
Why does he always take this in front of the db rack? Is it to hide the GH gut and chicken legs?


Perhaps you have NOTHING TO SHOW? Always living in my shadow. Always hiding behind the db rack. LMAO

I can 100% promise you 99 out of 100 women would select my naturally aesthetic healthy body over your comically enhanced disgusting body.

The only people who are impressed or attracted to bodies like yours are mentally disabled people with deep rooted psychological problems and strange fetishes.

Hope it was worth it. You can't really go back now. You won't ever believe me, but I honestly feel sorry for you. I wish you good luck in life.

This. Well said.

Has there ever been a more insecure man in the world?

>Uuuuuullllllttrrrraaaaaaa commmmmbooooooooo

Fraud btfo


Can you stop? You have now reached the point where nobody finds you attractive. Because of this, you are so insecure that you have to repost the same stale threads several times a week just to get attention from anonymous men.

Seriously would recommend seeing a physiologist.


>mfw imagining masT tearing up as he reads this

6 months on SS. Switching to a bro split for a 3 month bulk then cut for summer.
Started at 165, 172 now. Goal 180 by April.

Nice work lad. What's the new routine? Height? Finishing numbers on SS? Clearly had prior athletic exp

> I can 100% promise you 99 out of 100 women would select my naturally aesthetic healthy body over your comically enhanced disgusting body.

The only people who are impressed or attracted to bodies like yours are mentally disabled people with deep rooted psychological problems and strange fetishes.

Hope it was worth it. You can't really go back now. You won't ever believe me, but I honestly feel sorry for you. I wish you good luck in life.

Post a pic superfaggot

6 ft
210 lbs

Some nice size, but soft and bad skin

He is doing it for himself and said it numeorus times.
>millions of replies 'btfo'
Same shit every single thread he makes,its fun to watch him trigger autists like you at this point,he is a fucking troll when will you get it.

>roiding for this


an inspiration as always masT.

One day, I may never be at your natty pics, but one day, I swear to god, you will see me in the same ball park

And then, we can talk on a mediocre level, like you promised me, and I will be able to say 'I did it'

>4 months lifting
>current weight 168 LBS 5'10.5" (15%) bf
>planning to get to single digits then do first slow bulk, put on some muscle at last

King of Veeky Forums reporting in

6'5. Weighed in at 301lbs this morning.
Pulled 725 on Deadlift last night.

>roiding for this

Kings don't have acne like a 13 year old girl, tho.

Why is everyone so fast to yell roids roids roids when they see someone that doesn't have male model tier skin

I had more acne that that, way more, before I stepped in the gym on day 1 because of my diet of fucking nachos and cakes and changing my sheets once a month

Thanks friend. New routine is legs, chest/tris, back/Bi's, abs/extras. 6'0". Finished with 1rm 300lb squat, 200lb bench, 335lb dead, 135lb ohp.
Previous to lifting was a cat2 cyclist. Moved to a small town where I can't do that anymore though due to highways/ death so lifting has replaced the cardio gainz.

this shit never stops being funny.

good shit mast, best trip on Veeky Forums

mastT BTFO!!!!

HAHAHAHA, he lifts for girls. Holy shit the cringe is real

You think i do all this effort for girls? Man, your life be fuckup. But even while i don't give a fuck about lifting girls, they all still checking me out even while they are with their boyfriend. KEKED ON SIGHT. LMAO, i love it when their boyfriend graps her hand even harder, because he knows she wants me. Lemme tell you a secret; that guy? that is you.


Please gimme a real challenge, this is not enough for my dick to get hard tonight. I need to fuck myself tonight

same picture for a decade. No face shown because muhh security

2 mm from camera picture, like a real man


Post it faggot

mmmm looking at all this juicy muscle makes me wonder what yall taste like, no cannibal. Got any close up pics of flexing forearms tries? etc.

They looking at you because you look deformed. If a girl or guy stares at morbidly obese man does that mean they are attracted to him? If you lift for any type of attention then good job I guess, but that's pretty sad.

try lifting bucko

I'm so far ahead I can't even see you in my rear view mirror. But you can keep trying, short stuff.

