanks. I'll produce more.
I'll probably post a few with my Instagram.
Themed memes for my lifting goal 175lb 10 rep OHP and 233lb single rep OHP at 165lb bodyweight.
Yoda: >I can not post her. The girl has no curves.
Ben: >She will grow curves.
Yoda: >Hmm. Ehh. Not much meat in her. Unlike her mother.
Ben: >Were I any different when you posted me?
Yoda: >Hmm. Yeh. She is not THICC.
trap-Luke: >Yoda? I AM THICC! I-I... BEN! I can be posted in high test threads! BEN TELL HIM I'M THICC!
Yoda: >THICC are you? What know you of THICC? For eight hundred years have I posted THICC QT's. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be posted. A THICC QT must have the biggest butt, the most humongous thighs. This one, a long time have I posted. All her life has she looked THICC… in the past, in the future. Never has her THICCness been questioned. …Hmm? But what are YOU? SKINNY BITCH. Heh. Little girl. Heh. A Breh craves not these things... You are useless..
Ben: >So was I, if you remember.
Yoda: >She is too skinny. Too skinny to be posted
trap-Luke: >But I've tried so hard.
Yoda: >Ehh... Will she raise test levels?
trap-Luke: >I won't fail you. I want to be THICC.
Yoda: >Goooood. You will be. You. Will. Be.
Brody Harris
High test fags need to go to That's why I BRRRAAAAP-post
Michael White
No. You go to /b/ and post your shit there faggot.
Noah Evans
what the fuck is with this BRAAAAP and whatever shitposts I was away for a while and everyone was doing this
Grayson Morales
It's just mimicking fart-fetishists to annoy casual assposters
James Reed
Your shitty meme isn't as old as the high test threads you idiot.