Racism didn't exist before 18th century white peop

>Arabs dominate only of the plains, because they are, by their savage nature, people of pillage and corruption. They pillage everything that they can take without fighting or taking risks, then flee to their refuge in the wilderness, and do not stand and do battle unless in self-defense. So when they encounter any difficulty or obstacle, they leave it alone and look for easier prey. And tribes well-fortified against them on the slopes of the hills escape their corruption and destruction, because they prefer not to climb hills, nor expend effort, nor take risks. Whereas plains, when they can reach them due to lack of protection and weakness of the state, are spoils for them and morsels for them to eat, which they will keep despoiling and raiding and conquering with ease until their people are defeated, then imitate them with mutual conflict and political decline, until their civilization is destroyed. And Allah is capable of their creation, and He is the One, the Victorious, and there is no other lord than Him.

>The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them…as was the case with all crafts

>The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage. Other persons who accept the status of slave do so as a means of attaining high rank, or power, or wealth, as is the case with the Mameluke Turks in the East and with those Franks and Galicians who enter the service of the state [in Spain].

Ibn Khaldun was arguably the best Muslim in history

This makes the reddit historian SEETHE

Wf i love allah naw

they also shit talked the franks and vikings. muslims hate everyone.


>im so retarded i can't tell the difference between descriptive opinions and a prescriptive system

Wait, did Ibn al-Faqih just call Slavs Aryans?

"The people of Iraq... do not come out with something between BLONDE, BUFF and BLANCHED coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the SLAVS..."

Nazis BTFOed, how will they ever recover?

>The nations inhabiting the cold places and those of Europe are full of spirit but somewhat deficient in intelligence and skill, so that they continue comparatively free, but lacking in political organization and capacity to rule their neighbors. The peoples of Asia on the other hand are intelligent and skillful in temperament, but lack spirit, so that they are in continuous subjection and slavery. But the Greek race participates in both characters, just as it occupies the middle position geographically, for it is both spirited and intelligent; hence it continues to be free and to have very good political institutions, and to be capable of ruling all mankind if it attains constitutional unity.
Makes you think.

Literal psuedo-science.

It's Aristotle.

nobody with above brainlet IQ actually thinks Slavs aren’t Aryan.

Blacks were lowest in society as well. Really makes you think.

>Literal psuedo-science.

Surprise, a Greek says the Greeks are the best people in the world. Do you even know how much the Greeks knew about the world then? Pic related is pretty accurate, around 100 years before Aristotle.

Great response.

You should tell /pol/ that.

>nazis caring about the opinion of a Muslim scholar

>Be Greek
>Make observation about your neighbor's characteristics
>2500 years later mutts get assblasted
Stay salty

But these other quotes are legit, right?

Baseless observations, if you can call them that, are a staple of pseudo-science. I'm also European.

Literal strawman, I'm talking about only what said.

>shit talked the franks and vikings
There's nothing unreasonable about this.


Spartans were dumb savages. They had the might to unite Greece but didn't do it. Fast forward and Greeks were slaves under turkish rule. Makes you think.

This. Literal niggers.

>The negroes possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence.

-Ibn Battuta

>I'm also European.

Of course. Being a Whitey in a nigger country, you might as well be God.

Racism was largely casual before the likes of Hitler. Full turboautist ethnonationalism on a state level has never been common


This was Classical climes theory. Racism was about how different races are the way they are because of their innate biological qualities, and transplanting them elsewhere wouldn't change that (thus enslaving them and their descendants beyond their homelands was acceptable).

Here, the idea is the opposite. People are savage or whatever because of where they live, because of the climate and the environment pushes them to adopt cultures and habits that are less than desirable. But this wasn't inherent to their biology, and once removed from the harmful environment they become much improved and civilized. This justified slavery to Medieval Muslims, where descendants of convert slaves aren't automatically slaves themselves.

>what is south africa
>what is zimbabwe
>what is haiti

>Neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence.

What happened?

>read single exerpt from al muqqadima
>arguably the best muslim ever.

No such thing.

>nobody with above brainlet IQ
Pointless to tell them.

That guy hated everything and everyone

So /ourguy/?

Racism didn't exist before white man invented it with scientific racism.

What existed before was ethni-cism. You discriminate based on ethnicity.

>Arabs make it pretty clear they're discriminating because of physical biological features


Why do liberals do this every time? Also in the old days "ethnicity" and "race" meant the same thing. There were no white people becoming Zulu or niggers becoming Estonians.

Race is a modern concept. Ethnicities existed before.

