What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this?

What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this?

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Middlebrown garbage

It paints Burr as a more politically conniving and ambitious figure than Hamilton, which is straight up untrue.

play for rich libtarded white girls

Good musical but bad at the historical accuracy

The music is great, fuck everyone who says otherwise.

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on "Evita"?

I like the songs with Lafeyette in them but otherwise it's pretty boring and only good for trolling women by saying that Hamilton deserved to get shot

Hamilton was the worst founding father which is why nobody remembered his faggot ass till this play came out


I'm still listening to the songs, they are great.

garbage history, tacky musical, neo-liberal propaganda, revisionist history, and a perfect example of why the modern left wing in america is so fucking stupid. Also, its pure pleb shit.

pic related is patrician revolution kino

dude what

>Lets have American history
>But everyone is black
>And Hamilton isn't a dick
>And Jefferson is wrong

not him but he either knows that left wingers are neoliberal puppets, or he uses liberal with american meaning(=wrong)

Bernstein's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the superior founding fathers musical.
I like it.

Listened to a guy on Champage Sharks podcast, which is a black leftist show, talk about how he hates Hamilton because it's like the film Get Out, in that it's about using black bodies to give life to white history. Basically it perpetuates white supremacy through using black people as tools.

It reminds me of those who seem to like Beyonce, just a little too much.

they are different sides of the same coin.


no, Neoliberalism is the coin that republicans and democrats are the two sides of.

neo-liberals and leftist agree on everything from massive immigration, to islamophilia, to social norms. stop pretending youre different because you sometimes like to LARP as some edgy revolutionary.

I know it's a libtard's wet dream but I can't help liking the music. Miranda is a genius.

What else can blacks do? Black history in the United States is basically arriving as slaves and then being supporting characters in whites deciding to start treating them less badly.

but jefferson was wrong...

and why do you care if the actors are black?

>and why do you care if the actors are black?
Because people say it's whitewashing to have white people play as minorities.

>Nicolai Coster-Waldau playing an Egyptian god?
>Leslie Odom Jr. playing Aaron Burr?

I get what you mean, but the idea is the whole "privledge" thing. Whites historically had all the roles because of racism and blacks had few or none (thanks to black face). Most characters made are assumed white, so when there actual black characters, Blacks get pretty protective of the roles.

We're not talking about characters, we're talking about actual historical figures. It's even worse than white-washing in which Nicolai Coster-Waldau plays an Egyptian god. Ra didn't really exist, so he wasn't really any race, but identity politicians flipped their shit about it.

But Aaron Burr was a real person who actually was white! Could you imagine a white guy playing MLK? I think Cenk Uygur would just about suffocate, having been unable to stop screaming long enough to breathe.

>and why do you care if the actors are black?

You know why he cares.

>We're not talking about characters, we're talking about actual historical figures.

How far does your autism extend? I don't see you sperging out because they're playing actual historical figures but their clothing isn't historically accurate.

Would you be upset to see MLK played by a white guy?

Not him, but it's likely because there's political motivations behind race, and just stupidity regarding fashion.

>they have similar stances when it comes to my pet issues so they're the same even if they're radically different in every other way
fuck off brainlet

>We're not talking about characters, we're talking about actual historical figures

Theater--and let's include opera and ballet as well as plays and musicals in that definition--is almost never a place where historical figures or events are treated as static subjects to be portrayed with only the utmost accuracy. It's a medium through which to tell stories of love and tragedy and hubris and humor and every other human condition through various types of filters and takes, often contemporary ones, whether those different takes are altering age sor personalities or language or the costumes or special effects or who plays who or a little bit of everything. Sometimes the choice of a non-white actor is deliberate (Hamilton) and other times it's a result of the director having casting calls for any ethnicity, since theater is one of the few places where non-white actors can have opportunities they won't get in film or TV. Theater is not as restrictive in terms of casting as other entertainment mediums.

It's why you can have a musical about Hamilton told through contemporary music with mostly non white actors actors, or a play about Marie Antoinette where she talks like a spoiled socialite and wears modern fashions, or an opera about Oppenheimer where he's singing a version of Donne's Divine Mediations.

If you're looking for a more solemn take on history which attempts--at least on the surface, anyway--to depict a historical event or figure in a more literal way, you need to look for docudramas or certain films or TV shows, not theater.

Would you expect people to be pissed off if a white guy played MLK?

Yes because black people have no privilege so cultural appropriation does not apply to them. White washing has been going on for hundreds of years and is a major symptom of white privilege.

Why does that matter? I thought theater didn't need to be historical accurate?

great reply user

Good songs but the writer's too much of a hamiltonboo and it shows.

It matters because context matters. There is no context of centuries of white roles or historical figures being played exclusively by non-white actors with or without "whiteface." There is no context of centuries of white actors being denied the opportunity to work in the theater either completely or be forced to accept that they would either be getting extremely small roles or be forced to work with "white" oriented theaters who put on "white" shows.

If a black actress is cast as Marie Antoinette in a post-modern play about her life, it does not bring to mind centuries of "whiteface" or the struggle of white actors to find roles outside of stereotypes--if they were lucky enough to even be allowed to play those roles--until the last few decades.

Context does matter. That's why it bothers me to see Hamilton played by a black guy. It bothers me, because in the context of the present day, I can see that it is clearly pushing a racist, identity politics-driven agenda.

>John Adams

That mini series was so good. Still get chills just listening to the into music. Gonna go watch some clips now.

Speaking of revisionist... that mini series plays into the stereotype of the French being silly fops by having Louis XVI be a giggling retard who makes fun of John Adams, when in reality he did not make fun of Adams or treat him rudely, and Adams waxed on in his letters and journals about how much he respected Louis XVI.

>makes fun of John Adams
that was just banter

The series depicts Adams as being shocked/affronted by Louis' behavior.

I enjoyed it even though I don't agree with how they portrayed several characters, but good nonetheless. If anyone here intends on seeing it in the future just shed your political lenses instead of picking it apart.


>just shed your political lenses instead of picking it apart.
just turn your brain off!

>just turn your brain off!
That is like a Veeky Forums motto.


>Jefferson was wrong

>nobody remembered Hamilton
>he is on the 10 dollar bill

I prefer Lizzie

>What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck now Lizzie


Every time my friends start singing Hamilton lyrics, I'll act like I want to join in but just sing "Aaron Burr did nothing wrong" to the tune.


Jefferson was wrong about everything

Everyone thinks it's Jefferson lol

Well he's not wrong. It's weird how leftists use blacks to legitimize everything. You're right that Beyonce epitomizes this. She gets way more praise than she deserves.

It's middlebrow.

The highbrow-lowbrow dichotomy is based on the notion that people with slopped and/or small foreheads are perceived to be dimmer.

Bullshit, appointing him treasurer was the best thing Washington did and he was the most intelectually coherent of all of them. Stuck to his guns all the way.

It's best if you read the RapGenius to get all the references etc.

Highbrow garbage for "smart" PhD candidates.

I don't get why everyone is black

You do realize that Madison, Madisonian's, and people who think like him are exactly the cause of why the majority of people don't bother trying harder, right? People live up to expectations, and when you expect them to be idiots, of course they will be.

If Jefferson and Jeffersonians were the kind of people running society, everyone would be expected to be intelligent, work hard, and to participate, so more would. There would be more social tightness against lazy people who don't want to participate and people who just want a free lunch.

Jefferson was not wrong, by any stretch of the imagination.