Who were the Etruscans? Were they really from modern day Turkey...

Who were the Etruscans? Were they really from modern day Turkey, or were they indigenous Italian people who evolved from Villanovan culture.

They were arch-Slavs from Urnfield, their name was "ETRUS" meaning "That's Russian".

>Were they really from modern day Turkey
Does Turkish nationalism know no bounds? Who else will they claim?

It's a theory from antiquity dude

m*Doid weaklings cultured by the Nordic man

They were the first Germanic tribe, before Indoeuropeans forced their language upon them

That first guy:
>Why is this band following me?

They evolved from the Villanovan culture.

Yes they were from TÜRKey and they were BLACK and they founded Roman Empire (therefore Byzantines are not Roman but LARPers)



Villanovians who absorbed Greek culture


>tips laurel crown
>dominae meae

yeah Virgilio says that ancient romans came from Troy,altough it's known to be propagand to make romans look like a race of warriors

Romans were a race of warriors, they were urnfueld celto italic bad asses, but they sure as hell did not come from Troy

they were latins man

from what i've gathered the Etruscans, Sabines and other latin peoples are basically Greeks mixed with other peoples.
And someone said that the Romans are just a collection of outcasts from each of these tribes.

It would certainly explain why Romans were allowed to participate in Greek games

Italo-Celtic is a branch of Indo-European. There are significant similarities both linguistically and culturally

Maybe later after rome expandee north, but the original romans had nothing to do with celts

He is right though: classical latin and continental Celtic languages were extremely similar 2000 years ago. Kinda like Polish and Russian today. A Celtic speaker from Belgium or Bavaria could learn fluent latin in maybe 3-4 years. On the other hand a Greek could never master latin.

3-4 years is what it took for me to learn english, it doesn't say much

>On the other hand a Greek could never master latin.

What is Claudius Claudianus?

What is Ammianus Marcellinus?

U knob.

They were called Etrusci and later Trusci.
Sounds a lot like Turci doesn't it?

Romans but gayer

>modern day turkey
Literal braindead retard, uninstall your life

They were the sea peoples who decided to settle there after attacking the egyptians and both got rekt so they had to recover. From some crazy college proffesor i listened too. Brainlet here.

No, they were probably like modern day Tuscans

Yes, there is an old but yet to be proven identification of the teresh of the sea people with the etruscans

Yeah but we don’t know where the teresh were from either

Troy, so Anatolia. "Troy" and "Etruscan" are related words.
