Why are redditors such enormous faggots?

Why are redditors such enormous faggots?

Wasn't as bad as I'd thought. At least it isn't his wife's son

You should know, you obviously browse leddit

This, also autism.


hehe 4chin only amirite goys?? xD

I think that's very cute

Why do redditors feel the need to make up complex stories to get their point accross? it is so cringey, also do other redditors upvote because they are all to stupid to see through it? or is it because they do the same thing and think no one else knows?

Reddit is different because a point system exists. It shows comments that are deemed "socially accepted" more. This is pretty bad for your self image since everybody is doing great and you are doing shit.

If course this is far from the truth. Veeky Forums gives an equal voice to everybody and "vote" discrimination is made.

Although arguably, Veeky Forums has also loads of shit comments in it.

what time are we in that cucks are the new attention whores

Why do some people call it "leddit" over the much Superior "plebbit?"

le' upboat

I thought it would end in his kid sending it to a random bitcoin adress

Terrible impersonation. You know only you reddit cucks talk like that, right?

>arguably, Veeky Forums has also loads of shit comments in it.

the only problem with Veeky Forums the way I see it, is that theres little incentive to put effort into your posts because they can get lost in a sea of user comments.

Reddit encourages effort through the upvote system. As much as I hate reddit for their censorship and downright faggotry, they do have Veeky Forums beat in that regard and it encourages quality discussions.

Thats why theres many more Reddit posts that are referred to outside of Reddit and recognized. It's rare that a Veeky Forums post is saved.

(You)s and being called a faggot is pretty much the same as the upvote/downvote system.

Fucking cringe

nothing wrong with that post, and frankly leddit has far better crypto discussions than Veeky Forums these days

>Reddit encourages effort through the upvote system

reddit encourages pandering, not effort, and certainly not quality. The upvote system highlights posts that conform to whatever the dominant belief or opinion is on that particular sub, it has nothing to do with effort.

> Thats why theres many more Reddit posts that are referred to outside of Reddit and recognized. It's rare that a Veeky Forums post is saved.

I've seen Veeky Forums posts capped and served on several forums, I rarely see reddit posts given the same treatment because outside of reddit and similar domains for humanoid ruminants, reddit is widely considered to be full of actual morons, and it is.

And since you seem to think its a place where "quality discussions" happen (hilarious) instead of a glorified youtube comment chain, chances are you're a fucking moron too.

Veeky Forums isnt a place for quality discussions either, and if you ever though it could be, you're definitely a fucking moron.

In fact, failing to possess some means of verifying that someone's opinion should be considered (based on the two most important considerations: who the fuck are you and who the fuck asked you), "meaningful" discussion cannot take place, especially on matters of money and politics. These places exist, but the presence of such systems tend to have the very much desired effect of keeping "im intelligent because i use wikipedia and put words into search boxes" riff raff out.

>Reddit encourages effort through the upvote system

Not really, that only encourages being first. The majority of upvotes go the first 5% of comments made, regardless of their actual validity or quality. The upvote system encourages speed, not quality.

On reddit, commenting even a few hours after a particular thread is gaining popularity is like pissing in the sea. All new comments have low upvotes and are therefore buried under the big comments that have accumulated several hundreds or thousands of upvotes. Even hitching a ride by replying to one of the highly upvoted comments is useless after a while because after a certain number new comments get automatically hidden.

Happens a lot less on Veeky Forums. Sure, the OP and first few replies get more eyeballs, but anyone who bumps the thread will have a chance to be seen and responded too. On reddit you will often see a comment with several thousands of upvotes making a claim, then a comment correcting it with accurate sources which will have less than a few hundred and be beneath a bunch of jokes/quips.

Of course this equality thing just leads to pajeets shilling their absolute garbage. It's sad that you either get opinions filtered to only show garbage sanitized bullshit or you have absolutely no filtering and garbage shows up anyways.

Why do u have that picture saved

yeah but in the context of discussing investments reddit should be better. imagine if we had usernames and accounts here, you could easily check anyone's account/account age and see if they're a stupid shill or if they're legit or not

But that encourages ego posters.
>I have more karma I AM RIGHT.

>has family
>makes strategic investments for his children's future
>teaches his young child how manage a BTC wallet
>takes pleasure in seeing his kid learn new things

Veeky Forums:
>thinks people like this redditor are faggots
>chases shitcoin pumps hoping to get rich quick
>no family or friends
>hates to see others succeed

really makes me go HMMM

my gf

yeah but you'd have to be stupid to take something as serious as investment advice from an internet forum, even if it had usernames and upvotes

you can easily buy 1+ year old accounts with karma for $$$

>But reminded him never ever tell anyone about it is our secret.

