> While nearly all of his sculptures survived World War II, more than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the allies after the war
> While nearly all of his sculptures survived World War II, more than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the allies after the war
Good, his sculptures were the equivalent of motel paintings.
>>neo classical sculpture
wow dude so original
another case of krauts larping as romans
>preserving and continuing culture
Wow what a fascist
>cultural stagnation is good guise
>cultural Marxism is better dood
>everything i don't like is marksisum boi
>everything I don’t like is cultural stagnation girl
>uninspired, generic statues
>in a style which has been done to death over the centuries
>made explicitly as propaganda to promote fascism
Nothing of value was lost
>muh propaganda
Good goy
Your picture is also propaganda, just a shittier, cheaper and less subtle kind of propaganda.
Thoughts on the Nazi book burnings?
>Nazi party member
>official sculptor of the regime
>close associate of Hitler himself (seen on right in this pic)
>most of his work was literally on commission from the Nazi Party
Only in your deranged mind were those statues not propaganda.
>muh aryan superman
>le starving soviet cannon fodder meme
Do /pol/faggots just ignore the fact that all these memes have been refuted in order to cling to their idealistic view of the Nazis?
a million times better than that Dada shit that was so popular in Europe
Not a /pol/tard, but the picture is trying to prove a point.
>my favorite artstyle is pro-totalitarianian propaganda
Nice cherry picking image you filthy communist scumbag
Nazis were pretty autistic, but there is nothing wrong with Breker's classical art over this garbage
solid argument windowlicker
>civilian deaths
ah yes
>Jews are hostile to physical fitness
Tell that to (((Eugen Sandow))) aka the father of bodybuilding
>Bodybuilding developed in the late 19th century, promoted in England by German Eugen Sandow, now called the "Father of Bodybuilding". He allowed audiences to enjoy viewing his physique in "muscle display performances".
>the Soviets killed no civilians
Ah yes
I like some modern figure art, but Rembrandt is undeniably the greatest Artist of all time. Also, Pontormo
>Jews are nepotist fucks
Woah there buddy, stop the presses
Jews only accept it if they can capitalize off of it
>using the word propaganda as an insult
>Sandow was born in Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) on April 2, 1867 to a German father and a Russian mother. Although his parents were born Jewish,[2] the family were Lutherans and wanted him to become a Lutheran minister.[3][4][5] He left Prussia in 1885 to avoid military service and traveled throughout Europe, becoming a circus athlete and adopting Eugen Sandow as his stage name.
Is it possible to lose your Jewish status, and is converting to Lutheranism pretty much going full goyim?
>mowing down millions of defenseless Russian grandmas is proof the Wehrmacht was better
I love how /pol/fags think the Nazis were hot shit when they massacred defenseless civilians yet scream and whine when they got their shit pushed in by people who can actually fight back. Cry harder stormshit.
That wasn't the point he was trying to make you complete fucking retard. The point he was trying to make was that you can't measure the effectiveness of an army by how many unarmed civilians they kill.
>you can convert out of your DNA
>Jews are hostile to physical fitness
>Joseph "Joe" Weider /wiːdər/ (November 29, 1919 – March 23, 2013) was a Canadian bodybuilder and entrepreneur who co-founded the International Federation of BodyBuilders (IFBB) alongside his brother Ben Weider. He was also the creator of the Mr. Olympia, the Ms. Olympia and the Masters Olympia bodybuilding contests. He was the publisher of several bodybuilding and fitness-related magazines, most notably Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Men's Fitness and Shape, and the manufacturer of a line of fitness equipment and fitness supplements.
when we had more men than G*rms had bullets.
>TOTAL WW2 deaths
>not military deaths
Yes the Nazis and Japs were really good at massacring civilians, nobody is disputing that.
During Barbarossa the Axis powers invaded with 3.8 million men against the Soviet 2.9 million, which itself disproves the "hordes of cannon fodder" meme... Because they had the numerical advantage. And total military casualties on the Eastern Front were 5.5 million Axis to ~9 million Soviet. Yes the Nazis had a higher k/d ratio but that tends to happen when you execute a surprise attack as effectively as Barbarossa and catch your enemy totally unprepared.
That's pretty awful, and I will admit that uninspired and unoriginal art like Breker's is at least better than whatever that's supposed to be.
>moving the goalposts to what the Soviets did
classic snake
>implying I am
I'm disputing the idea that the statues were destroyed because """le joooss""". They were destroyed because they were literal Nazi propaganda, commissioned by the regime to serve that purpose.
what's the Jewish gene that literally all Jews have?
All genetic research proves Jews are extremely closely related to one another. What's this "JEWISHNESS IS JUST A RELIGION NOT RACE" American brainletry?
