Daily reminder that Christianity and not Islam is responsible for the deadliest religious war in history

Daily reminder that Christianity and not Islam is responsible for the deadliest religious war in history.

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> tfw Muslims are so butthurt that they have compare their society to Europe 400 years ago in order to make themselves look better.

PROTESTANTS are responsible (not christians, also krauts)

The traitorous French prolonged it by switching sides.

No, this war was only the fault of papism. Gustav Adolf the Great saved Europe!

You filthy papists literally worship the Antichrist, you are the opposite of christians

>deadliest religious war in history
>not the never-ending Hindu-Buddhism conflicts

Need we remind you of the average Chinese conflict?

But seriously why?

>We fight this war because Jesus told us to fight wars
You misunderstand the issue.

Christlarpers in one post

>the largest religion is responsible for the largest religious war
Wow, what a shocker

>ass-blasted papist detected
Maybe they shouldn't have sold indulgences and should've reformed the church, hm?

>be patriarch
>start shilling your own special brand of Christianity that coincidently has you as the super patriach, more important than the emperor.
>preside of a super corrupt institution
>also have the cluster fuck that was papal schisms. Can’t even keep the papcy located where it’s “meant” to be
>some Germans see through these lies and start their own church
>you and your German supporters REEEEEE and burn down 1/3 of Germany.

Good times.

Why do papists literally worship the Antichrist?

Because they're told to.

Not even the deadliest Christian war, OP.

Just another manifestation of German barbarism. Proof that krauts can't handle Southern Europe's civilizing influence.

Would've ended quickly and decisively with minimal loss of life after the Battle of White Mountain had Swedes and Denmark not gotten involved and started fighting HRE states.

>the little brother of jesus


Except it was more a war of everyone, Ottomans included, versus Hapsburg Austria and Spain making a run a total hegemony of Europe.

Adolphus is pretty much the Giants the two times they managed to beat the Patriots.

Fact is, Imperial armies won literally every battle fought year after year.

Finally they lose to an admittedly skilled commander with skilled assistants helping Adolphus.

In the end though the Imperial dynasty recovers and doesn't quite unite the Empire or make it all Catholic, but comes from a relatively weak state to the Austrian Empire we all know and love that was the dominant power central Europe for another 250 years.

Ferdinand and the Empire was the Patriots.

Also fuck France for allying Protestants and Turks.

That's hardly a fair comparison, it's like condemning Andrew Hussie if the Homestuck tumblr fandom started killing each other over their headcanons and shipping wars. The taiping rebellion was a fanfic war

>Adolphus is pretty much the Giants the two times they managed to beat the Patriots.

did Adolphus even go up against a real Spanish army? weren't most of his victories against local Imperial forces?

>tfw the most important battle of the 30 Years War wasn't even fought in Germany.

nah breh...

>30 years war
>religiously motivated
good one

Sola Fide okay? Not Good Works. Enjoy hell papist scum.


>first time some of the Popes set foot in a church was their fucking funeral
>Protestants are the bad guys

If only you hadn't run the Church like a fucking slush fund/party mansion we could all have gotten along


I thought the deadliest religious war ever was the taipeng rebellion?


Their "real" armies couldn't even beat the fucking Netherlands, how could they possibly have beaten Gustav Adolf the Great?


He knew he would be raped if he faced the Ejército de Flandes

The one time that a real spanish army intervened in force in the german theatre was a complete overkill against the Swedes

Haha no, nobody is a match for Gustav, he even won the battle he died in

If they ain't surrendering, they're stabbing you in the back

I-i.. still like Wallenstein

You know he planned on switching sides before he died, right?

So, Catholics butchering Christians is considered a "Christian war" now?

Got it.

Peculiar post, since Catholics are the only Christians out there.

Wasn't that the reason he was killed by the Emperor's men?


>Not knowing the non-canonical nature of religious conflict outside of the Crusade Culture, anyone claiming to fight for Christ is fighting for Christ and is legitimately so
reddit needs to die.

Never forget the 1.000.000 cathars killed by savage catholics during the albigensian crusade.

Jesus said go forth and spread the gospel, not dictate theology

That's not the deadliest religious war. The Taiping rebellion is. It's literally the second deadliest war in history (and potentially first depending in estimates as the Qing took horrible fucking records).

He was a great general until the Swedes arrived, pretty much kept the Danes and Bohemians in their place.

I won't, since I celebrate the fact every year.

>Spend hundreds of years exploiting the peasants of Europe for indulgences and complete obedience to a doctrine which strayed far from the original church
>"It's the people who called us out on our bullshit's fault!"



And there you see the naked bloodlust of the papist celebrating the slaughter of the children of God.

