One chance at life

>one chance at life

Nobody can understand this pain

I know this pain. I went from being able to get dates with much hotter girls with a full head of bad messy hair freshman year of college to having 5/10's physically bothered to have a conversation with me while bald at 23.

Alot of people have alot worse things going on.
Just by making this thread I know YOU will NEVER make it.
Dont enjoy your life cuck.

I can I'm.5'5

Being bald is equivalent to knocking a foot of your height.

Fuck off, fullheads will never understand

My hair is thin. Thank fuck I am only 21. By the time this becomes a problem hair implants will be fancier and I will just be able to go buy a full head of dark, thick hair to keep forever and never have to cut. I can't wait.


Lost my hair in one fucking year, went from a full head of long, healthy hair to bald head in about ~1 year.

I went form dating a different qt university girl every ~2-3 months to one relationship per year. And for those relationships, I have to work like a fucking dog to get the girl to go past the "hey, he's 24 but has no hair" stage.

Beleive you me, they fucking notice. You can see it in their eyes.

Now all the grills I fuck mostlly have some weird stallman thing fetish

Should m8 with an iranian or indian. You can dilute their shit genes and get yourself some super hairy kids.

Wow this has me terrified. What did you do? How did it happen?

Balding user here. You're definitely a pathetic cuck. Maybe just be glad you've got all your limbs, that you're not HIV+, shit like that.

>weird stallman thing fetish

What does this meaning?

Took creatine if it matters, probably had big DHT sensitivity and the creatine made it worse. It might've been natural, I don't want to blame it on some silly single reason.

Huge hit to my dating life, seriously. And I'm not autistic, I can see that I became much less attractive.

>weird stallman thing fetish

What did he mean by this?

You're allowed to fuck them and so is anybody else but they can't charge for it

You just made me half my dose of creatine.

>how dare you be unhappy about yourself when some people don't even have blank.

I don't get this. If your content with every shitty thing in your life then you're not going to strive to be better.


> That warm, glorious feel when I, and every male in my family, has a perfect full head of hair, from age 23 all the way up to 65+
> Never falls out, but turns a shiny silver color for the perfect salt-and-pepper look

I pray that one day, you will all join me in the sun. I pray that one day, together, we will accomplish wonders.

I just let it happen. Keep my head bic'd Mr. Clean style.

If you must keep growing it, keep it trim. Don't do a combover for God's sake.

Also Jason Statham will become your bald hero. Just look at him.

So a slut?
I still don't understand the "weird stallman thing fetish" reference.

HAHAHA, meant statham

Balding doesn't mean shit, I know many young bald dudes with fit as fuck gfs.. just man it and wear it like a boss, you'll do fine.

My hair is on its way out. I really wanna buzz it, wear that for a while and then shave it all off. But my girlfriend is really telling me not to.

I'm going to keep her happy until I don't have a choice but to shave it. I've started creatine and already noticed more hair falling out. Maybe I'll have another 5-6months of this shit.

Fuck that, i'm throwing my whole tub in the trash


>Alot of people have alot worse things going on.

Nigger, you haven't lived a day in your life.

Yeah worth it.

the sooner you stop fixating on something you can't control, the sooner you can learn to show some fucking confidence in yourself and enjoy your life.

does having hair make you more entertaining? are you less interesting because you lack long girly hair on your head?

stop letting some trivial bullshit dictate your self worth. sick of these threads.

tfw got a strong jaw line and handsome features, looking my best with shaved head

>Now all the grills I fuck mostlly have some weird stallman thing fetish
Same here. Most of the college girls are hard, but the ones I can get have a thing for bald dudes.

It's either super hot or super cold, there is no middle ground for bald.

So is this post.

>just be confident

Fuck off,

but he's right

No, hes wrong.

Confidence wont fix a fundamental flaw in someone

It will if the fundamental flaw is lack of confidence. He can be bald and confident, if he can't fix being bald he should work on his confidence. Take some lexapro or something

concentrate on getting lots of money and you won't have problems picking up sloots

Being bald is a double edged sword.

Most men that become bald compensate for it, and appear more dominant to other men.

Flipside of the gamble is that women generally find bald men as a sign of deteriorating youth (fitness).

Be bald and make money. Women want 80% of men for their money, while only wanting 20% of all men for their dicks.

Bald or not odds still aren't in our favor.

Hairlet here, 32. The good news is that it gets better as you get older, because many guys start balding.

6'2" hairlet here. I can assure you that I would rather be who I am than 5'2" with a full head of hair.

one of my friends is balding and hes a chill dude

All you fucking betas bitching about balding in your mid 20's.

