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Source on that.

about what?

Clearly the hungarians are the mother of all europeans



>The earliest known salt source in the world: Lunca, Moldavia. Profile of salt debris.


you have NO idea how difficult it was to find this

https:// postimg org/image/cjrl6m4ih/
www historycy org/index.php?showtopic=42083&st=2040

lol, no such thing.

Is this legit or what?

>(Redirected from Balto-Slavo-Germanic)
>Specialists have postulated the existence of higher-order subgroups such as Italo-Celtic, Graeco-Armenian, Graeco-Aryan or Graeco-Armeno-Aryan, and Balto-Slavo-Germanic. However, unlike the ten traditional branches, these are all controversial to a greater or lesser degree.[33]

The Nordic man cultured the pajeet and "persian" subhumans :)

like I said, no such thing. germanic languages are centum.

oh yeah? Well look at this pink shape!

yeah lol, that would only mean that ancestors of balto-slavs had a gangrape with ancestors of italo-celtics, creating a mutt known as germanic.

not that balts and slavs shared language with germanics. you can't be both sweety. germanics didn't exist by the time of corded ware yet.

yeah, neither did slavs
in fact, slavs are younger than germanics
that said, it seems to me like the three have a common factor between them

>yeah, neither did slavsin fact, slavs are younger than germanics
balto-slavs did, just like indo-iranics. germanis came from merge of corded ware with bell beakers.

why call corded ware germano-balto-slavic? when it was in fact balto-slavics and indo-iranics? seems to me like pure german horseshit with their WE WUZ CENTRAL EVROPA since foreva.

Germans are purer Cordeds than balto-slavo-mongrels.

In fact, pic related Sturmbahnführer is one of the best examples of the Corded Ware Nordic phenotype that can be found.

ah, you're that silesian shitposter. got it.


Reminder that centum/satem are late areal developments, and not phylogenetic divisions.


i'm iranian. and you still haven't answered how was corded ware germanic if germanics weren't even around yet. corded ware were satem speakers and forefathers of indo-iranics and balto-slavs. germanics came from bell beakers enforcing their language on battle axe, which by now became nordic bronze age.
outdated concept.

What's an outdated concept?

>that centum/satem are late areal developments,
this is. next you're gonna force memes that italo-celtics spoke the same language as indo-iranics

>i'm iranian. and you still haven't answered how was corded ware germanic if germanics weren't even around yet
I've never said so. It was simply Indo-European, favourably Satemic Indo-European. Germanics as a folk are a mix of these Cordeds, Upper Palaeolithic survivors and Unetices ("Germanics proper").

>I've never said so. It was simply Indo-European, favourably Satemic Indo-European. Germanics as a folk are a mix of these Cordeds, Upper Palaeolithic survivors and Unetices ("Germanics proper").
ah yes, they wuz all germanic. were italics germanic as well?

I'm not that user.
Do you know about when centum and satem split?

what though?
Corded ware is the origin of all three, and Beakers came out of Corded ware.

>and Beakers came out of Corded ware.
r1a magically became r1b, got it

No, the opposite is an outdated concept, for at least 100 years now.


Didn't say so. Stop strawmanning, my swarthy friend.

hey dude, I trust the wiki more than some Iranian
haplogroups don't necessarily relate to culture

we wuz germanic n shit


Germanics, Balts, and Slavs have common recent ancestors between them. Is that so hard to believe?
When did the centum/satem split happen?

Pakistan Middle-Eastern culture vs. Dravidian Indian culture. Nothing Aryan here.



uh, the public defectors are mostly in the north. And ANI was probably IVC.

in eastern europe, r1b went through balkans to panonia. r1a through north and central europe

Indus Valley was a Pakistani culture.
>uh, the public defectors are mostly in the north
That's due to their lack of contact with Aryans, leading to their isolation and growing Dravidian elemnt within their culture. Also you mistake High Caste Aryans with common, dravidian, but Indo-Iranian speaking folk.

Explain Tocharians being far eastern, r1a, and centum

Tocharians were R1b too.


They were Scythians.