Feudalism is the optimal way to organize society. There is no system possible where the masses can be completely free. Some people need to do the laboring and there will always be a ruling class of intellectuals. Almost all problems with todays society comes from the angst of the lower classes believing they are free men clashing with the reality they are still serfs in service of the ownership class.
Feudalism is the optimal way to organize society. There is no system possible where the masses can be completely free...
>not owning apartments and LARPing as a feudal lord
I highly recommend it.
You advocate Feudalism and you don't even seem to understand of the difference between a serf and a freeman.
Personally I'd rather live in a corporatocracy.
>I'm calling about the two bedroom aparment you advertised, I was a bit confused by what "one fifth of my grain" means?
me in the mid
The best system of government is objectively aristocracy.
checked and keked
You don't need fucking feudalism, just a properly planned economy to get shit done. With modern abilities to calculate and model production and distribution, most reasons to allocate it through a market have become obsolete. Until we figure this out we'll continue stumbling through successively worse crises and social atomisation caused by neoliberal policies.
>ruling class are intellectuals
> Neoliberal policies
What does that even mean?
"Neoliberal capitalism" is a scare word used by lefties, mostly European ones. It's like how /pol/ blames Jews and "cultural Marxism" for everything.
Can confirm. Bonus if you do low income housing.
Increasing privatisation and reliance on market forces, a decades long political assault on organized labour, fiscal austerity supposed to combat economic downturns, and overall a weakening of national governments in favour of corporate power.
If you're not a retard who blames ethnic groups instead of material systemic forces, it's obvious how this ideology encourages an individualised, consumerist existence devoid of any collective or community striving, where market relations invade in every social sphere.
I mean, they were the only ones who had access to education.
>With modern abilities to calculate and model production and distribution, most reasons to allocate it through a market have become obsolete
This is tremendously retarded. The Soviet economy was retarded so much by the fact that their dumb central planning bureaucracy couldn't predict or adapt to changing supply and demand anywhere near what the free market could. There is simply no way to plan for every possible contingency, it is far, far more efficient to let markets work like an ant colony does.
>democracy stupid
>51% of people could take everything from 49% somehow
>feudalism smart
>1% of people have already taken everything from 99% somehow
>in b4 a commie autistically screeches about "muh billionaires! muh 1%!"
You are ignorant precisely because you can't even imagine economic planning more modern than the Soviet form.
The Soviet economy was "planned" in the sense that production was carried out on the basis of five year plans, which were rough estimates on how much specific industries were to produce. Nowadays, a company can tell you exactly how much goods it will produce this week and send this information nationally/globally to coordinate instantly with other companies. You don't need a fucking bureaucracy with computational planning. This has radical implications for what planning even is, and yet idiots still cite the Soviet economy as if it presents an argument.
The sad thing is that definitive arguments in the socialist calculation "debate" have been made by contemporary Marxists, yet people still parrot dumb old liberals like Mises and Hayek, like they have any relevance for contemporary conditions.
>Almost all problems with todays society comes from the angst of the lower classes believing they are free men clashing with the reality they are still serfs in service of the ownership class.
>implying this has only happened in today's society
>not implying it's literally been the eternal struggle throughout the history of man
Get fucked. The only reason we keep dealing with this is you faggots keep insisting "hurr durr there will always be people who should rule over other people." Fuck off and leave me be, faggot.
>it will work this time I promise
Sounds like the old "my form of communism hasn't been used"
Ps I should add I don't know enough to really hold the superiority complex that most canons have, but that really is what you sound like
Republic is the best
Giving the uneducated a vote was a mistake
>hurr durr there will always be people who should rule over other people
This is true. No man is an island and in any sufficiently advanced society there will always be a hierarchy.
Of course that's true, you imbecile. You're misunderstanding. Feudalism doesn't allow those at the bottom to advance to the top in the most free way. That's the difference. In no way am I saying everyone is equal. In no way am I saying there are not people who will always be better than others. You still need to give those at the bottom an opportunity to move up without having to be gifted it by anyone higher, leading to abuses.
Read up on what America was originally intended to be. It'll do you some good.
>Read up on what America was originally intended to be. It'll do you some good.
Funnily enough I do have a copy of the US Constitution, pic related, despite not being American myself. The founders of the United States were very wise people, with a keen understanding of what the flaws in Europes society were at the time. If America became what they envisaged it would've been the greatest nation in the history of the world. Unfortunately they forgot to emphasize they wanted it to remain a white nation and now the experiment lies in shambles.
nah, that's dumb