Why has anti-intellectualism always been so strong in the American South?
Why has anti-intellectualism always been so strong in the American South?
>people disagree with me because they are anti-intellectual
t. pseudointellectual
That's not what I said.
It's a class distinction, in what has always been a vast, rural region which has seen itself as second-class citizens to a more wealthy, more urban north which controls the central government.
anti-intellectualism isnt anti-intellect, its anti-intellectuals.
Because of nigger admixture.
Asimov also loved child porn
You don't need intellectuals to obtain intellect
>can learn anything you want to in the age of the internet
>the sum of all human knowledge that would make one of the ancient masters weep with joy would they to behold it's infinite wisdom
>can unlock truths in mere days that would take a lifetime of searching only a century earlier
Stop standing up for the South, they fought hard for their shithole title and by God let them keep what they've earned.
who's standing up for them? I'm not sure what you're talking about.
>wealthy, more urban north which controls the central government
Historically, that was not true at all. Before Lincoln, most of the Presidents were Southerners, and even the Northern Presidents were very pro-Southern in their politics. John Adams and his son John Quincy were the only exceptions.
New-age woo is more of an upper class thing. They're the ones who can afford to shop at organic shops and buy snake-oil.
>can learn anything you want to in the age of the internet
That's bullshit, though.
First prove your claim, then ask why.
The microchip was invented by a Texan, checkmate yankees.
The South had outsized influence because of wealthy landowners, that doesn’t make them intellectual. There’s a reason why the Ivy League schools are in the North, and all those fancy prep schools are in New England. The North, especially New England, has a strong tradition of placing great importance in education.
There are always exceptions to the rule
It's defintily reflected in what the states produce. The south has good raw material, good farming land, and often real estate/regulations that are very agreeable to large manuactoring plants (in other words a bunch of peasent work and dirt cheap land). The East and West coast have all the industries that actually require brains such as technology.
God damn why the fuck is the first post fuckingalways the best post
Eat my fuckigg ass asimov, sci-fi is for faggots who can't into real science
You do know Asimov had a PH.D in biochemistry, right?
You do know he also had a massive collection of child porn too, right?
[citation badly needed]
>le credentials
How many diseases did he cure?
If the answer is none then why the fuck should I care that he had enough money to pay a bunch of faggots to give him a degree?
Fuck Yankees are insufferable.
>science fiction is for people who can't do science but like to talk about it
>"he has a degree!!"
>has he done science with it?
>"gah! Stop moving the goal post!"
Guess which one you are idiot
How many biochemists have cured diseases? Could it be that you're coming up with a completely arbitrary and ridiculous standard to cover for the fact that you don't know about his actual scientific acheivements?
Nigger there's a fucking anti-vaxxer, attachment-parenting nutjob on the Big Bang theory who also has a fancy bio degree of some sort
You realize those are just pieces of paper right? Like if you pay for classes and show up, they'll give you one with whatever credential you want on it
SeeAlso I just don't like hearing about "rampant anti-intellectualism" from someone who I'm supposed to be impressed with Cause he has a degree for something fancy but instead writes books
Small population and lack of urbanization meant there was a cultural hegemony in the South during the antebellum period that the North stopped experiencing much earlier as immigration took off.
After the war, the severe destruction of both the physical infrastructure throughout the south, its cash crop economy, and much of its social structure combined WITH the sudden rapid rise of legal citizens thanks to the immediate emancipation of slaves meant that the South was at a massive disadvantage when trying to modernize and urbanize.
In my opinion this problem was exacerbated by the Christian solidarity movements in the 20th century, which only pushed for a greater sense of monoculture and undermined the trend of urbanization.
Categorically incorrect; the most recent U.S. election shows that the South is not averse to political interests. The problem there is more that the South has been 'left behind' by the politicians who would most benefit the South, such as in the case of Trump's job creation rhetoric which is aimed at the more populous rust belt.
Not exactly, I live in Alabama and we have waves of drones spouting pseudoscience as fact and generally acting like proles. Access to the internet is a helluva drug.
Texas is not the South; Texas is midwest (or really, Texas is just fucking Texas). Conflation of Texan culture with Southern culture is a meme, and its why I have to deal with retards wearing cowboy hats all day, so I'd like if you'd stop doing it.
Nothin that you said implies that the post you responded to said anything incorrect
>more wealthy, more urban north which controls the central government
Which is blatantly untrue; if this were the case you wouldn't expect to see massive support for a non-establishment candidate widely considered by many in his own party to be a joke from the South from day one.
Hell, the paradigm that user is getting at is actually coastal cities controlling the central government by population (New England and California especially), not a north-south dichotomy.
There is of course the ever-present racial dichotomy, but its not geographical.
