Best exercises to get over a breakup/depression?
Best exercises to get over a breakup/depression?
Sexercise with a new hoe
Whiskey shots till failure usually works for me brah
booze has made me send her angry texts
start by removing her number
start by going for a run and increasing your intake of oats. Serious.
Jack off to 2D porn until you hate women and then lift with the help of your newmade hate
Swim, bike, or run. The runner high is a really good way to get emotional and let out some of the pain you are feeling inside. Do the couch to 5k and while you are running you will probably break down and cry during an exercise - its ok you need to let it out and will get through this. We love ya nigga.
Hiit for that instant boost
Cardio to help you outrun your demons
Deadlift of course
What a dumb question
Chinups, buddy :^)
>delete her phone number
>delete any traces of her
>find/make at least 1 (one) friend or friend-like person
>go to a bar, not a nightclub, a bar, a shitty one where there's old men who drive pick-up trucks
>get a booth, talk it out with your friend-like object
>go home, hydrate
>sleep until you're not tired
>train like a madman
>reflect on your feelings post-workout
Use a punching bag. Tape a pic of your ex onto it if at all possible.
Having sex x f
This and deadlift
Not being a little bitch x1
Mhmm, yep.
Run until you can't five days a week and enjoy that sweet dopamine
Then get over that bitch after a week or two of angry runs
my sides
This, sadly its winter.
but seriously getting a sweat on does allow you to stop thinking about anything and enjoy dat sweet dopamine release, then a hot shower afterwards. It will help you out.
If you just broke up with this chick then you have a week to get drunk, but during this time write down some routine goals, exercise, diet, time you do what you need.
Pro:Tip - time in between dinner and sleeping is a major thing to think about, fill it with a relaxing hobby you feel that is going somewhere, i.e. read a book a week in that time, enjoy your autism in anime or vidya or whatever but set in your brain to be doing something so that you don't pine like a bitch last thing at night.
Best of luck family.
God she's attractive.
Yeah I'd love to hatefuck her
this entirely
Deadlifts, chased with deadlifts
Heavy squats
Heavy DL
Heavy bench
Heavy OHP
wow this is me except I don't jack off I just hate women now
Jesus Christ how many of you guys are getting dumped this month? I swear there's been an influx of breakup threads lately.
majority of breakups happen from december to february i believe. From all of the pressure of christmas and valentines day.
>lack of sunlight
>lower finances
Also OP, the best lift to do post breakup is 1 x lifting yourself up. Don't be bitter, just give it time breh.
2D has completely overthrown my attraction to 3D. I have had better climax with 2D porn than actual 3D sexual acts and have lost interest in the latter. People probably think im a retard of something because girls have hit on me and I just ignore it or refuse to respond to any "hints" they give me. Some seem confused or get awkward after trying for a while and I do nothing.