Adolphus was not brilliant by any means, he was merely a genocidal bandit that gets a pass because totally Sweden is well liked while Poland is only known in the mainstream for getting invaded

I endorse half of this quote.

Spare the rod - spoil the child, as I always say.

And there I saw the Whore of Babylon, drunken on the blood of the saints.....and her mouth was full of abominations and blasphemies

America is pretty decadent these days, I agree.
Obviously due to pr*testant influence.

It was Mazarin's propaganda the Spanish army kept BTFOing the French army well passed that and if it wasn't for the Catalan and Portuguese revolts and the death of Cardinal Infante the Spanish army would have taken Paris in a matter of months.

Ah yes of course, unlike latin america which, thanks to its deeply ingrained catholic culture, is a beacon of christian morals and piety.

The Spanish army stomped the Dutch army regularly. The Dutch just had a better navy,and Spinola lacked the funds to just fully annex them which he almost did. Cardenal infante literally BTFO the Swedes with a crappy Spanish army. In fact if he hadn't died so young Spain would have won the war on its own which shows how fucking powerful the hispanic monarchy was at his peak

Latin America is actually quite pagan and not Catholic at all, especially in the countryside.
If there's one thing the Church is incapable of, it's proper catechism of its flock.

>he even won the battle he died in
If you call an stalement against Wallestein the Adolphus is unimpressive as fuck. Agustus is literally the most overrated commander ever,he got spanked by the Poles,did some crap against Russia which was in total anarchy,then BTFO 2 peasant armies and then he got BTFO by Wallestein. He is not even a top 3 commander of the war

His father was the one who got rekt in Poland.


No, it was a victory
>he got spanked by the Poles
What? No he didn't, he conquered Livonia from them.
>then he got BTFO by Wallestein
Once again the opposite happened, you also seem to have forgotten about the time he BTFO Tilly. It is his organisation, tactics and innovations on the battlefield that people mostly remember him for anyway, not his victories, you brainlet.
>He is not even a top 3 commander of the war
Name 3 better then.

daily reminder that this war made Europe stronger in the end by yet again testing and improving their art of war

>Lejonet från norden intensifies.

>switching sides
They had been supporting the Protestants the entire time. They had consistently warred with the Habsburgs for a while, ffs the wars of the Reformation pitted France against them.

>No, it was a victory
Casualties were even,Wallestein retreated to a better position while Sweden lost its king.
>Name 3 better then.
Maurice of Oranje,Spinola,Cardenal Infante,Wallestein,Turenne,Condé. Hell he was not even the best Swedish commander

We are only 16 years into the current religious war

>the deadliest religious war in history.
>30 years war
>Mohammad's jihad
>641-present day

>Casualties were even
The Catholics held entrenched positions, naturally the attacking Protestants lost more men than they should have in a normal battle.
>Wallestein retreated to a better position
You retreat when you lose.
>Sweden lost its king.
Yes, that was a huge loss, but the battle in itself was still a win.
>Maurice of Oranje
Was not directly involved in the war so he obviously doesn't count.
Then he wouldn't have lost against Gustav...
>Spinola,Cardenal Infante, Turenne,Condé
With the exception of Infante, none of these people came close to Gustavs decisive victory at Breitenfeld and none of them came with any revolutionary changes to the art of war itself.
>Hell he was not even the best Swedish commander
Considering that they all fought with the army he had made, i do not think that is a fair assumption.

>You retreat when you lose.
If you want to be as simplistic go ahead but obviously the lose of Gustavus was a higher blow than the retreat.
>Was not directly involved in the war so he obviously doesn't count.
The 80 years war was one of the main theaters of the war.
>Then he wouldn't have lost against Gustav...
He killed him
>With the exception of Infante, none of these people came close to Gustavs decisive victory at Breitenfeld and none of them came with any revolutionary changes to the art of war itself.
Spinola was arguably the greatest logistitian in human history and ending the siege of Ostende is one of the most impressive military feats of the XVII century. Condé won multiple,Rocroi amongst others and his cavalry intensive tactics would be used by Napoleon. Turenne is objectively better than Agustus. No point debating this he was better at everything and anyone with any military knowledge knows it. Infante just like Turenne is so superior to Agustus that it is not even worth mentioning. He defeated the Swedes and then with just the army of Flanders destroyed the French and Dutch armies simultaniously.
Gustavus was not innovative he just plagiarized the Dutch tactics and applied them in Germany. That's it. He never defeated a serious oponent other than Tilly that was senile and he just defeated a bunch of peasant armies in 2 battles and then he was murdered. There has never been a more overrated commander than Agustus. He did nothing new and just defeated too subpar armies and some people have the audacity to claim that he is better than people that won over 40 battles like Turenne or Condé


what a fun war