Why did Stalin adopt concentration camps? Did he think they were a good quality of Nazi Germany?

Why did Stalin adopt concentration camps? Did he think they were a good quality of Nazi Germany?

He used them before nazi germany, so it's the other way around

Even America uses black sites

Actually the British did it first, but each successful iteration gives its own unique “flavour.”

This. The ones in the USSR probably lacked kitchens.

Forced labour camps were already established under Lenin.

Boer camps were refugee camps

t. Anglo

Stalin was pretty much an atheist version of hitler.

>hated jews
>hated homos
>made concentration camps
>was obsessed with blonde hair blue eyes and the traditional family depicting it in all his propaganda

t. Bo*r

WHAT!! When and where did they have these camps?

he's right, the internees only starved because B*eroid terrorists bombed the supply lines

>putting people you don't like into camps is a Nazi invention

>atheist version of an atheist

Prisoners should do forced labour and not just sit on their ass and eat taxpayer money until they get parole.
Concentration camps are absolutely just, not even a communist or a n*zi.


Hitler was a pagan Christian you fucking retard

Eternal Anglo strikes again

Imagine what it would be like to be this brainwashed

We outlawed slavery (apart from when incarcerated) for a reason.

Yes. Stalin loved Germans above all others, and wanted to emulate them.

"But if we are going to speak of our liking for a particular nation, or rather, for the majority of its citizens, then of course we must not fail to mention our liking for the Germans." - Stalin
