How did men hype themselves before battle?

How did men hype themselves before battle?

You know for sure that you will most likely die in the first wave of attack, get wounded badly, gutted like a pig.

What was their motivation? Pussy? What was their hype? Did they use alcohol and some drugs smiliar to our amphetamine?

Other urls found in this thread:

casus belli, speeches on how they'll desecrate corpses, loot their people, and how they'll do the same if they win. Commanders telling everyone to scream, public displays of affection etc.

>You know for sure that you will most likely die in the first wave of attack
When will brainlets leave Veeky Forums

>thousands of fucking men chargé at you with axes and swords

Alcohool is the most ancient drug ever used to motivate soldiers just before a battle, whether it was in ancient or napoleonic battlefields.
Battles were rare and exceptionnal in the lives of soldiers ; their daily misery were countless marches, sleeping in the cold or in the mud with empty stomachs, their feet blistered, their skins shivering, becoming sick or tired from their campaigns. It is complicated for historians to study the personnal emotions of any soldier of any army or any nation in different eras ; So battles could either be seen with dread, or expected as a way to finally end a war and go home.
Before the battle of Austerlitz, the french soldiers woke up from their sleep in the snow with a strong drink of alcohool, an "eau-de-vie", that was distributed to everyone. Then, every martial aspects of the military life is built to build trust and will in men : This is why soldiers wear the same uniform, sing songs, and drill. There are fiery speeches sometimes, sometimes a reminder of why they're fighting and who is the enemy. To motivate an army, it can rest on its traditions and value (In the case of an aristocracy like knights, or any 'esprit-de-corps' in national militaries, whether it was roman legionnaries or french regiments), or it will have to offer prospects to the soldiers, like promotions or gold and loot.

With the more recent wars, drugs became used, especially meth, because instead of alcohool it wakes up instead of making you sleep. The germans were found of using pervitin, often without telling the soldiers they were drugged by hiding it in chocolate. The french army did the same at Dien-Bien-Phu, and it explains why reports of french soldiers find some of them fighting with great will and without sleeping, while others just dropped down completly fried.

It is true however that most soldiers did not die in the first wave of attack ; Though the front is the most exposed place and a dreadful place to find yourself in (Or, on the contrary, the most honorful place to be if you were grown and drilled for this, which is why in the Hundred Years War many defeats of the french army can be explained by the eager knights willing to charge headfirst without fear ; Because they were educated since their childhood as pages and squires to charge), most of the losses are caused during the retreat, where cavalry can charge you and cut you down without the protection of the massed bodies of your comrades.

Most casualties in a battle occur after the rout, if you're in the first rank and you hold your ground you'll probably be fine

damn I thought that was a horse dick or something, fucking furries and cuck posters have soiled me, I hope Turkey sinks into the med

By thinking of pussy

i feel you

yeah *get impaled by Spear* you really *get brains blast away from a bullet throwed with a slinger* BTFO that *get overwhelmed* idiot right? *loose arrow in the knee XD*

what is your argument exactly

Alcohol was certainly used to still the mens' nerves in the last 2 centuries. For instance, British soldiers as recently as WW1 were often given rum rations before a push.

You fight to protect your buddy next to you, and he fights for you. The adrenaline levels are insane. You do not need to hype it up.

In fact, the adrenaline levels are so insane that many third world and lower "fighters" smoke hash. Hashish killers led to Hashishin, or Assassin.

>How did men hype themselves before battle?
Pussy (rapine)

>third world and lower "fighters" smoke hash. Hashish killers led to Hashishin, or Assassin.
third world in 1000AD

>If you don't charge with us you are a pussy

That's probably what OP wanted you to think

Why would any mother take that kind of picture of her daughter. This shit is fucked up.

>thousands of fucking men chargé at you with axes and swords
charging recklessly would get you killed in a second

I'd like to see you go through basic training and unironically tell you drill instructor he is a cucked soyboy numale for not letting you charge out into the firing range

found the brainlet

Iranian and aryan nations use drug drink called haoma/soma
Later eastern-iranian nomads use battle dance, which now still alive win afghanistan with name attan

Out of all the examples you can give to him, using a modern example is probably the worst.

>You know for sure that you will most likely die in the first wave of attack

as an archer at Crecy, I lol at you.

Shut the fuck up

Islam is never in the top 2.


Why the fuck do women want cocks that huge? I mean thats as big as an elephant's dick it would burst her cervix.


Men are the ones who jerk to it

Literally modern world propaganda that created unrealistic standards.
Most women don't even have deep vagina and long cocks can cause massive pain and even damage to cervix region.

If you’ve ever lifted heavy weights you’ll understand how to work yourself up into a frenzy
>slow deep breaths
>growling, gritting your teeth
>squeezing your fists
>snarling and screaming
>charging the enemy with murderous intent
Tap into your primal animalistic side

wouldnt want someone like this near me in battle, it's not a videogame

You would if the highest weapons technology of the time was a sharp rock
Which it was for a long time

Thats a woman(realdoll?) posing next to a tree you fucking moron.

It's a fucking tree.

That's a Polish model.

nah, sorry
people like that are nice cannon(or stone) fodder, but nothing more

Cucks are everywhere.

It’s literally the entire Zulu battle strategy and it allowed them to dominate the region until a mysterious palefaced army of red creatures came from the ocean with thunder sticks

good for zulus i guess, i still would prefer a calm person beside me, i want to fight and make it out alive, not being cool and become a martir
your attitude is fine if you are about to be obliterated, the enemy isnt gonna take prisoners and you have nothing left beside a banzai attack, if you have to die anyway

Xenophon talks of the soldiers singing as they charged into battle. It both roused the Greeks and demoralised the Persians when they struck up a paean.

Veeky Forums needs to be destroyed.

>you will never charge into battle with the lads in orderly formation, singing songs of an age of heroes and great deeds

Why live m8