Shit is that your Stand behind you in the mirror? Whats its name?

I know you're autistic, thus you can't see emotions. I know when i get mired, AND I MEAN MIRED, like wow i can't even explain how people mire me. man you wish you could be only me for 1 day. The feeling is better than heroin and sex combined. Pure orgasm i tell you.

The only known emotion you know by now is pic related when other people see you. You don;t know better, so i don't blame you for this. You were just born this way, with these shit tier genetics. I respect that. There are just inferior people like you. You are here for my personal entertainment, so please provide some pictures so i can laugh in stead of your bs posts

You know why i lift? I lift for myself, because I am not scared to be myself and love myself? You do all this effort JUST FOR APPROVAL FROM OTHER PEOPLE?? And you feel sorry for me? I Can't even, lmao.


Almost at 150lb, one or two more weeks and I think I'll hit my mark

Come on, this must be a troll right?

You make exact the same threads as me, with those tattoos and you think i will take this serious?


THIS?!!! after all what i have done for you.

But i still love you all, for who you are

>that dick shadow
The girls call you tripod?

>still hasn't posted his lifting stats

Sorry squirt. You'll have to try harder next time.

roids aren't being yourself, they're being yourself +some nigger test from a bathtub


i will still bigger than you; NATTY. so no excuses. Reminder; i btfo you everywhere i can.

Just say something, and i will btfo ON SIGHT

This is a fucking weak stupid bait, you have much to learn my brother. You have the pictures but you don't have the spirit.


I feel some kind...something about too scared to be yourself feeling.

>i will still bigger than you; NATTY.
shur m8

Feeling DYEL AF after a month long break from the gym. Getting back feels good though. Take it easy on me Veeky Forums.

>He is doing it for himself
Is that why he's making daily threads on an image board showing other people pictures of his body?

Good body but work on your posture man Jesus

I know it's hard to believe it. I feel you.

Actually... I can't believe it myself sometimes. So i get all emotional about it and think how shit your genetics are compared to my Superior genetics


life is so unfair !!!

lol m8 dyel?

you knew you were low test so you started sucking dick for test out of a bathtub

Whats the best way to do that?

Are you seriously unironically claiming natty

This is my first time posting on Veeky Forums, but I read the sticky eight months ago. I'm twenty, if that changes anything.
Started 6'1", 172, 18:21 two mile, 95 bench, ~180 squat, 205 deadlift, 100 power clean.
Now 6'1", 149, 7% bf. 12:48 two mile, 175 bench, 245 squat, 300 deadlift, 180 power clean.
Did I do well, Veeky Forums? Where do I go next?

So you write three paragraphs of vitriol in response to two sentences and say the other person is autistic. How can have so little self awareness?

>The only known emotion you know
lmao it's like the roids went directly to your brain and made you retarded.

You look full otter. I'd bulk more, but thats just me.

try not being so black and eat more faggot.

You look very similar to what I started out at


Nice arms. You could use a bit more chest though.

We can all use more chest, user.

how tall are you bellybutton? I thought I was lightweight at 5'9 160lbs....

Thanks user. What do you think is best for building mass.
I'm running ppl so on one day i do 5x5 barbell bench. 3x8 incline db
the other day 5x5 bb bench and then 3x8 dumbell pullover

how long until I escape dyel mode?
cut or bulk?

Cut until 10% bodyfat. Bulk until 15% then repeat infinitely my man. That way you look good all the time without becoming fat at any time.

can tell you're hitting chest. keep going. Hit those compound and your stomach will flatten out

So the consensus is begin bulking. God I hope I don't screw this up.

That's similar to what I do. You may try upping the reps for a few weeks and lowering the weight. I also recommend incorporating push press to hit it at a high angle and some kind of dip or decline bench to hit it at a lower angle, and continue with the db/bb rotation. But then again, I'm just a dude on the internet.

I don't get CBT threads. Are they just roleplaying where people post pics of roidtards that look like shit and start shitposting?