Isn't the South doing better than the rust belt?
>using big bang theory as a source or reference
Get off this board faggot
>is afraid of a point being made because it references crap TV
Eat my ass you brain dead cunt
Better by the virtue of having a significantly smaller, non-urbanized population, not actually better in terms of the availability of jobs or most other financial metrics.
In fairness, its not like there's much legacy industry in the South that even could be revitalized in the same way, but the South does need a serious injection of local economic/industry projects, which I know personally many Trump supporters in Alabama were hoping for in regards to the State's foundling automotive industry.
The South could also likely benefit from a suppression of lopsided trade deals on food exports, but I don't know enough about the financial side of agriculture to call that either way. It'd be a major investment if even possible.
He means an actress who plays a character on Big Bang Theory. Don’t be a moron.
>quite literally the sum of human knowledge at your fingertips
Why in the actual fuck not?
He's a hopeless quitter and it makes him feel better to believe that success is impossible so that he doesn't have to accept his own failure
Not that user, but autodidactism isn't something you just turn on and suddenly you can learn everything
It's called books retard, just fucking read
you say that as if people aren't prone to completely misinterpreting things they read and using those biases to cement a preconception. I mean look at what fucking board you're on man.
Much more baffling is that leftists/Democrats have somehow convinced everyone that they're the science loving intellectuals. For example, the reason your average leftist believes evolution isn't because they actually understand it and have studied it. They believe it because that's just what their side does. It's simply a thing they use to throw against conservatives and say "look how smart we are for believing this science thing". An even better example of this is global warming. Whether or not it exists, your average screeching global warming zealot has next to no actual understanding of the science. Yet that won't stop them from using it as a tool to attack conservatives. As cliche as it sounds, they treat science like a religion. Just look how quickly your average liberal will fiercely reject any science that doesn't fit their narrative. Look at the rising popularity of these "science idols" like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye. It's not a conservative or liberal thing. It's a human thing.
Nowhere in that quote does it mention the south. That being said, there's a history of it. Take the Know-Nothing Party for example.
Don't lump us in with those rural shitholes
If there's anything the Trump presidency has shown us, it's that big city liberals are just as fucking stupid, unhinged, and prone to conspiracy theory bullshit and fallacies as southern conservatives.
Better in the sense that there's less able to affect their way of life.
The difference is that this the current trend of city-liberal anti-intellectualism has only reared its head in the last 20 years or so (though in academia its actually been around much longer).
Except that's not what science fiction is for. It's for posing questions and postulating how certain things would affect society (at least, hard sci-fi is). The best example of this is The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester. The book asks a two questions, the first being what would society be like if everyone could read everyone else's minds, and the second being that if that society existed, how would someone get away with murder? And it takes those 2 questions and explores all the ramifications it entails.
>places with more people have more chances to have people become famous
what a shit chart
>Bachelors in neuroscience
>fancy degree
Know nothing nativism was north-east movement though. Not southern
Southern Ideology was culled after the Civil War
You advocate school as if people don't schmooze their way through it and learn fuck all in the end
>sci-fi is for faggots who can't into real science
t. Business major
>>can learn anything you want to in the age of the internet
Learn how to sort microfossils from the internet before you say this
>school is bad because idiots don't utilise it
Idiots will always be idiots. An intelligent person can never have enough education.
>Ideology is: We is pale
Its cuz southern christianity is a bot loopy and basically massivley promotes the idea that even questioning the exsitence of go at all is sinful, and by extension so is questioning the pastor or how they live or any of the ideas theyce been indocdrinated with. This means literallymany obviously bullshit opinion on the tv gets completely gobbledmup by these sheep amd then they basically dont ever listen to anyone who tries to explain how theyre wrong.
That's not at all what I said you moron
The problem with school is that the credentials you receive are not an accurate reflection of your knowledge accumulated
The problem is that idiots DO utilize it to appear like they are not idiots
>Houston we have a problem
>not New York
>not LA
The tech in the US is pretty fairly spread out
The real question is why is Veeky Forums so anti-Veeky Forums?
because if the south became intellectual they would realise how much 1% asshole they lick.
Rural and suburban retards will learn their place soon enough when the intellectuals take control.
get the fuck off this board and read a fucking book
I mean, this is something that you have to do with proxies, but for example, why does the South not have as prestigeous universities as the West and Northeast? The only big ones that come into my mind are Vanderbilt, Duke, UoT Austin and the various unis in D.C.
Found the closet liberal.
>South a shithole
Wait what
You're telling me huge sprawling megacities like New York and Chicago are somehow 'better' than the south? Where people line their streets with filth and accept the cancerous emissions coming at them from everywhere?
