How much money should you have saved up by age 25?

How much money should you have saved up by age 25?

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if not millionaire by 25, kys

Life isn't a race. Move at your own pace.

trumps son detected
20k is good tier

Holy shit comfy advice on Veeky Forums.

t. wagecuck

if i don't have at least 500k by 30 im blasting myself

100k by 25 seems reasonable in North America

That's low...

>Move at your own pace
Enough to buy food and clothes

it's actually extremely high considering most north americans are in gender studies debt for 60 grand at 25

too many factors to give a specific answer, more just depends where you want to be in life, what qualify of life you expect, what environment you want to live in.

Someone wanting a flashy lifestyle while owning property in downtown LA/Vancouver/Vegas etc. will need millions worth of assets/savings. Someone who wants a small country home in rural Idaho or something probably doesn't need too much.

Plus it depends if you're talking cash or assets. I managed to have about ~$180k in the bank by the time I was 26-27 but then decided to buy my condo outright for ~$140k.

I'm 33 now. Have some good savings but a lot less than some other people I know. I also know 24-25 year olds with a million in the bank thanks to coming from rich families and having corporate connections from their fathers.

It's all relative. Personally I like the more easy-going introverted lifestyle, don't go out partying much anymore, only went out for drinks maybe 3-4 times this year for example. Prefer to stay home, visit friends once every couple weeks, really relaxed slow pace life.

I'm talking about people who arent retards, since we're on a business board?

this desu. I'm 18 and I'll kill myself If I have to wagecuck for the rest of my life.

I have 6k in the bank. But I'm from a third world country, so I guess I'm ok.

Alternative question: what the fuck do I buy, considering I'm not in the US? Most exchanges do not work here. I could buy Bitcoin I guess.

Start mixing that bleach and piss faggot

is that a question?
it doesn't matter. perhaps 100k isnt enough. maybe it should be a million so you can live off investments, right?
not being in debt at 25 is a good start, and 100k or 25k is all relative. 100k in san fran or NY is nothing. you should have a year of living expenses saved, on top of at least 25% of what you earn
"saving" can be a bank account or the stock market, but something not as volatile as crypto

see how it's relative?

if you live in africa, you would be lucky if you reached old age
if you live in a third world shithole where minimum wage is 300 bucks a month, i would say at least 5k
if you live in a first world country, 300k starting

im 20 and want to kms if i dont have 100k by next year

Depends if you went to school. Most graduate at 22/23 and aren't making 6 figures they should be well on their way, no excuse to not have 100k 5 years after graduating though.

this is unironically how every millennial thinks and why western society will soon collapse.

t. faggot boomer

western society is going to collapse because boomers ran us into the ground and think it's the 50s

25 with 60k student loan debt and 2k in savings about to move back to my parents house ama

That's what I meant. $100k networth, on average. Obviously differs slightly if you live in NYC or middle of nowhere Mississippi.

everyone on Veeky Forums has six digits in the bank yet the begging threads reach 300 replies religiously

who the fuck wants to wagecuck for the rest of their life?
raise your fucking hands slaves

i agree, i either make it through drug dealing and cryptocurrency, or i kill myself
I will not wagecuck for 40-50 years like my parents did.
they died unhappy and poor.

networth is different from savings.
but it doesn't matter. each individual needs to see what they want in life. if you want a family, you need more than someone who doesnt. if you want toys like a normie, you need more.
you guys need to stop comparing yourself to others and set a standard for yourself based on what you want to achieve or live like.

I've worked some of the most heinous manual labor jobs when i was younger, having to pay my own way through college and living on my own (parents would not support a single dollar of it after I turned 18) and I can understand why so many truly hate actual 'wagecuck' lifestyle.

