May great Han live for 10,000 years!
I wish pre modern Chinese history didn't seem so same-y to my western mind. It all just runs together.
Only the mongol/yuan stand out
May the Jin last 20,000
Alright Veeky Forums fags, give me one reason why I should care about chinese history. It is basically just barbarians killing each other for millenia before we made them civilized, and then the japs had a massive shitfit and claimed wewuz
Do not pursue Lu Bu
Why does China look like a boob?
A barbarian warmonger
It seems samey because you didn’t grow up learning it
Nice trips btw
Is Restless Empire by Westad worth reading? I know very little about China.
萬 愿 臣
歲 大 拜
萬 漢 陛
歲 永 下
萬 生
It is samey. Even the mongols are samey because they adopted Chinese traditions.
Very ugly sounding language, to be honest lads.
You can say it in Japanese or Korean if you like them more.
But user, those languages actually sound aesthetic
How do my words contradict yours?Those two have their own readings of 漢字。
And may the Prime Minister of the Han, Cao Mengde, reign eternal!
He truly was the last defender of Han. When he died, Han died with him.
May Cao Mengde defend the Han and destroy the son of heaven's enemies for ten thousand years!
Nope, better sounding than your language.
>Far more chinchongchung than Mandarin
>Can't into "R", "L" and "Z" sound
>sound aesthetic
No, check your ear again.
mandarin is fucking god tier, japanese sounds like baby talk. annoying af
>japanese sounds like baby talk. annoying af
When it’s spoken by a woman, maybe. When it’s spoken by a guy with a manly voice, it sounds impressive.
>Can't into "R", "L" and "Z" sound
those syllables don't exist in japanese though you retard
>Implying Cao Cao wasn't preparing the stage for his descendants's ascencion and overthrowing the Han
um wrong sweetie I feel like chinese sounds "badass"
R, L, Z are not syllables, you moron. They're consonants.
A syllable is a vowel + consonant pair.
The same could be said of most history. Irregardless, the three kingdoms period wasn't pure war mongering and there's a lot to be praised outside of the battle's fought. Just because Chinese history has tons of dynasty's rising and fallen doesn't mean there was never civility to it.
>thinks R, L, and Z are syllables
>calls other people a retard
Stopped reading right there
You are not even asian i assume
Chinese has rhythmic language with high and low accents and sometimes they drag on their rhythm. Thats why theirs sound chingchong. Korean is consistent monotone compared to chinese and japanese. Finally they feel same way about english french etc
Come on stop talking about romance of three kingdoms. Liu Bang is the most badass of all.
You probably won't, but your children and future generations will. Their global clout is tied to their economic power, and it's only going up from here. There'll be greater emphasis on understanding China, it's culture and history because trade with them will take up such a large portion of the economic interaction between western states and China.
You're seeing Mandarin becoming standard in schools across California, Australia and New Zealand.
Korean sounds like a car engine starting
Long live the Cantonese people, culture and language.
People said the same about Japan in the 70's/80's. In fact, Japan had a better chance at it than China does now.
China is just a giant commie shithole which adopted capitalism to survive. Their size and population, while it seems a great advantage, is what keeps them from taking over US.
Chinese sounds ugly because it is a tonal language. There are some Chinese songs minimizing the use of time on purpose and it actually sounds pretty good then.