I see a few legitimate posts here asking for tips, but is it mostly roleplaying?

very impressive for 6 months work keep at it

I can already tell that your IQ is below 50 by the way you write LMFAO

thanks. I do dips twice a week also but focus on triceps. Decline bench would be good to add

Why roids, loos so nasty..
Pls r8 and h8

Hheeey fffit,
6,3 aka 193 or sth
86 Kg
Pls r8 and h8, should i get bigger??
only lifting for grils desu

I'd say lean bulk and stay consistent with the training

>s s s sometimes...

Thanks man.

Thanks friend.

>thinking lift numbers mean anything when you are juiced to the gills
>calling out bigger / leaner roidfags who specifically bodybuild on their lift numbers
>roiding in such a stupid manner that your skin looks like that
>awful tattoos
>a high and tight haircut.
>ear piercings
>wears flat billed hats

Get out...

As always mirin BB, how's that leg training coming along?, they were looking juicy last time I saw.


About 17 months lifting

Trim your pubes desu senpai

That's pretty fucking terrible for a year son

MIDF plz stay

and you also end up spinning your wheels and never make any progress

trash ass posture

hit your back and abs hard, particularly rear delts/upper back

m'lord, frontal pic kinda like pls?

why don't u compete?

u mad brah?


Are you asking why I don't compete in competitions?

nah, asking the god emperor masT

kek. So are you complimenting be or h8ing?

insane get

Cut for sure

>escape dyel mode

a long long time but it is a marathon not a sprint

I hope I do it one day

Are you seriously going to claim 'don't get obese' is bad advice for an aspiring bodybuilder or even bad advice for a guy that just wants to look good?

Furthermore are you seriously going to claim that you """need""" to get obese to avoid "spinning your wheels?"

Just because you are 50% bodyfat and perma bulking doesn't make it smart. You also shouldn't push your literal HAES agenda on everyone in site

Ps: post your body

This is a current body thread not a 'pre diabetics give horrible advice' thread

Only true when you turbobulk at +1000 calories a day, gain 10 pounds of fat and 1 pound of muscle in 4 weeks, thus fucking up your physique far more than you've helped it so you have to cut prematurely, repeating this cycle forever.

If you bulk at a moderate +250-300 calories/day your body will have enough to foster consistent gains while only adding 1-2 pounds of fat per month, allowing you to bulk for 6 months and only adding 3-5 BF%, which you can then cut off pretty easily.

>pre diabetics give horrible advice


Went from 265 to 155, dont know where to go now. Help, Veeky Forums?

Shred down another 15 lbs, it's much more efficient to bulk from a lean status

shave your chest and stomach, trust me you'll look a lot cleaner/better

I just did mayne lol

that shit grew back on in like 2 days

you gotta shave every 2 days? fuck

Counting calories? Slow, steady bulks?

Fuck that shit (nerd) . I have 19 inch arms UNFLEXED. I just eat whatever I want and stay lean naturally

The reason you don't make progress is because you won't take my advice... stay small

you can't make progress bulking slowly... spin your wheels kid, idiot, dyel faggot

Where is your back man? Otherwise starting to look alright

Underachiever on a bulk

I'm 5'9 too

>6'1 ~ 210 lbs
>repeating smolov jrs for squat atm, before that ran PPL and SS, still doing other compounds during smolov, just not deadlift, also weighted pull-ups (got that +90lbs 8 rep finally today), and light oly lifts (usually an oly lifter)
>5x205lbs ohp (got that 1RM 225 actually)
>5x295lbs bench
>5x335lbs squat (LUL)))
>1x495 deadlift (tested a while ago)
>100kg snatch/120 cnj

Any ideas what to do once I finish this last cycle in 3 weeks? Cut finally, literally have never done it before except when I used to do bodyweight stuff cuz fock losing strength

I have really bad lordosis, not even atp at this point, too emrassed about it to even take a photo

That said I am doing chin ups, rows, I do work my back.

It's like an instagram girl (lol)

I'm working on it as well, just needs a lot of time apparently