
ITT we shit on modernism and materialism and maybe discuss some traditionalism

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>looks at their architecture

It shits on itself.

Fuck off reddit.


I was talking about modern architecture user. Traditionalist architecture from the ages is the only type worth building. Every nation left it's own mark too. Not like the same glass towers everywhere.

Tradition is neat, unfortunately it requires a fair amount of popular approval to be legit

I am in south america and even though most people here have descendents from the roman empire, it would be awkward to even build a simple building with traditional architecture

So should no even trie to build any thing new or they should only build architecture traditional to that region ?how boring what if I want to build a stave church I’m Mexico. Or a not-a-mud-hut in South Africa. Or just something new?

Reminder Evola was so assblasted he couldn't refute Stirner's philosophy, the only counter he could come up with was accusing him of being a jew. Truly, a symbol of /pol/.

source? Sounds hilarious.

It's from the Italian translation of The Unique and Its Own
"Rather, it took a genuine associate of the Herrenklub of Berlin, a ferocious ghibelline like Julius Evola (never registered to the [Italian] fascist party, which he despised for its “feminine” flaccidity), to come to the true conclusion, for which one and only was possible: Stirner is a Jew. Thus, without any foundation (but whatever could factual evidence matter in such a grandiose design?) we find again Stirner, as “father of integral anarchism”, included by Evola in the list of instigators whom brought forth “the destructive endeavour” of Judaism “in the properly cultural field, protected by the taboos of Science, Art, Thought.” They are, in the order they are evoked: Freud, Einstein, Lombroso, Stirner, Debussy (whom it is conceded to be a "half-Jew"), Schönberg, Stravinsky, Tzara, Reinach, Nordau, Lévy-Bruhl, Bergson, Ludwig, Wassermann, Döblin (introduction to The Jewish International, The “Protocols” of the “Learned Elders” of Zion, Roma, 1937, pages xix-xx; this is the slightly changed and updated version – and the name of Stirner is part of the update – of another list of the great co-conspirers, which Evola proposed a few months earlier: Marx, Heine, Börne, Freud, Nordau, Lombroso, Reinach, Durkheim, Einstein, Zamenhof, Offenbach, Sullivan – evidently he must have viewed The Mikado as a document of Jewish infiltration - Schönberg, Stravinsky, Wassermann, Döblin, in Julius Evola, Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Roma, 1936, pages 38-39)"

Nowhere in "Three aspects of the jewish problem" does Evola call Stirner a jew, not even mentions him at all

Radically untrue. Evola speaks of Stirner in both The Path of Cinnabar, and Ride The Tiger. In the former, he claims to have gone through a Stirner "phase" as a youth, and in Ride The Tiger refutes him from his Traditionalistic perspective.

Evola was, likewise, not the kind of person to just go around calling people "Jew" for the sake of it, given that he loved Kabbalah, and refuted Antisemitism for purely biological purposes.

have fun with your larping thread


Is it just my perception or do neo-traditionalist really pretend like if there is some universal, timeless concept of Tradition?

>I'm a traditionalist


Evola would have sided with Islamic radicalism, right? A bunch of violent mystical mass murderers who reject life and instead treat reality as some medieval fairy tale existence?

Umm no sweetie

I think it's more a criticism of big glass buildings without soul. Sagrada Familia's a cool building too and it's not explicitly traditional. To build things with soul, we would probably have to really change our culture first.

A wet carrot could refute Stirner. Stirner is the angry, ill-considered teenager of philosophy, stomping on the ground because his parents took his DS away. He has no real plan, only that everything should be considered a spook, yet somehow believes the natural social and legal structures that communities create are not themselves the same thing as governments. He's someone that wants to tear everything down and pretends that everything can be torn down forever.

Why not?

Because he would actually have to fight on the front.

>A wet carrot could refute Stirner. Stirner is the angry, ill-considered teenager of philosophy, stomping on the ground because his parents took his DS away. He has no real plan, only that everything should be considered a spook, yet somehow believes the natural social and legal structures that communities create are not themselves the same thing as governments. He's someone that wants to tear everything down and pretends that everything can be torn down forever.
This style of writing is really cringey, please top trying to imitate every ebin polemicist.

I was just writing from the heart, but serious question, how would you have written that?

Didn't Evola condone the public raping of girls to reinforce the patriarchy though

>we shit on materialism

"feels > reals"

>A wet carrot could refute Stirner. Stirner is the angry, ill-considered teenager of philosophy, stomping on the ground because his parents took his DS away. He has no real plan, only that everything should be considered a spook, yet somehow believes the natural social and legal structures that communities create are not themselves the same thing as governments. He's someone that wants to tear everything down and pretends that everything can be torn down forever.

t. I don't get Stirner.

Here's a tip: he never says that ideas are themselves to be ignored on the basis of them being ideas.

No. He talks about an Indian yogic metaphor called “raping the virgin” that has to do with mediative practices. That’s about the closest I can think of.

is that in Eros?

Not him but I would have written
>The problem with Stirner (according to Evola) is that he's self-refuting
That way you can get your point across without sounding like a faggy 14-year old.

did you even read stirner nigga

Shakti and the secret way, but I think Eros has some stuff like that as well.

>innovation necessitates atheism, materialism, jewery, and pretending nothing but yourself exists
booty blasted modernist detected
No you should not innovate, you have no original ideas.
In building a house you do not tear out the foundation to put on the roof. Traditionalism is building the roof upon the foundation.
>using a trad meme
already proven yourself to be a brainlet