This is the ideal cavalryman. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
This is the ideal cavalryman. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
This is the ideal infantryman. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
This is the ideal Marine. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
>roman cavalry
Late Roman cavalry was actually really good
it looks like a fucking joke lmao
>peak performance
>5th century
The KNIGHTLY horseman is the epitome of cavalry tactics and strategy.
Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is then covered by his plate armour. This plate armour reminds us of his smoothness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to volleys of arrows, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer.
The summit of expression of his masculinity on in his armament is his lance. The KNIGHTLY lance is largest of all the horsemen. As the lance is the penultimate symbol of horsemanhip, this alone would suffice to make the KNIGHTLY horseman the most effective of horsemen. This large lance is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of kings. Its length ensures that when it charges, the potent knightly force will immediately break the formation of the infantry the KNIGHTLY horseman breakes.
In total, the KNIGHTLY horseman expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner on the battlefield. When he charges, he unleashes the entirety of his total mass upon his enemy without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the KNIGHTLY horseman is the epitome of cavalry tactics.
Oh I didn't know you were joking. My bad!
This is the ideal cavalryman. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
This is the ideal Pepe, you may not like it, but it is.
Fuck your tired memes. Can't you talk with your own words?
Yeah, your cavalry is nice looking and all, but watch this.
Why was the Roman army so Aesthetic?
there are like 1000 words and billions of english speakers, it is very unlikely you are the inventor of a word, user
>tfw sitting comfy watching the battle
>officer from the commanders unit comes along and starts screaming at you to engage
How long would it take to train a horse to run around half blind btw?
Early roman cavalry was pretty good too, they just were too few. The being shit bullshit is a meme due to Cannae (because it clearly shows incompetence when you lose to the acknowledged best in the known world who outnumbers you 3:2) and ethnic roman cavalry being outnumbered so much by provincial cavalry that Augustus just did away with them outright.
>This is the ideal cavalryman
Move over, sweetie
haha I thought that was a Norman knight
This isn't ideal but it's far closer to peak cavalry performance than that.
Calvary lol
>the best cavalrymen
Poolish people arent even the best slavs. Even bulgarians are better slave,and they are fucking turkic!
>Flavius what's he saying I can't hear shit out of this mask
>idk man something about Parthians
>Welp that's all I needed to hear, let's get 'em Bucephalus
>poolish huzzars are the best cavalrymen in the world.
t. lance baits
Y'all niggers know that the poles adopted those wings from the sandniggers?
>the deluge.jpeg
Wow, it took Sweden, Russia, Brandenburg, Ukraine, Wallachia, Moldavia and half of PLC to take us down,, and it still ended with kicking Swecucks out.
Good job, I guess
And how many of your ancestors died ? Not enough.But that will soon change when the russians will invade you next year and the americans will throw you under the bus.
Don't be a dingus.
You're fucking killing me.
Dont mess with the swedes
Not an argument. Also stop samefagging.
>Late Roman thread gets derailed into by a bunch of inbred Slavs
what a shame
>33% of the poolish population died
>more than half of the country was ransacked and the women viciously, repeatedly raped
>not an argument
All slavs are niggers. Prove me wrong.
Please refer to the fact that it took seven nation army to hold us back.
> doesn't even have stirrups
Lmao ur life
> the rest of the shitholes you mentioned, except Sweden
>150,000 troops of Swedish allies
Poland always had to be fought at least 2vs1. Our opponents never play fair.
A remake of that cuck copypasta.... underrated
>derailing late antiquity threads with slavic shitposting
deplorable tbqh
Got more
You fucking morons, hussars and hussar like cavalry was in action from the siege of Vienna when they ass raped the T*rks to fucking WWII
>romans stealing the draco from the dacians/roxolani
Also deplorable, tbqhwyf
Romans stole everything from everyone and adapted them. Mail armor from the Gauls, the navy from Carthage, the galea from the Celts, the cataphracts from the Persians, the horse archers from the steppe nomads, the boipussy from the Greeks, etc.
This is what made them successful in the first place. They adapted and overcame their enemies using their shit.
>Romans stole everything from everyone
So the romanians are truly the descendants of the romans after all?
Why does the instructor look like he launched his bow instead of the arrow?
The thing with the hollow lance was legitimately clever.
Their ridge helmets have a Persian origin I believe too
I mean ... you aren't even wrong.
>Finnish black metal
>whines about Slavs
>posts Slavs in Roman army
Did European or other cultures have a particular steed analogous to Red Hare?
>replica of the Archduke Sigismund armour
must have cost a fortune.
Sleipnir, Grani
This is the ideal cavalryman. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Gib me the blank one ples
>Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you
This is what peak cavalry performance looks like.
*plants IED beneath you*
Nothing personnell, kaffir.
Ever heard of Rocroi ?
god i love this website
*Nothing anti-personel (because it's anti-vehicle)
The battle where cavalry did shit, and it took hours of artillery fire (and rout of non-Spanish troops) to beat infantry?
there is no blank one, a finnish guy on /int/ makes them
This is the ideal cavalryman. You may not like it, but this is -
Ah, who am I kidding?
>Byzantines get btfo by Muslims
Nazis getting owned since Manzikert lmao
It’s the helmets
kataphractoi are based, shame there's not more accounts of early Persian kataphractoi in Greek history - they were too busy jacking off over chariots I guess
pikemen lol
Mainly this board, but yes.
as if there's some guy you go to for buying the rights to it.
No stirrups
>mfw the fucking Celts patented cheek flaps on helmets
Incorrect. The Byzantine/Persian (also Sarmatian but they aren't important here) cataphracts were the dominant type of cavalry for centuries.
Acceptable answers
>Dat swastika