What's the point of life if there's no god?

What's the point of life if there's no god?

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To live in defiance of your inevitable end.

to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the cries and lamentations of their women

Checkmate atheists

Benis in anis

To leave a footprint in history
To leave a legacy
To do good so that you won't be forgotten
To overcome challenges
To advance your understanding of the universe and help humanity transcend
To become a God

And all that hippy shit.


Also good to pass time.

You'll be dead, who cares if the fuckers who're living remember you or not?

This guy knows what's up.

>>You'll be dead
Good. It would suck to live forever.

fuck bitches and get money

To enjoy things,
That's it

What's the point of life if there's a god?

I really don't get it, I don't fucking get it.
I knew god was fake when I was 15, I'm 26 now. I've had 11 years to figure out this question and nearly everyone I know has a very similar story.

How the fuck have you not come up with an answer in 10 years or several years?
I've settled on the importance of family, friends and community along with self improvement.

You may be God but off topic spam is still against the rules

Fuck Arnie is based

Why does life need a point?

>You may be God but off topic spam is still against the rules

God is a fact of the universe. This thread questions if there is no God, what is the point of life. I'm quite on topic.


It tells us what to do with ourselves

You make your own reasons to live OP.

The reason so many men kill themselves is because they often lose their reason and deep down know that god and heaven are bullshit.

>The reason so many men kill themselves is because they often lose their reason and deep down know that god and heaven are bullshit.

Jesus committed suicide to go the heaven rather than live in service to a false "god" of terrorists and go to hell.


None at all.

Then die already, like a bitch. You will rot without ever achieving anything and no one will care that you're not around anymore lol

>Then die already, like a bitch. You will rot without ever achieving anything and no one will care that you're not around anymore lol

I will die - you will die - everyone will die. You will go to hell, I will go to heaven. I will take pleasure in tormenting you for eternity.


You will go six feet under, just like me. Where the worms will shit and eat on your corpse. That's it.

Deluded psycho motherfucker

It does not have one.

To fuck and die.

SPBP proud of you user

I don't know man, I guess I'm low iq

fitting pic mate

Oh. It's you. Again.

To have fun and discover beauty.


What a perplexing question. Are you not MORE free to decide your own meaning and pursue your own philosophy if there isn't some divinely mandated "right answer"?

If there's no God, you're free. Do as you will. If there is a God and he's good, then he's watching but he still allows you to do this, with his blessing.

But there is a God.

>You will go six feet under, just like me. Where the worms will shit and eat on your corpse. That's it.

Well, possibly, but it is an empirical fact that there is a superhuman being present in this universe capable of manipulating the human nervous system.

If it can control my nervous system and the nervous system of other animals the possibility it can preserve some sort of consciousness after death is definitely greater than zero.

I mean, you don't even know what over 90% of the matter and energy in this universe is and we know from special relativity that time and distance are illusions of existence at sub-light speeds in 3-space.


>Oh. It's you. Again.

I'm always here trying to clean up the retarded "theology" of the talking murderous burning bush people.


To make other people's lives better


Dude just do whatever you want lmao

What's the point of life if lived under a slavemaster?

>God an empirical fact

Gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8

I rejected Christianity and became an "agnostic" long ago, but I've never really stopped believing in God. Or "a higher power" if you will. There's too much beauty and wonder in this world, in my opinion, for it all to add up to signals in your brain or whatever.
Think about why there is something rather than nothing. When I think about that question I feel like I'm trying to glimpse a horizon beyond our understanding, in which God would be nowhere near the most mind-boggling thing we find there.

>>>/atheist branch of philosophy of existence/

Good, die soon, faggot.

I'm tired of seeing your shit around here.

Schizophrenic fucktard. At least put on a trip so I can filter your idiotic fantasies

>The pyramid of Giza has coordinates who's digits happen to line up with the speed of light
>When map coordinates weren't a fucking thing until the 1400s



Hello user, I'm a Christian but I don't concern my existence with that of God. You be a good man and accept your inevitable end, don't worry about controlling the future, you won't be remembered and those who remember you will be forgotten, and those who remembered them will be forgotten. Find your own meaning in this life, don't try to achieve anything superficial or unworthy, have virtue and strive to be the best person you can be.

ITT: misunderstanding the question
the question is: what makes life worth living?
how is any of what you're saying enough to make the effort and suffering life involves worth it?

Make up your own point to life, similar to what said. Is there really not any long term goal in life you want to achieve?