/pol/ BTFO. Why are they always wrong, Veeky Forums?
ethnicity is not a gene retard
You don't even know what you're talking about you western retard.
what in the hell
>posts the actual definition
>posts a brainlet image in reply
>Nazis destroy any art, literature, etc they deem "degenerate"
>wtf why are you doing the same to us?
You're the only one to use the word ethnicity in that conversation you fucking idiot. We were talking about genes not culture.
>Yes the Nazis had a higher k/d ratio but that tends to happen when you execute a surprise attack as effectively as Barbarossa and catch your enemy totally unprepared.
Except they were prepared.
This. A true supporter of the arts places no censorship on what an artist can produce.
If you don't like it don't look at it.
The Soviets were woefully, hopelessly, completely under-prepared in Summer 1941. They were in the middle of upgrading their obsolete 19th century service rifles, the majority of their aircraft and tanks were of designs from the 1920's (and mostly in awful condition or completely inoperable), the defensive lines that had been under construction for years were nowhere near ready, morale was low after the debacle of the Winter War, and the officer corps was still reeling from the 1938 purge.
And yet they were preparing to mobilize west
This was considered “art” in the Weimar Republic. They had every reason to destroy this piece of shit.
I kinda like it
They were not, that's a discredited meme with no basis in historical reality. In fact that's literal Nazi propaganda, something they pulled out of their asses to tell to their troops and the world.
What's wrong with this? It's pretty good actually IMO
Why? What harm does it cause to people who view it?
>They were not, that's a discredited meme with no basis in historical reality. In fact that's literal Nazi propaganda, something they pulled out of their asses to tell to their troops and the world.
Nice Jewish propaganda
I dislike jews and nigs as much as the next /pol/ack, but some of their art is cool. I think people are going to get tired of modern art soon i hope, because most of its shit. Some is really cool desu. Every go to modern art museums? They can be a lot of fun.
>anything that doesn't come from the Reich Information Ministry is Jewish propaganda
the absolute state of /pol/
Go ahead then, post your evidence for why I'm wrong.
>Every go to modern art museums? They can be a lot of fun.
>You must be fat and ugly because you dont have the same opinion as me
First explain why the Soviets entered Poland in the first place
>/pol/acks dislike this
>reddit likes this
Regardless of who likes it, is that reason to ban it? Let people decide for themselves if they like it.
why are fascists equipped with the emotional maturity of kindergartners who break toys that they themselves don't enjoy playing with?
Same reason Germany did, they were acting in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact to divvy up Eastern Europe between themselves. And up until only ~20 years before they had been living in the same country with Poland, and the territory that they captured had large amounts of ethnic Belarusians and Ukranians. A similar situation with Germany and Western Poland.
They were prepared to take on Poland (with German help). But they were in no way equipped to attack Germany, not even close. That would mean attacking the numerically and technologically superior military of a country which was friendly to them and a trading partner anyway. There's absolutely no indication to suggest that Stalin was planning an invasion in 1941 and every indication to suggest that such an invasion would have been impossible anyway.
>Let people decide for themselves if they like it.
And let people decide for themselves if they dislike it
I like it, and I'm a /pol/ack. I dont trust /pol/ on art, theyre not the most knowledgeable on that subject. They act like they know about art and music but if you talk to them about it its clear they dont. They just like hating anything that seems non traditional to them, none of them actually listen to classical music habitually. I think I can say fairly that I know a good bit about orchestral music, I know all the big composers, I grew up listening to it all the time, Probably spend around 3 hours a day listening to it, took music lessons for years, and my mom played flute in a local orchestra for a lot of my youth. /pol/'s opinion on being smart about music is once in a blue moon listening to Beethoven or Bach or something, and if you told them you liked something like Scriabin or Bartok, you'd be a heretic. We cant just keep the flame alive our fathers left for us, we need to build on it
>Doesn't like artists trying to capture the sheer horror and madness of a shattered Europe
>Same reason Germany did
Since when were the Polish mistreating Russian minorities?
>>Doesn't like artists trying to capture the sheer greatness and strength of a revived Europe
I don't really like this one very much, this ones kinda cool, like a street sorceress
Actually, banning it would be the last thing I want. Neo-nazi sculptures portraying the "strength" and "righteousness" of Nazi Germany are a several magnitudes funnier with the hindsight of how they actually were.
I'd love to see more around so I could have a good laugh.
Never. They didn't mistreat German minorities either, that's another piece of literal Nazi propaganda which you're parroting. The "massacre" you're referring to happened AFTER the German invasion of Poland and wasn't of innocent civilians, it was ethnically German partisans who rose up and attacked Poles when they heard that the invasion was happening.
No, the Nazis and Commies just wanted land, pure and simple. The difference is that the communists didn't have the intention or capability of seizing land from Germany or even from other countries without German approval... Which was why they signed the treaty with them in the first place.