I mean I worked in factories, blue collar shit, working around fumes, chemicals, dust, dirt, rot, stink, lifting heavy weight (50-75lbs) endlessly all day, shit like that. You get paid very low, you work with alcoholics, drug addicts, ex-cons, almost everyone in the 80-105 IQ range. Managers who powertrip despite having no real world power outside of the company they work at. Plus horrible work hours, most companies have 3 shifts running 24/7, you get stuck working afternoons or graveyards which kills your social life, sometimes Saturday/Sunday mandatory shifts. Almost no chance at promotion either unless someone above you literally dies. And to top it all off most of these companies, despite it being 2017, are still operating as if it's 1960. Outdated technology, outdated practices and operating procedures, little care for workers health or safety (you complain they find an "unrelated excuse" to fire you a month later).

I can't blame anyone who finds themselves in those kinds of conditions complaining about it - it's the definition of wage slavery and living hell and I wish it on no man.

Provided you're single, 100k-150k.

5 year after graduation there is no excuse not to have have 100k.

fuckin this

>if i don't have a gorillion btc by age 15 i'll kill myself

>saving money
Just invest a part in crypto and spend the rest, fuck saving

literally me, and probably everyone else in here


25yo europoor
3k on crypto
i'll kms if crypto dies this is my last shoot in life i either make it or die

24yr old swissfag here. 150k in crypto, 250k in fiat. stay poor wagecucks

This. As a wagie I am at the unhealthiest I've ever been.


None. All the money should go towards self-improvement, quality of life or goals. Not just being stashed under the rug.

I am 23 and hoping to start a business within the next year or 2. So I guess I will have almost nothing saved up.

But if it succeeds, then I will be multi-millionaire by 30.

>on Veeky Forums
>not retarded
pick one

Just graduated. I have no student debts,

Have 3k in bank, 3k credit card 0 th but I make 2k every two weeks, I just need to stop spending it on bullshit

2nd year college student here, worked factory job for 2 summers (48 up to 56 hrs/wk, mandatory OT) and your description is too accurate. It fuckin sucked but it was probably the best motivation for me to do well so I'll never have to be close to that again no matter how bad things get

If your only skill is daydreaming about being rich by age 25 then you'll never be rich.

If you're at merely $0 and not negative you're doing pretty well

Everyone on biz is a millionaire

21 with 100k, wagecucked the first 15k

depends dude.. I study all week. Monday to Sunday University shit. I'm 22 and almost done with Uni, that fairly young here.

I have no money at all.
Like I have 15k in crypto but thats it, all money I have. I got some friends that have normal jobs and earn like 30-50k € a year but most of them will be in their current position till the end of time. I will access a comfy position right away and it'll only get better from there.
Also still living with my parents, very normal here. My brother, 25 years old just moved out last week. He makes 60k a year right now, just got out of uni a year ago.
As the wise user said, move your own pace, there are SO many factors that go on in your life, don't think about specific numbers dude. Actually thinking of spending a year somewhere else before I start working, feel like exploring some different country or some shit. Still young, why not enjoy life sometimes. Also fuck gary v who preaches to waste your 20 away by working 7 days a week 12 hours at least just to make money. Acting if money is worth more than the best part of your lifetime, holy shit

depends on where you live really...

100K in Michigan is a shitload of money compared to 100K in Florida or California is like being dirt poor

Fucking this, if I'm not at least a fucking multi-millionaire by age 25 I'm gonna be pissed. I've lived around mediocrity and just overall shit vibes a good portion of my life (I live in NYC) and I just want out. I know my worth and I know I deserve better. I will be rich.. I just know it..

100K is my goal but probably more.

31 europoor
100k assets 95k debt and make 50k after tax yearly
Wagecucked till 28, started a bisnis, sold bisnis, bought bisnis.

pros and sides to both sides of the coin dude. Adventuring in your early to mid 20s can be great. I have buds that went and lived in Australia and SE Asia for a few years, a couple even met wives in Australia - they all learned how to surf and just had a great time there. But they're all near their mid 30s now and still grinding away in their mid-tier office jobs, and will probably be stuck doing that until at least ~60-65.

If you go hard at making money in your early 20s, climb a corporate ladder, or make successful investments, or start a winning business, you can be completely and totally financially independent in some cases by early to mid 30s and never have to work again. One of my friends started two successful internet businesses like ~7 years ago, he's 34 now and a multi-millionaire, has no real job, just dabbles with online ventures but doesn't have to do fuck all for the rest of his life.