How come when I said that to a kid I was chased out of town?

fuck off to reddit

I can tell that you think that you are some kind of genius for posting in secret clubhouses on the internet were only elite nerds go, probably to discuss why pedophila is "natural" and should be accepted by society. I can smell your body odor from here. I imagine pic related when I visualized the smug, cringey fuckwad who could have been capable of typing your shitty post.

Because you didn't wipe the seed

wew boy its like I'm on reddit again

Has he struck a nerve, redditor?

i wish i could upboat this comment more than once! XD

edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


looks like a huge slut, got a semi in public

>It's rare that a Veeky Forums post is saved.
what have u been here for, like 4 months

ya they always try to add touchy-feely shit stories on reddit to get more upboats

like if someone wants to post their shitty artistic drawings they'll post with a title like "My Son with Cerebral Palsy Drew This!" or "My father was just diagnosed with cancer and said I should post my drawings!"

It's kind of pathetic but seems to work without fail. The lowest of the low, subhuman fuckwads.


Lol u care about the internet too much

this place is just as retarded as reddit
two cesspools of fucking morons rambling on the internet


You assume too much

Because their main goal in life is to accumulate praise in the form of internet points, and they do it by immitating what the rest of reddit is doing, instead of thinking for themselves and forging their own path.

you wanna talk about hiveminds?
Look at Veeky Forums, you faggot.
It's what people do, they mimic the people around them. It's a typical beta behavior, to try and imitate others.
Reddit has just normalized all these behaviors, and it's become "the homepage of the internet" for a vast majority of people.
I blame the Jews.

it's weird, I feel like they larp way harder than any board on Veeky Forums.

as they say, dumb people trying to act smart comprises reddit.

It's a gay behavior and we all need to strive to be better. Imageboards aren't perfect, but at least with anonymity and a lack of internet points, people have less reason to put on a fake personality to impress others. Still, we should be able to express ourselves honestly regardless of incentives or disincentives to do so. Chad doesn't care about his internet points.

My 8 year old son solved the Oracle problem.


your wife's son?

Any slightly comment that criticizes gets deleted


Yes, sorry

Lol now his son thinks his dad is some kind of a criminal.

This is an IMAGE BOARD you fucking reddit fags. If you want to sit there and read endless texts and put effort into it so you can get those epic upboats and that kind gold stranger then go to reddit. if you want people to take notice of your post here post a FUCKING IMAGE

>comment correcting it with accurate sources which will have less than a few hundred and be beneath a bunch of jokes/quips.

This is the worst thing about using that fucking website. If youre actually there to learn something you have to go through a bunch of fucking awful "dad tier" jokes and quips just like you said.

Well yeah, the dad probably used some bit coin to buy some pot which he blazed on before making that retarded and gay ass post.


Don't be a dumb shit. That's a solid point.

>Reddit encourages effort through the upvote system. As much as I hate reddit for their censorship and downright faggotry, they do have Veeky Forums beat in that regard and it encourages quality discussions.

They're worse than Veeky Forums for shilling. STOP TRUSTING THE FAKE NICENESS REEEE

Reddit encourages cyclejerk. You can literally say what you want in Reddit and be upvoted/downvoted to oblivion depending on what subreddit you say it in. It's all a cringy cyclejerk.

>also do other redditors upvote because they are all to stupid to see through it?


Fucking cringe god damn I hate /r/Bitcoin. It was passable before but now the amount of retarded normies on there is awful. I hope btc crash and they lose everything and leave the field

What do you think of my comment bro

Itt we pretend we are /r/Bitcoin:
>Hodl !! Hodl Don't sell guys or you will regret it, look at this pizza that was sold for 5BTC ! IM PICKLE RIIICK

>Hu I love the enthusiams on this subreddit, but please PSA guys keep in mind that bitcoin IS a risky investment, and do like me the mature redditor, please NEVER INVEST WHAT YOU COULD GO SAD ABOUT WHEN YOU LOSE ARE AFFORD TO. But yea todamoon xD

> Today news, an old financial personality talk bad about bitcoin:
- Muh old diplodocuus
- muh new revolution
- Hu scuz me but ELI5 what a diplodocus is ?

I ragret that I have but one updoot to give m'heavenly blessed beauty.
reddit is chock full of virtue signalling faggotry where the most socially acceptable opinion becomes doctrine. at least here there usually isn't one singular dominant opinion. For every one user that believes "x" there's at least one other user to chime in and say "if you believe x, then you should immediately go neck yourself in the bathroom." that being said, why are we even discussing that fucking cesspool? kys you fucking faggots

Did this absolute faggot seriously just write this?

future tripfag everyone.

Because they're total faggots who place more importance on words than actions.

Pathetic virtue signalling politically correct nu males

>Veeky Forums is a hivemind
>It's what people do, they mimic the people around them. It's a typical beta behavior, to try and imitate others.

Can you guyz tell me what you think is wrong with telling ur son how to manage a nest egg?