We're all going to end up dead one day and we probably only get one go at life so just make your life as best as it can be. Enjoy it while you have it and I'm sure there are plenty of ways to find enjoyment. Maybe leave something for future generations to experience and enjoy themselves or something that will benefit humanity as a whole (even if you're going to be dead).

For me it's more or less hedonism. Life's pleasures ultimately add up to more than the suffering. By ending my life prematurely I would deny myself all pleasure In addition to that there is the simple natural urge to survive and reproduce.

To hold on tight to the ones you love and those that love you.

then the question becomes, how do you manage to have more pleasure than displeasure in your life?
how are you doing that?

That's not an easy question to answer and I don't think any answer is going to be universal. I used to be downright miserable as a young adult and a lot of the things that seemingly made me miserable then haven't really changed, like being a severely anxious virgin, yet I am much more pleased as a person. Part of it was just to realise how futile it is to dwell on your shortcomings, to constantly measure your value against others or try to fit into a certain mould. In some ways it was the adoption of hedonistic mindset itself that gave a lot of relief and in the long run has left me more capable of fulfilling the criteria I set for myself when I was a more dutifully-minded person. A lot of the things I find happiness are just simple things like enjoying a good game, film or series, having a laugh over some dumb nerdy shit with my internet friends or even just finding something funny on Veeky Forums. It gets more complicated when you get into question of trading displeasure for pleasure, like with relationships, jobs or studies. I don't really have a good answer for that, I did almost get miserable at my old job but the fact that it enabled everything else, even the simple things previously mentioned, made it worth it. At university I find the satisfaction of passing and progressing as well as the future prospects outweighs the stress.

>Part of it was just to realise how futile it is to dwell on your shortcomings, to constantly measure your value against others or try to fit into a certain mould
this sounds like a recipe for giving up on all aspirations for excellence or virtue as a human being

Ozymandias pls go

Works 4 me


>No wars
>if you try to live doing a manual labour the goverment takes your house because you cant pay taxes
>impossible to live in a small town governed by the church where people just work together to develop their town and lives
What can a man do nowadays?

People really believe this?

God is a transcendent fact.

Yeah I'm sure that all the people all wall street agree that there's no point to life

>I'm tired of seeing your shit around here.
>Schizophrenic fucktard. At least put on a trip so I can filter your idiotic fantasies

Like I said, "my sheep hear my voice but you do not believe because you are not my sheep."


What point?

Who said there was a point?

The idea life has inherent purpose is the greatest meme in human history aside from "why do we exist" and to this day we still havent accepted that the idea is wrong.




Depends on what you mean by point. We obviously evolved from lower life forms, but most people mistakenly think this means that we have reached some sort of threshold that seperates us from the ordinary sort of animals that we dominate. This is simply not true. We still retain the same sort of blinders that keep us from truly comprehending objective reality and our built in biases compounded with socially induced neuroses will always prevent this. In short we are stuck in the paradigm of competition, which got us out of the food chain, but if we could somehow all redpill at the same time and enter into the exponentially more effective mode of cooperation, humanity could escape this dying planet. Since we are merely beasts, we will most likely cycle through endless mass slaughter until the resources of the world are squandered. No biggie tho, it would only serve to make the collective suffering of all consciousness so far worthwhile.

To live on welfare enjoying hedonism while the wagecucks pay your subsidies and do mental masturbations to justify their slavery as something "dignifying"

Meeting the Machine Elves

The point of life is to make up a point for it.

Bloody hell mate, have you stopped taking your schizo pills?

>Bloody hell mate, have you stopped taking your schizo pills?

Are you illiterate?


make peoples lives better as well as your own. to advance human progress. to achieve enlightenment. to reach heights never before seen. to abandon materialist considerations.

Hope that there is and you will be rewarded for doing so.

must've struck a nerve for these two dweebs

If god exists and making him angry will lead to eternal crappytimes, better not annoy him.

If god doesn't exist, making him angry or happy doesn't matter.

Since we don't know if god exists, the smart bet is to not go out of our way to cheese him off.

True pol I am a pollack I'm 25% polish my grandmother is 100% polish. It's funny she was probably a polish spy. My grandfather was military and was on a carrier with navy in WWII it proves there are secrets they aren't declassifying because he told me myself that he was there. Everyone in my family knew he was military and I'm the only one he told this secret. He's a living legend.

Why are you such a faggot

lol what a bitch

You clearly are, fucking retard

To shitpost on Veeky Forums

A moment when life coherently understands itself is a moment when bucketful of water is held still by a bucket made of water.