I was the one who first shilled Walton in August.

I recommend you look at kucoin

>token not even on coinmcap yet
>pays divendends in BTC ETH NEO and all tokens on exchange
>like binance lists a lot of the good china coins
>great platform for trading
>100 million token after buy back and burn outs at 70 mil Mcap
>one million volume today and no one has even heard of this yet
>pays 50% of trading fees out to holders for the next 6 months.

Get in before the normies my fellow pajeets

Ref link if this post helped you: E37pRA

Other urls found in this thread:


lol everyone is gonna be shilling this coin in hopes of people using their referral code its a giant pyramid scheme

this one actually is a pyramid scheme and cultish because of the referral program
Coss is my bet 10x lower marketcap, too, but they will likely both make investors money.

Lake I likely to be first exhcahnge to trade red pulse later this week

It's 1 million volume today NOT INCLUDING THE KUCOIN VOLUME!

so comfy

I shilled Walton in August.

This too. Lot's normies going to come in and pump up volume

I’m in both desu

The cult factor is why more is in kucoin

Normies are retarded look at bitconnect for example

Just for your infomation next year KuCoin is reducing the dividents to 15%

COSS pays much better dividends and it way cheaper right now with loads of room for growth.