Why do extreme ideologies always appease ugly, deformed and "beta" people?
It's almost like extreme ideologies find the highest support among social failures.
Why do extreme ideologies always appease ugly, deformed and "beta" people?
It's almost like extreme ideologies find the highest support among social failures.
/pol/ loves nazis just to be taboo
Veeky Forums for some reason evolved into anti pol circlejerk just to be contrarian
Whoever made that picture shouldn't quote Lovecraft if he doesn't even get the name right.
I bet that "Nordic" polack is some pimpled r9k type failure as well. I mean he's always here shitposting about Nordic skulls.
Lovecraft was racist, so what? Most of people are, to some extend. How is that related to him having belief in some extreme ideology (which he didn't have)?
t. p*Jeetoid subhuman
He is right. Aryans Nordics were superior to local shitskins.
Liberal capitalism is an extreme ideology.
Looking for something
Define extreme ideology. Do you mean authoritarian or just anything that deviates from the liberal centrism you grew up with in which case that is *sniff* pure ideology my friend.
There are in fact plenty of examples of socially and financially successful people who have nonetheless thrown themselves behind radical political agendas. It's too easy to say that only those who fail in the status-quo want to overthrow the status-quo. Even if that was the case, it wouldn't necessarily discredit their critiques of it.
>Just to be contration
I wouldn't care about /pol/ if they stayed in their board and didn't try to shit up every single board with their autism
A bit about Lovecraft.
Lovecraft was a special case in that his racism was actual pathological. His extremely stunted development as a person led to him to be actually afraid of foreigners and all they stood for. He was, very slowly, able to overcome this over the course of his life.
He had fascist political views and socialist economic views. His ideal society was an cultured aristocracy that would allow people like him to be able to be gentleman artists. It might seem a bit too naive and self-serving, but it's safe to say that Lovecraft's policies and admiration of the Nazis (a sentiment shared by many Anglos before WWII) are now moot points, personally I would have been interested in his reaction to the Holocaust if he lived to see it come to light.
I don't think that Lovecraft's case is comparable to modern extremists.
He wanted an Anglo-America because he found the idea that his Providence, a city he associated with tradition, "Britishness" and Victorian morality, could become a "Babylon of races" just as repulsive as the realisation that you're related to fish people or a giant white ape. He was terrified of losing the structure that his culture gave him and you can see this in his prolific correspondence. If you wrote Lovecraft a letter, he would respond to it, even when he lived in poverty so servere he survived off a few slices of cheese and bread for an entire week. He was obsessed with propriety, probably as a result of his parent's psychosis and early deaths.
Modern extremists believe they've been personally wronged by society. Jihadists, Communists, the Alt-Right, they all think that life is somehow particularly "unfair" for them and their in-group. I think they're bitter, angry and dogmatic people, and none of these traits apply to Lovecraft himself.
So basically, Lovecraft was neither a product of his times or a proto-/pol/tard, he was a unique headcase.
Kill yourself anytime, my man
Say what?
>Why do extreme ideologies always appease ugly, deformed and "beta" people?
Why are socially acceptable people always so retarded?
Jesus warned them that they'd be going to hell for being slaves usurping their superiors - they didn't listen.
Very well said, I had read before that Lovecraft's particular writing style and themes couldn't be separated from his withdrawn, paranoid personality but not explained so eloquently.
>quoting a letter written to one of his best buds
Lovecraft had a deprecatory sense of humor particularly when it came to his physical appearance, you shouldn't take everything he says for granted. In another letter he talks about how his mother claimed he was too ugly too look out, whether said it or if she said it whether she actually meant it or it was just part of her illness (something that had a profound impact on Lovecraft) is anyone's guess.
Thank you, I also feel rather strongly on the subject.
If you're interested, most of the facts come from Joshi's biography "I Am Providence," you can get it on b-ok.org
>tfw you'll never have human/fish-frog hybrids as kids.
Lovecraft was probably a bit nuts and certainly pretty racist (or rather WASP-supremacist), but by no means an extremist.