My hair was thinning by the time I hit 14. By 18 I had to buzz it all off it was so bad. A decade on at 28 and it hasn't made a dent in getting girls. It was hardest around 15-18 when it was seen as really fucking weird and I was usually mistaken for being much older. Still had multiple relationships, and not uggo ham planets, either.

When you hit 25 or so it just makes you look more like a man and less like a boy.

Ditch the fucking comb over, stop trying to style it to hide it, none of the fucking chemical bullshit products work. Get a trimmer and cut all that shit down to nothing and fucking rock it.

A beard makes you not look like a cancer patient, but keep that shit short and clean. Unless you have a shit jawline or something.

If you're a self conscious bitch about your hair, everybody will pick up on it. The second you stop caring, so does 99% of everyone else.

Nice to know you have a friend you know as "my balding friend" really makes me feel better.

>none of the fucking chemical bullshit products work
>implying finasteride doesn't work.

Try taking L-lysine supplements. It worked for my cousin. His balding head started regrowing hair and now you can barely tell he was ever even balding.

being bald kicks ass, hairheads will never understand

its a sign of high test

>dick isn't even 10"
every day is suffering.

>its a sign of high test

>risking decreased fertility, ded libido, and erectile dysfunction
>to use a medication made for enlarged prostates
>that may maybe help you stall the inevitable
>need a prescription that almost no insurance covers

Also I've never seen anyone on it who wasn't also sporting some bullshit comb over that looks worse than bald anyways.

t. low test numale

>its a sign of high test

Except its not. All it is is a sign of is DHT sensitivity in the hair.

it actually is.
look up dht

Stop making excuses.

That goes for the rest of you too.

Hair transplants are pretty fucking advanced already, and have been for years.

Either pay up and fix that shit, or stop fucking whinging.

>Flipside of the gamble is that women generally find bald men as a sign of deteriorating youth (fitness).

Because women, going by comments on the DailyMail, say they find bald men to be thugs and dangerous (and thus sexy. Obviously not all bald guys but nevertheless).

Sensitivity to DHT is a bigger bigger factor desu

Lifting can actually make you get a receding hairline and maybe go bald.

Increased DHT happens not just only from creatine, it also happens from the natural increase in testosterone levels you get from lifting weights and gaining muscle mass.

Lifting is a risk factor
Creatine is a risk factor
Steroid (testosterone) is a risk factor

Even as a natty lifter on creatine only, your chances of receding your hair is far greater than normal. Not even including pinning testosterone.

I'm 5'9" but I have the fullest head of hair.

1 for 2, still on suicide watch.

My hair started thinning heaps after I started lifting (I started ritalin at the same time and thought it was that). Maybe it wasn't.

Hairdressers always used to go on about how thick my hair was.

you pol fuckers are the stupidest fucks ive ever seen in my life

every picture you find of a 'numale' is with them balding, yet now you say thats a sign of high test


>buzz cutting my hair for 10+ years
>women say that they love my hair like that because it matches me really well
>let my hair grow out for the first time in 10 years
>realise my hairline had receded like crazy

Probably the most shocking thing that's happened to me physical appearance, I'm back to buzzing it all off again now. But finding that out def hurt my self esteem.

Fuck man. 20 here and balding, really fucking sucks. I fuck really hotngirls, like 8s pretty regularly and in about 6 months im gunna look like a freak. But oh well. Gunna get big before that happens. Maybe get a transplant or some shit. This sucks a lot but nothing to do about it yet. That brotzu shit is obviously notnhappening and histogen looks really unproffessional. Im just gunna get rich or something

>Im just gunna get rich or something
good luck lmao, call me 30 years from now

I dunno try that lyosine stuff I guess.

>one chance at life

Fucking deal with it and own it you pussy, I've been getting shit for my hair since 1st grade and if anything I've learned to love it

This is the thing. Buzzing it by choice and buzzing by necessity are two different things.

Easiest thing to fix, just dye it

>be me
>aspiring actor
>start going bald in my 20s
>"fuck, RIP my career"
>struggle with managing it for months before finally saying fuck it and shaving my head
>RIP almost a month's rent for new headshots
>start going to auditions with my new look
>start getting booked here and there as an extra, one day i'm a fireman, one day i'm a cop, one day i'm a bouncer at a club
>eventually land a supporting role in a respectable production at a very well known theater in my city because I had "the look"
>eventually land a non-recurring speaking role in a nationally syndicated TV show
>audition for a good agent, get signed
>going to be auditioning for a major brand commercial soon

One door closes, another one opens up.