Best case I guess is if you come from a rich family and stand to inherit a lot - you can fuck around in your 20s and still not have to ever really wagecuck, that's the dream but not reality for most.

pros and cons*

My net worth is about 6 grand at 23, but it was -15,000 a year ago. Anything is probably better than the average, but im shooting for 40k by the end of 25

agree man.
Yeah, no rich background here. I feel like a middle way seems like a good option for me, not sure yet about spending some time traveling right away yet.

Hard work doesnt always pay off, could be working very fucking hard in my 20s and still not progress, thats life

Yea for sure man. Life is different for all of us, ultimately just do what makes you happy and try not to have regrets.

One thing I will say is that, at least for me, the importance of pride and respect has increased over the years. When I was in my 20s, essentially a kid, I didn't give a fuck about anything, I didn't care if I looked like a bit of a slob or a fuckup or whatever, and when it came to relationships and friendships most people didn't care that much either since you were all young and hustling.

Now that I'm in my 30s though I care a lot more. Having a respectable aura about me, being prideful, I want to have that sense of accomplishment and for people to know I've done well for myself. It also starts to matter a lot more if you decide to continue dating into your 30s rather than settling down. Most decent women don't look at a bum 32 year old the same way they would a bum 21 year old. The older guy is expected to have accomplishments and accumulations, at least to some degree.

I went through a bit of depression in my late 20s because of that as it started to hit me. Doing better now (mentally and financially) so all is well, but just throwing that out there for something to consider. Might not apply to you, but it was something I never even considered when I was in my early to mid 20s.

hey just want to let you know that what you wrote affected me
I am 21 right now and i live a pretty relaxed life where i don't have to worry about money or sex ever, but it means that i let myself look like a bum in public because i feel like i already have it all
i should be more prideful and give off an aura of success, instead of just knowing it myself.
i will try harder user, thank you for the inspiration.

21 BTC
Then retire a multimillonaire by age 30.

appreciate your words man, I will keep them in mind. Glad you're doing good

>entitled faggot kys

If you're not in debt, you're ahead of the pack

Newfag here. I make like $850/month on a part-time job. I want to start investing in crypto. How do I start?

I don't want to be a wagecuck forever.

This desu is the sad state of affairs.
For Americans under the age of 35, the average net worth is about $6500, including equity in property.

So if by 25, you have $10k in the bank and no debt, you're doing quite well compared to everyone else.

If you're seeking financial independence, it's dependent not so much on a specific dollar value, but your savings rate vs your expenses. Check out for a simplified, conservative retirement estimator.

Hey i'm in my late 20s and depressed as fuck everyday i have suicidal thoughts, i guess i am near the end of tunnel hope things get better in my 30s if i live that long

Get professional help.

All memes aside, antidepressants can work wonders.

27 here, have around £1,000 in crypto, £5000 savings and a car to my name.

I did get divorced recently though.

Inheritance will be:

Mortgage free house in England
Cottage (derelict) + acre of land in Ireland
8 acres of agricultural land in Kaunas County, Lithuania
Multi-hectare farm in Samogitia, Lithuania

i have over $50k saved and im almost 26

>divorced at 27

I’m 26 and no one I know has been stupid enough to get married before 28 and no one is stupid enough to be divorced yet.

You comfy pos


I'm 29 and I'm getting real sick of going out and spending money in general. Just want to live off crypto games and end all wagecuckery. Living with my gf atm. She's alright and all, but I honestly just hate dealing with people day in and day out.

Opportunities suck these days. Anything with livable pay requires specialization with high competition.

Crypto happens, a way out appears. Would rather an hero than deal with drudgery for shit pay/prospects.

Not really, current wageslave job and living expenses with no pay rises takes its toll.

All those assets are tied up until the future.

Dream would be to leave this pajeet invested island and work the farm in Samogitia with my grill and live off passive income one day while pumping out as many white kids as possible.