>autistic pole immediately starting to ramble
That screenshot tells us more about the poster around here than it does about Lovecraft
I think you've gone to wrong website again, this is where you belong
Ideology is just the organism behavioral strategy.
Polacks have every right to hate germans.
Lovecraft wasn't German, dumdum.
>right to hate
They have little to lose and are uninvested in the current social order because they feel it has failed them
He was a pan-germanistic asshole.
No he wasn't, are you pretending to be retarded again?
Calling someone retarded doesn't change his views regarding 'Teutonic race'. see Drop the smug act.
>He praised non-WASP groups such as Hispanics and Jews; however his private writings on groups such as Irish Catholics, German immigrants and African-Americans were consistently negative.[114][115]
>hates Germans
He had the spirit of a chan poster within him.
There is a significant relationship between nationalism and chauvinism, which is a constant and unchanged theme among Germanic 'thinkers' since the dawn of time.
>for some reason
/leftypol/. Two sad groups of utter failures sperging out endlessly
Meant difference, but whatever,
Pan-Germanism is from Germany. It's goal was to unite all the German(ic) people under one united Germany. Say what you want about Lovecraft but he most definitely was a Pan-Germanist. Giving up what he perceived as English culture would've been a nightmare to him
>he found the idea that his Providence, a city he associated with tradition, "Britishness" and Victorian morality, could become a "Babylon of races" just as repulsive as the realisation that you're related to fish people or a giant white ape
>could become
Wasn't the actual horrifying realisation that there was nothing special about the victorian civilisation because anglos weren't biologically different from other humans?
>most definitely was a Pan-Germanist
*most definitely wasn't
Man, I should really get some sleep
Lovecraft was an atheist from an early age and acknowledged that there was no purpose or real meaning to existence. But for him that meant he had to cling onto the trappings of England, particularly Victorian England to keep him from being just a hairless ape.
He also wrote extensively about the importance of local heritage, New England and Providence in particular where of great personal and spiritual importance to him, though he also enjoyed visiting Florida and South Carolina. His city was just as important to his self of self as his status as a colonial gentleman.
You know how cults target people who are socially isolated and looking for belonging? Well, the same applies to extremist ideologies.
Of course people who like the current system are more likely to support the current system than those who don't.
Couldn't they achieve belonging by being mainstream? I've met homeless dudes, retards, poor people, midgets and people with fucked up deformities and shit and they are all like hufflepuff hobbits.
I think there is more to it than that. They tend to be people with enough energy to be douches all the time, not people who are humbled.
Stalin was none of those things. If Hitler actually went to a decent barber he wouldn't be that bad either. That said, both were degenerate (Stalin was a communist, Hitler was a shit fetishist).
Hitler didn't look bad, though. He certainly was well-groomed enough, something you definitely can't say about a lot of alt-right shitstains
>why is it that people who benefit from the status quo want to keep it, and people who don't want to do away with it (either by going back to "better" times, or "progressing" to a brighter future)?
Gee user, I wonder.
He would have hated the Nazis with the power of a million suns for burning and banning books and for destroying the Jewish intelligentsia that largely populated the academia of Europe.
Reading his correspondence to the philodemocratic Howard you see a man obsessed with culture and civilization, not necessarily a fascist per se. I very much doubt he would have hated Leopold Sedar Senghor(as an example) because he would have seen him as a scholar and a fellow intellectual. No such kindness for his illiterate countrymen tho.
He also greatly admired Arabian scholars, so again, the question of racism is kind of out the window. But he called his cat Niggerman. He was kind of antisemitic, but he did marry a Jew. It always seemed to me there was a weird veil of shadow over the man, in which he hated and hated humanity but also loved it. Most of his books seep with this unnerving feeling that you are not special and the universe is cold and uncaring, which sounds like he admitted he and his peer intellectuals are dwarfed themselves by their own immeasurable ignorance.
I do not believe he was outright racist, he hated ignorance and stupidity. In At the Mountains of Madness, he finds the bodies of the alien culture in Antarctica and shouts almost in anger "THEY WERE MEN", as if he acknowledges his own prejudice and sees a fellow creature prodding the infinite universe for knowledge.
He was a complicated man and a wonderful writer.
