Woman’s suffrage movement

Why did it start when it did? Why didn’t the woman’s suffrage moment start in 1200ad or 580bc for instance?

Surely women have always wanted more power, so why wait so long?

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Because the suffrage movement is a direct result of the Enlightenment and the rise of an independent bourgeois social class which valued education and self-sufficiency. There simply wasn't a proper ideological and sociocultural basis for the ordeal before the 19th century.

Men had the power to say no, so why didn’t they?

>Why didn’t the woman’s suffrage moment start in 1200ad or 580bc for instance?
Jesus flippin Christ.

Why didn’t women want to be equals until now

The Enlightenment, creating a social class which broadly believed in concepts such as equality, liberty and self-sufficiency. The leap from ''All men are created equal'' to ''We should let women join in on this'' isn't too big. A better question is asking why the Enlightenment and rise of the middle class were allowed to succeed.

White people have too many beta pussy whipped suckers in their population which in turns leads to cunts slowly taking over society because m'lady logic.

Huge fucking mistake. Women getting political power is the doom of every single country, ever. Not one single country has survived suffrage, and not one single country ever will.

>Women getting political power is the doom of every single country, ever. Not one single country has survived suffrage, and not one single country ever will.
Isn't the US the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy of all time. Both their power and wealth being higher than before women's suffrage?

Enlightenment was a mistake, per the usual. At least I have muh freedom.

And are better off by literally every other measure. But dude memes am I right?


I don’t like societal decadence, which is partially caused by slippery-slope arguments for Enlightenment ideas. I don’t hate the Enlightenment itself, really, just its brainlet-tier modern offshoots (which is not even all of its modern offshoots). I’m not some no-freedom Stormfag, but there are other philosophical movements.
>dude memes am I right?

Mormons. Mormons wanted to expand their voting power by getting all of their wives the ability to vote and telling them to vote how they wish. Thus multiplying the mormon voting bloc by several times.

The Jews needed time to usurp and solidify power before they went about destroying society.

Because being equal generally meant dying in war
Even as recently as the suffrage movement that did happen there were huge amounts of female opponents

The answer is the industrial revolution. With the advent of new technology, traditional housekeeping activities took less time to complete, allowing for women to pursue interests outside the house (this is also partially where the abolitionist movement in America came from).

Also, the medical revolution that was ongoing basically means that women didn't have to be baby factories just to keep population levels stable.

I would say this answer is more applicable to the Second Wave feminism of the 50s, 60s and 70s. The creation of things like washing machines, refrigeration and supermarkets allowed housewives a new wealth of time. It's only part of the puzzle though.



>wanting women in the military

Depends on where you live. Several countries already draft women. Drafted armies are useless in the 21st century any ways.

>wanting someone to have the same rights as you but less responsibilities than you

The Enlightenment and its values were important as stated, but also the changing social and economic structure of America and the west played an important role. The birthrate from 1800 to 1900 dropped tremendously (around 7 births in a lifetime in 1800 to under 4 by 1900) and the small self-sufficient household where the woman had imperative domestic duties gave way to a vast interdependent economy with modern conveniences and factories churning out what previously must have been produced at home by hand. In 1800 a woman in America practically must get married because it was extraordinarily difficult for a single woman to provide for herself while in 1900 the changing nature of work made it much more manageable, thus making the old family unit somewhat obsolete as a political unit.

It seems to me that those who lament women's suffrage should also lament voting by single men, since the republican logic for suffrage was based on the head of the household and single men are no more the head of a household than a woman.

There is no draft moron

Then why are American men still forced to sign up? It is against the law not to. You can be fined huge amounts of money and are not eligible for college funds

See what I mean? You even question women and they start virgin shaming you.

Equality doesnt care about logic retard.

There’s not one being used but you are still required to sign up at 18 if you’re male


Failing to register or comply with the Military Selective Service Act is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 or a prison term of up to five years, or a combination of both. Also, a person who knowingly counsels, aids, or abets another to fail to comply with the Act is subject to the same penalties.

Selective Service wants young men to register. It does not want them to be prosecuted or denied benefits. If a draft is ever needed, it must be as fair as possible, and that fairness depends on having as many eligible men as possible registered. In the event of a draft, for every man who fails to register, another man would be required to take his place in service to his country.

Men, born after December 31, 1959, who aren't registered with Selective Service won't qualify for federal student loans or grant programs. This includes Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Direct Stafford Loans/Plus Loans, National Direct Student Loans, and College Work Study

I don’t want them to have the same rights

Women aren’t human l can’t wait for artificial wombs and cloning to become viable so we can finally rid ourselves of the weaker sex and fuck traps like god intended

This is why feminism is spreading so much. “Traditionalist” think ignoring it will make it go away.

You've never served so why are you bitching?

Women aren’t men and men aren’t women anyone who thinks otherwise is objectively wrong

I can bitch about whatever l like


>You've never served so why are you bitching?

>Women aren’t men and men aren’t women anyone who thinks otherwise is objectively wrong
Until society is traditional again women and men must have the same responsibilities, otherwise women will gain more and more power and society will become even less traditional. This is so clearly true and yet people like you are so blind to it. So please, go back to living in your fabtasy land where feminism doesn’t exist

Because the United States has bigger things to worry about, like the heroin epidemic, or the healthcare crisis or the increasing unaffordability of higher education.

Physically weak men should be afforded lower social status because they aren't good for killing other tribes!

Not only am I against single men and women voting, but married men are nothing as well without land ownership.

I don’t even know how to reply to this. Your stupidity has dumbfounded me

t. w*man

Physically disabled people can be fixed with robot parts
Once we have artificial wombs I’ll consider we’ll be rid of the vaginal jew forever

> OP asks question about women's history
> Thread devolves into /r9k/ bitching about women's rights

Every fucking time



Well you sound retarded because not even the original property requirements for voting required land ownership. Even owning a simple government bond was considered enough property to vote under pretty much every original voting requirement.

You never served. Why are you complaining?

This is bait

You never served why are you complaining?

So you admit you never served? Great. Now stop bitching about a non existent draft and thank all the women who volunteered in our military so you don't have to queer baby

It's a decadent failing country (run by Jewish technocrats and AIPAC lobbyists) which will collapse in the near future. China will probably surpass it as the new superpower/economic powerhouse.

Because they would just have starved to death in a brothel 100 years prior

t. woman (who has never served)

womyn are forced to work by that time
also why the hell do we want to send the woman for war,we need them to take up the men's job and reproduce and take of their child

Women have equal political rights in China

Doesn't matter, just don't act like the US is top shit when they're about to collapse and just lost the geopolitical game against Syria/Iran/Russia.

>to take up the men's job and reproduce and take of their child
Unfortunately, they don't do that anymore. It make more sense to send them to the trenches and to save the people who can invent the artificial womb

>just lost the geopolitical game against Syria/Iran/Russia.

>Being so uneducated on geopolitical issues

Syria has practically won the war against "the rebels" a.k.a. terrorists financed by other countries. They have recovered the important cities.

>drafted armies are useless
This fucking meme again.