>his fiat balance is higher than his crypto balance

Never going to make it.

22 here
over 4k in musical gear
over 600 in crypto

don't really think there's an answer for that, really depends on your country/conditions

How about your sell some of that shit for more BTC?

>70,000 in the bank
>about to buy my first house

>500 in the bank
>almost lost my house

Somewhere in between that maybe.

What happened?

What kind of salary would you have at the age of 21?
Im going to be in school till im 24 years old and im doing extra hours as a waiter with 13$/h

I got up to about 70k/yr when I was 21 or so and bought a second property.

>2008/09 wiped out equity in my propertys & stock investments
>online ad revenue decreased what i was making

I spent ~4 years trying new projects/websites and would get good results at first but each one just failed over and over. Burned through my money. Got depressed, kind of gave up.

This summer something clicked, was making a new site every month watching crappy stats and one finally clicked. Start getting paid decently on the 1st and will put all my extra money each month into crypto.

House prices in my area never recovered to 08 prices. Once I get more money coming in I'll fix my house up and sell. Then mayb I'll go pretend to be a digital nomad in asia.

Damn dude, that's just unlucky on the housing. Hoping things continue to improve for you user.

How am I entitled for having dreams and wants for myself? Kys you piece of shit

I work at a dairy farm pulling 12 hr shifts, whenever I start slacking on my goals I just think about that hellhole and what it would be like to be there for years.

>Graduated in may with stem degree
>Good grades, multiple internships
>Applied non stop since graduation
>No job
>now working minimum wage at a gas station, just like I was doing when I was 13

Should I kill myself Veeky Forums? I've really been thinking about it lately.

You should have atleast 20% of every dollar you've ever earned.

Because you said you "deserve" it. I want to be rich too. I'm determined to be.
But I'm not getting there just by thinking I'm destined to.

third world shithole reporting in im above 5k yay me

I guess you don't hang out in Ann Arbor.

As much as you need

fuck that liberal shithole

> I know my worth and I know I deserve better. I will be rich.. I just know it
>I live in NYC
Like clockwork.

Saving money is a misnomer, it doesn't need to be rescued, and especially by you user. Using the cash flow you would save to buy btc with leverage a year ago for example would crush any 'savings' return, you would have been in debt, sure, but you'd also be wealthy as fuck right now. You want an 'in case shit' account, nothing more.

What's more important is that you need to know how to create / make / attract money & profits, asap. Use debt to multiply your returns, understand opportunity cost, etc.

It's more important to be resourceful than it is to have resources. It's the whole teach a man to fish thing. Like 40% of my pay cheque goes into servicing debt, but that debt has made me mad returns, so I 'save' money, but instead of cash I have assets.

Taking into consideration that you live in one of the most expensive countries in the world, that's like 40k€ in Germany

>live in 3rd world country
>3k in bank
>have about 400 hectares of land to my name
>Land is basically a big piece of rainforest so not that great
>not sure how to feel

Anti depressants kill the suffering, but also the joy of life

make a budget so you're personally accountable. the younger you start saving, the more you compound.

I made around 20k by the time I turned 25.
3 years later, I finally found a use for it with crypto.

Also, don't get so caught up in saving money that you forget to live in the present. It's a balancing act.

While a high savings rate is impressive, it's not so much if your life consists of walking everywhere, torrenting anime for as your source of entertainment, and eating rice + beans every night. You could get run over by the bus tomorrow, and it all will have been for nothing.
On the flip side, if you're left with nothing at the end of the month because you blew it all on your car note and drinks at the club, you'll be living in said car (if it doesn't get repo'd) if you become unemployed.

Spend money, but don't waste it.

I personally don't agree with that, but I also do a lot of psychedelics/dissociatives. I find those help me to really feel.

You bitch boy you'd better not destroy that forest

What are land prices there?

realistically speaking a few thousands depending on where you work

if you have a girlfriend and is planning to buy insurance+mortgage then forget about it

I raised only 6k by the time I was 24, asked my dad for 5k, and went all in 11k on crypto. Im at almost 200k now less than a year later