Meanwhile I live in the South which despite being mostly rural is still the forefront of American industry. The largest corporations in America are from here or have their datacenters here which means hundreds of relatively easy jobs for millions of Americans. In addition to that most of the major shipping ports for the US line the Gulf and Southern states. Florida is the center of tourism for the entire US. Texas could practically be it's own fucking country.
And the South is somehow a shithole? Compared to what? Freezing your nuts off in Wisconsin where people are literally retarded or living in someplace like Michigan where you can't even drink the water?
He lost the popular vote, colluded with a foreign power to release sensitive documents, and has already set back legislation by ten years
How are these facts incorrect
Yes it is.
You can point out your cherry picked examples of urban blight in the north, where all I have to do is mention the Rust Belt and Appalachia to prove to you that the South is a third world shithole that should have been cleansed from this great nation with nuclear fire.
I meant a history of anti-intellectualism
t. overdosing on meth as of this moment
Their hatred of carpetbaggers from just after the civil war led them to distrust anyone that claims to know their situation better than they do
Who gives a shit about this jew thinks?
Intellectuals are fucking retarded. They're smart enough to know that the world has the resources to make a utopia but the working man knows people would never come together to make that happen.
Anti intellectualism is common in all regions of America really. This stems from the fact that baptists and anti-Anglicans settled the US and they hated intellectuals/authority
This is the most Reddit post I've seen in the history of this site.
21st century philosophy retards do not overshadow the French Revolution
"colluded with a foreign power to release sensitive documents"
And your boy Obama presided over the leakage of millions of security clearance reports and evaluations, by the OPM during its' LGBT pride month, to the Chinese.
It should've been a scandal. Like enough for impeachment and resignation. The Chinese literally have dossiers on millions of people in the US with security clearances. That's fucked. Even more fucked is that those dossiers represent billions of dollars and untold man hours in having agents comb through the nitty gritty of a man's life. And the Chinese got it for a comparative pittance.
A Current Farce: Faggots, not gay people, complaining about any number of leftist issues on phones with rare earth materials mined with slave labor.
>Intellectuals are fucking retarded
I fucking hate intellectuals, pompous, arrogant, self centered, yeah, sure i'm generalizing, but that's what i think when i hear or see the word intellectual, look at Asimov, doesn't look like he's worked a day in his life, people buried in books, heads up in the clouds, completely devoid from reality have no right to preach anything to anyone. I hate their cult of "knowledge", "science" and weakness.
>People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
>Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Pic related may be a bit memetastic and pretentious, but its true
ITT: Analblasted hicks
>knowledge + science = weakness
T.anarcho primitivist
"Knowledge" + "Science" = weakness
Most people are fucking social manipulators who swim around alpha manipulators. When they speak of "knowledge" or "science", they do not use them in good faith. Naive faith maybe. But not good faith. They use them like cudgels to make way for the kool-aid ideology of the moment that intoxicates them.
Think of the South and its penchant for some debased form of religion. A bunch of fucking fat stupid people who believe they are doing the Lord's work by going to a mega-church and talking about college football. But none of them ever poses the question to themselves.
"What Lord would accept such ugly debased kingdoms of the mind and body?"
why is he wearing a bolo tie?
The second statement has yet to be proven (aka false) and the third statement has no factual basis to begin with.
I didn't mean that knowledge and science equaled weakness, i meant glorifying and deifying science and knowledge (an abstract bookworm type of knowledge) as pinnacles of human achievement, glorifying them to the point that, all other pursuits are dismissed as barbaric, unnecessary and downright stupid, especially pursuits relating to the body, as if taking care of your body was somehow impossible to do without neglecting your mind. You can be strong and smart, to put it bluntly, i have a problem with "intellectuals" who neglect and make fun of physical fitness and anything not related to what they consider important.
>Think of the South and its penchant for some debased form of religion. A bunch of fucking fat stupid people who believe they are doing the Lord's work by going to a mega-church and talking about college football. But none of them ever poses the question to themselves.
"What Lord would accept such ugly debased kingdoms of the mind and body?"
Pretty much hit the nail on the head.
AL user here again,
This pretty well hits the nail on the head of the religious problems in the South.
You know he worked at a shipyard for years, right?
>ITT: brainlets think anti-intellectualism = anti-intellect
>You know he worked at a shipyard for years, right?
Regardless, i wasn't talking about Asimov, and i didn't imply HE didn't work a day in his life, just that he looked like it.
Reminds me of the song "The Saw is the Law"
The problem with your pic is if everyone followed that with the technology we have now, civilization itself would be destroyed.
>"What Lord would accept such ugly debased kingdoms of the mind and body?"
So, in other words, you made a completely baseless assertion about someone based on a single picture you saw of them, one that turned out to be wrong.
Why should anyone take what you have to say seriously again?