>he doesn’t think fashy haircuts are cool
>he finds the bodies of the alien culture in Antarctica and shouts almost in anger "THEY WERE MEN", as if he acknowledges his own prejudice and sees a fellow creature prodding the infinite universe for knowledge.
and those equals were brought down by the disgusting slave race they had created. your right in everything except reading the "they were men" thing as him letting go of racism. the shogoths were the long ago equivalent to the niggers and s*avs that he despised
Everyone is biased towards thier own experience of life, peoples whose lives are shit are more likley to see the system as shit, simple as
>I do not believe he was outright racist, he hated ignorance and stupidity.
Like all "racists" Lovecraft did a lot of equivocating. I find it amazing that Lovecraft was both an avid astronomer, historian and admirer of architecture who tried to be (expect when dealing with particularly sentimental matters) as objective and scientifically minded as possible, yet also clung to racial theories that he himself knew had been rejected by of leading scientists of his own time.
I definitely agree with you though. He wasn't an outright, "gas the X" racist, he just clung to racist thoughts because of his unique (to day the least) character.
Hard to take Joshi seriously anymore
>the question of racism is out the window
It was central to his works and worldview, he was a racist, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy his works.
>Veeky Forums for some reason evolved into anti pol circlejerk just to be contrarian
They always try to ruin our threads with their plebe-tier nonsense. Of course we don't like 'em.
Real his moved to pol. Lefty pol is vacant and easily raided, so they shit up this board.
You tell me, you ugly ass radical centrist.
There are some problems that appeal to a certain kind of person. They are simultaneously simple and impossible to solve. This lets them keep telling people the solution, and gives them an excuse to not do anything about it.
Chem-trails. Simple to solve, just tell them to stop spraying. And impossible to solve, because they do not know who to ask and never really try to find out.
Aviation causes more pollution than we previously thought? This one is HARD to solve, because we'd all have to agree to stop using airplanes so much.
Extreme ideologies frame all their major focuses like this.
Simple, just tell the people who keep letting them in to stop letting them in. Impossible because the people who let them in do not care what you say, they only tell you they do, and they profit from semi-legal immigration.
Did you know Obama is making the frogs gay with chemicals?
It's unfair to use the leaders of extremist regimes as examples because it's very rare for ugly, deformed, betas to rise to power on their own merits, so generally it's alpha males who end up at the top.
People with problems or flaws (disabilities, mental illnesses, antisocialness, isolation, ugliness, physical incapabilities) tend to have worse lives and have less unless they are very capable to make up for it.
More people are lacking in capability than having it; To survive as an ancient human took a less complicated skill set than functioning in a post industrial and post internet society does. People with worse lives, less things, and less social connections have less to lose, and so are more likely to make extreme decisions if they aren't too suicidal of decisions. So we get lots of frustrated people in groups that resent normal people and successful people and either don't know or don't care about whatever framework built their society and don't know or care about how what they do will change it.
the majority of people are ugly and beta, social recluses feel less peer pressure to conform to contemporary politics
What Lovecraft said wasn't "extreme", it was widely believed back then.
No. Lovecraft was extremely racist even for his times.
Nigger even Churchill believed in genetical superiority of Anglos over inferior races, most Anglos believed this sort of shit.
>/pol/ loves nazis just to be taboo
No, fuck that, there are actual god damn nazis on that board. When you actually start to challenge them on their bullshit they fall back on the excuse that they were just trolling, but they're not.
nazis were the good guys, the aryan race is the master race, prove me wrong
There's a subset of actual nazis on /pol/, most of them have been on Veeky Forums since /n/ at least. But vast majority of /pol/acks are non-whites who just post edgy shit and are effectively just a combination of /int/ and reddit. Real /pol/ as we knew it years ago is dead.
Most of Lovecraft's racial views were based on Victorian pseudo-science that scientifically educated people such as himself were rejecting. His views had a lot more to do with a personal pathological fear of foreigners and the lack of restraint he saw in them.
That's still just contrarianism. They want to think that they're special because they're not like everyone else who isn't an unironic Nazi.
I blame moot for deleting /new/