Sorry, I don't know why I said Neo-Nazi. I meant Nazi.
>Jews hate physical fitness when gyming it up is high as ever, "swole", "do you even lift", "mirin", etc. memes have entered popular culture, fat people are made spectacles of and given TV shows, and countless other examples
>The difference is that the communists didn't have the intention or capability of seizing land from Germany
Explain East Germany
>I don't understand why the Soviets attacked the country which attacked them first
>I don’t understand why they attacked them first
I like how commie scum conveniently forget to mention the disasterous destruction of entire soviet fronts during barbarossa, how they only achieved parity with the superior German forces by receiving hundereds of thousands of trucks by the americans, literally becoming a modern motorized army only through superior capitalist technology and productive capability. Not to mention the tanks arms etc. They also received and the fact that the Germans were fighting on two fronts first in Balkans which affected barbarossa and then africa, antipartisan operations, italy and finally the illegal allied invasion of France. Not to mention the later bombings disrupting industry. All anti-Hitler subhumans please kill yourselves.
Mate I've explained the history to you and why the Nazi propaganda that you're spouting is just that-propaganda. It's time for you to actually present your case but you fucking won't because you look like pic related
>he doesn’t think what he was taught was propaganda
Shalom friend, thank you for controlling the discourse on this discussion. I will deposit your shekels immediately
Lend Lease only became significant after the Soviets had already ground the Germans to a halt. You could argue that without Lend Lease the Soviets might have only been able to only halt the Germans and not engage in meaningful counteroffensives.
Also, you do realize that being anti-Hitler is not only a communist position?
>he doesn’t think what HE was taught was propaganda
when did art need to be original?
brecker's statues were made intentionally "overly physical" to emphasize masculinity and physical strength. they're not really emulating the greeks/romans, but going past them. also the allird destroyed them because they distinctly promote fascism, which was pretty much outright policy. and they won the war, so they get to do that.
>>uninspired, generic statues
they're neither. brecker's statues are actually very distinct. maybe not quite you're fucking autistic abstract or non representational modernist stuff, but they do stand out from typical classical and neo-classical sculpture. the musculature is way, way over the top.
>>in a style which has been done to death over the centuries
is this supposed to be a critique?
>>made explicitly as propaganda to promote fascism
almost all art was made to promote something. modernists often promoted socialism, there's several movements which had distinct ideological aspects (e.g. the realists)
Nice dubs
But yes, you’re right. It’s also an Anglo position.
Art should be original no? Dont you find it more exciting to see something original? Say how Handel was infamous for writing Operas that sounded very similar to one another, and it ends up sounding like business as usual, even though if you were to study any of them individually there would be a wealth of knowledge. Compared to Mozart whos pieces are very distinct from one another in terms of structure, and feel, even if it keeps the same overall form. Does this make sense? English isnt my first language. When someone sees something theyve seen before it can look boring compared to seeing stuff that looks different. That doesnt mean there isnt wiggle room inside old art style, im sure you could make something very original looking or sounding in old styles of painting sculpting or composing
Fuck you, shitheads like you are useful idiots for the powers that be when you shill the idea that the SJW-BS is related in even the slightest way to Marxism. It isn't! It's capitalism that allows it and sustains it, not socialism.
Fucking brainlet wastes of space. If SJWs are commies then it's entirely justified to call frogposters and contrarian edgemasters fascists and treat them as such, because both claims are equally fucking retarded. Have fun being on the same level as the very people you despise, asshole.
you make perfect sense and you're completely right. originality in art is good and by no means a bad thing, but being unoriginal or not revolutionary really isn't a detraction from the quality of a piece, just like what you said about music. I just hate seeing people saying it's boring or unoriginal just because it's neoclassical or non-abstract. avant garde art is very interesting, but every work doesn't need to be avant garde. there's originality in almost every work and every work has had time and dedication put into it, so i don't think it's unfair to give every work its fair share of attention and respect.
>muh ad hominem
Not an argument
>"the enemy you should be facing is not the one you think"
Sounds like you’re having a mental breakdown. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
So were the Soviets really into something when they linked fascism with homosexuality ?
btw the greco-roman larping mixed with Nordic features is the most disgusting thing i have ever seen couldn't they at least take on a Germanic style ?
>French soldiers in 1940 are on average 10 years older because France was an older nation
>Germans mysteriously have superior physical endurance, speed, and strength
Woah.... is this the power... of Germanic military training? To make 25 years olds more physically fit than 35 year olds?
>Believing anything the Soviets say
>successes early in the war against [..] Czechoslovakia
wtf am I read, Germany never fought Czechoslovakia
Nice post, entirely disregarding Pervitin as a key component of Nazi training and battle fervor