Let us discuss the best philosophical opus of these initial years of the 21st century.
Let us discuss the best philosophical opus of these initial years of the 21st century
That's not "Take the Black Pill".
Stop shilling your shit faggot
This isn't even philosophy, it's just the obscurantist ego-stroking of a raging autist, and not even the /oil/ kind, like an actual autistic fuck
Mundus Millennialis threads on Veeky Forums = Pearls to the pigs.
Not so much pearls to swine but pearls only to swine, or rather the mentally ill. Who else is going to even find tripe like his (your?) recent esotericist pseudomedical streams of bullshit for example even appealing, let alone actually believable
Bumping as I want to laugh at the mentally sub-normal.
>shilling your autistic,verging schizo hate letter written in non-professional format so you can stroke your child-hating ego
Can someone tell me in a shortcut what is this about?
Regardless of whatever you wanted to say with that word salad, you seem like a vile, frustrated, little nonperson who is seething with hatred. Why are you even here?
Keep throwing around your buzzwords you little psudeo intellectual. 25 year rule. 21st Century is off limits.
First, of course you would post that vulgar cartoon. You’re from that pit of zionists and subhumans called /pol/. You stink of that board.
Secondly, this board is dedicated to the humanities, not just to history, so your invoking the 25 year rule is nonsensical.
Stop shotposting, freak.
>he thinks brainlets are from /pol/
>Reddit spacing
>Still doesn't realize that literally nobody seriously replies to these threads because not only is no information on the material provided, but it is presented in the most smug, "I'm better than you XD!" way possible, befitting of a grandeur seeking autist
Please just stop.
Aphoristic philosophy.
Philosophical aphorisms.
Philosophical matters pertaining to aphorism.
Philosophic matter in aphoristic form.
Aphorism & Philosophy, Volume I "Autist" Edition
Why is this formatted and read like a continuous loop of catchphrases? Where is the substance? What is the point, the big finish, the conclusion?
That's how brainwashing works.
Fucking feels like it. Someone edit in a Coldsteel PNG behind the text wall.
It's just someone's edgy art project. It's ironic that people complain about post modernism while buying into this shit and spewing it around Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
You shouldn’t worry then —brainwashing only works on those with brains ;)
I bet you imagine yourself being world famous once your little blog-post story nobody can understand (written by a schizo) goes viral. It's ok to hate the modern world, but your approach is both senseless as it is aggressive to the people your trying to pander to.
>too idiotized to appreciate sober, lapidary statements of insight
>Everything is a word salad without a pinpoint, just pretty-sounding words that have no purpose
To whom are you talkng, or think you’re talking??
To whom do you think you are fooling?
Learn English.
It's Ray pushing his own shit. Inevitably near any criticism is faced by the same overwrought and pompous insults.
>Missing the point
Learn human emotions, autist.