This. I am 5'9" and i would rather be bald and a few inch taller.

I got start buzz cutting after my hairline started receding.

I got a GF at work shortly after.

When were having drinks on Friday after work like normal and she asked to feel my head and ran her hand across my buzzed hair and she said it felt amazing and I could tell by her face she was turned on. Very flirty and sexual shit.

I'm only 5'7 (5.8 in shoes) so it's not like I have HEIGHT. Though I have an above average face and have been lifting for 5 years.


My sister (naturally blonde) has a thing for gingers. He has dated at least 3 of them and has a ginger kid with his ginger husband.

When will you learn

Tfw always buzzed and never grow hair out
I have a super feminine hairline though I hope it never recedes or it would look retarded

>not becoming jason statham

you have to be tanned and jacked to get girls when you are bald though

try minoxodil and keto shampoo

>started balding
>tried nofap
>hair is growing back to my baby hairline
>am 6'2
thanks reddit

smoking probably has something to do with my balding but i cant stop

>tfw on creatine, looking swole
>tfw notice hair started thinning a few days ago
>I'm praying to zyzz that it's not what I think it is
>realise I need to hand in my natty card, and that I'm liking the way my barber thinned out my hair, since it's so damn unruly and thick

Why is Johnny Sins dressed like that?

Will do faggot, I'm in one of the best undergrad business programs in the nation :^)

I will thanks brah

>Nobody can understand this pain
>implying no one else is bald



sure, baldie :^)

pics for reference please.

Body hair and hair on your head don't respond the same to DHT.

t. Lemuel Lysinstein
CEO of Spring Valley Supplements

I haven't dated in a long time because of life. In the meantime I went bald and was really worried about getting back in the game. So I took some pics, made an online profile and started the whole online dating thing. All I can say is that it's been an incredible experience so far. Roughly 1 new girl initiate contact every day, some of them are quite hot.

Obviously there are girls out there who wouldn't even consider dating a bald guy, but in my experience there are plenty of quality women who will. I guess online dating is pretty good in that regard because you don't have to waste time with girls who won't date baldies. If it's a dealbreaker for them they'll simply never not respond, which is perfectly normal on sites like that.

I was a chad in highschool and first year uni in the UK, then went statham hair mode at 19. My highschool gf didn't think anything of it, but I couldn't get over it and she broke up with my a year later because I was depressed (or she just got bored of my baldness w/e)

My face is still pretty decent, but not having hair really does make your life a whole lot less fun in your early, to mid 20's. Sometimes I'll be able to get laid in a pub/bar or something if there's a slut with daddy issues around, but other than that, I've no chance at a qt gf because I'm pigeon holed into the bald/bear look.

All the time I wonder what it must be like to have hair in your 20s, along with good looks. I haven't had a girlfriend since she broke up with me, and I don't think I'll get one now since I'm coming up for 30 in a few years.

How did you cope with being bullied? Please tell me. Because I've been bullied at school by a lad for my hair as well, for one year, and I still get self conscious about it. How did you manage being criticized on a physical element of your body?


I should probably mention that I'm in my 30s. This probably won't apply to guys in the early 20s

when I say "bullied for my hair", it wasn't the colour like you and I wasn't (still am not) bald. It was more like about being too hairy here and there.

The only thing that's happened is you've become a self-obsessed sad sack. You care more about being bald than any girl does I promise you.
They can smell it on you. That's what puts them off.

This is what happens when you rely so heavily on your looks to get puss. As soon as one little thing falters you become fucking obsessed and your self-esteem bombs and girls don't want anything to do with you.

Girls don't want anything to do with a guy that cries about being bald because it's pathetic.

look at it this way, at least you can grow a beard

>perfect hairline and no facial hair

this feel is a feel no other man could ever understand

Women don't select for youth. Men select for youth because it's important to find a young girl for healthy offspring. With men it doesn't matter.

What women do select for is experience and power which are both typically traits of older men. I actually think that young men going bald earlier is an evolutionary adaptation that allows young guys to compete sexually with older, more experienced males. It tricks women into thinking you're older and more masculine.

That's just my daft little theory but regardless women don't select for youth and being bald doesn't matter at fucking all unless you're a total pencil necked dork.

If shaving your head is enough to kill your chance with good women you were never fucking attractive to begin with.

How old are you lol?

Fucking go learn to box and smash his face in.

Why didnt you get on the big 3?

Minox, finasteride and keto shampoo

Your hair would still be here if you acted quickly

Then I wont give a shit about girls, fuck em