Ethnicity = cultural/linguistic/physical aspect of a person.

Race = physical traits.

Brainlets pls

I am fucking sure the Romans knew what a race of dog or a race of horse was.

>Race = physical traits.
So, a chink who perform heavy plastic surgery to look like an European become white? Was Michel Jackson white?

>source my ass

Romans knew about what race of dogs or horse is the same way, Romans knew about quantum mechanics. In short, they didn't know jack shit.

And you're a fucking retard.

You are aware that the caste society in India is based on race, and that China had and still have conflict between the north and the south partially because they are not the same tribe and they always heavily discriminated against the tribes of the inner country.
You are aware of the Korean-Japaneese problem.
You know why the Mongols recruited their top ranks warriors only in their stepes.
You know how violent pre colonial Africa was and why the tribes always stood as one against the next tribe.
You know about the Incas.

Yet, you still blame whites for everything wrong in the world. Aren't you a bit racist?

Good, some ridiculous assumption about something accompanied by name calling. Exactly what the world needed.

Roman selected the best horses/cows/pigs to produce the next generation of animal and probably did the same with dogs. They understood races at least as good as you understand cars: enough to drive it, and that mean having at least a clear idea of what it is.

You're confusing yourself. Race as an idea is a purely modern thing coming from the scientific revolution.

The term you're looking for is ethnicism.

There are no japanese race or korean race. Both are same Mongoloid race. Jews and the Nazis are from the same Caucasoid race. African tribes fighting each other are same Negroid. Incas sacrificing another local tribe is simply tribal and ethnic. Mongols recruiting from steppe culture is ethnic related.

Race = mongoloids/caucasoids/negroids/etc.

>There are no japanese race or korean race.
Ask them, you will see if the idea of race in rooted in their cultures or not.

>Jews and the Nazis are from the same Caucasoid race
>Followers of a Semitic religions and followers of a Germanic political party are both of the same race
I think you need more sleep.

Who ever said there is 4 races anyway? The enlighted philosophers of the scientific revolution you are talking about said Corsican is a race, Bourgognais is a race... The Vendée war is arguably a genocide.

No such thing.

To be fair, sandniggers were more civilized and relevant than snowniggers back then but only because of the Greeks


Ibn Khaldun was iberian

>Arabs dominate only of the plains, because they are, by their savage nature, people of pillage and corruption. They pillage everything that they can take without fighting or taking risks, then flee to their refuge in the wilderness, and do not stand and do battle unless in self-defense. So when they encounter any difficulty or obstacle, they leave it alone and look for easier prey. And tribes well-fortified against them on the slopes of the hills escape their corruption and destruction, because they prefer not to climb hills, nor expend effort, nor take risks. Whereas plains, when they can reach them due to lack of protection and weakness of the state, are spoils for them and morsels for them to eat, which they will keep despoiling and raiding and conquering with ease until their people are defeated, then imitate them with mutual conflict and political decline, until their civilization is destroyed. And Allah is capable of their creation, and He is the One, the Victorious, and there is no other lord than Him.

>The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them…as was the case with all crafts
That's not racism. Racism is prejudice plus power.

By "arabs" he specifically meant the banu hilal nomads that the fatimid send to ravage the maghreb.

Even Mohamed himself said the same thing about those banu hilal savages.

>ask them
So race is arbitrary and doesn't exist?

Is this your argument? Retards

>Racism is prejudice plus power.
Go away.

>Ahmed ibn Fadlan, a 10th century Arab traveler who was an ambassador of the Abassids, had written the following about the Vikings: “The filthiest of all God’s creatures.” “They have no modesty when it comes to defecating or urinating and do not wash themselves when intercourse puts them in a state of ritual impurity. They do not even wash their hand after eating. Indeed, they are like roaming asses.” “They have intercourse with their female slaves in full view of their companions.”
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness: Arab Travellers in the Far North

I know this is bate but fuuuck.

Is Islamism the only successful form of civic nationalism?

Everyone on /pol/ loves slavs barring dc shills. Honestly these /pol/ boogeyman posters have no idea what they are even on about

IIRC one Sudanese warlord despised Arabs and Whites

Referred to whites as “filthy mop headed barbarians”

Sound just like an average post on Veeky Forums

>Nobody distinguished between biologically different human groups before the invention of "scientific racism"
How one group of people looks different from another is literally the first thing ancient sources, be they written or pictures, displays.


whites, specifically colonialism.

The statue on the right side isn't Greek

>You are aware that the caste society in India is based on rac

It was,based off occupation my child

There were plenty of Europeans going native in the new world.