>ITT We post our Coss Dividend Snapshots
> Pays out each week for residual income
Still in beta as well.
>ITT We post our Coss Dividend Snapshots
> Pays out each week for residual income
Still in beta as well.
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Nice. I'm just a guppy atm, but growing.
how much COSS do you have
Where will it show the payout? New tab? Or in the wallets tab?
I had 20k in my screenshot. So ~$2k worth.
You can see payouts in total or on a per-block level on the dashboard.
25k if 2 weeks
more than 25k id wager.
Nevermind I hadn’t looked since the distribution. Not shilling here, I think I’m gonna have to buy more lol
My gain posted above is just 1 week.
I've tripled my stack since then so I'm excited to see it next week. If this exchange takes off, I'm going to be quite happy.
so with 2k invested, how much was your payout worth? all the fractions of tokens combined?
This was for roughly just under 5000 COSS.
I just bought 1000 more today and will be buying another 1000 next week. I cannot believe this coin is just 10 cents right now.
as someone who doesn't hold COSS I have zero incentive to trade there. So I'm pretty sure the only people trading on this thing are COSS holders, so you are just paying each other dividends with your own money.
you're never gonna make it. Don't be deluded. Don't be a Cossie.
It's still only in beta anyway. Now is the time to invest.
How do you get the dividends? Do you need to use a specific wallet?
OP here actually only have 10.5k coss have done 3 snapshot/distribution rounds.
As it's just starting out it's only a small fraction as volume increases you get more and more and it has a snowball effect. Good to have an index of all different coins in case it moons.
Just hold it in the coss wallet or you can set it up to receive with a MEW wallet.
Coss wallet on any exchange?
$2.3961 for the week. That comes out to $124.60/yr, or 6.23%/yr. Not earth shattering yet but it's new. Here's some pasta about it:
> "Now lets assume that COSS gets to the trading volumes of Binance, another very new exchange, which launched in August and 2 months later already has volumes of approximately $100mm/day. If COSS did the same, that would mean volumes of ~$36.5b volume/year, where $73mm (0.2%) would get distributed to 93mm tokens, which amounts to $0.78/year/token. At the current value of COSS at $0.20 that amounts to a ~400% fee split allocation/year."
>"Assuming that investors drive up the price of the COSS token until it yields a 10% yearly fee split allocation, that would value the COSS token at $7.80, a 39x return from where it currently trades."
This doesn't factor in that only coins held on the COSS exchange (or contracted in a MEW wallet) are counted in the fee split. So when you don't include things like the Etherdelta and HitBTC (etc) wallets, you can probably multiply the above numbers by 2x or more.
I'm in for the long haul. Just waiting for a little more dip to get more.
only on coss.io or ur MEW
Fiat gateway will shaking things up. At the very least make coinbase have to compete on fees.
Even if it plays out like that, their merchant gateway will also pay COSS holders dividends. While I do believe the market will be a success after the UX refresh in the near future, COSS holders can still make bank even if the exchange shits itself but the merchant gateway succeeds.
Thank you user, I'll transfer BTC to coss.io, but coss and just hold it in on the exchange right?
Can't wait to see these pink wojaks when COSS delivers upcoming updates, adds more coins and starts first ICO.
Yeah to be honest I'm glad it's like this at the moment as it's just in beta. Dev team have sorted out dividends now working on UI and some good features. Once these are marketed should be good.
yeah but u should move ETH to coss.io.
moving BTC there took 5 hrs for me but ETH takes like 30 mins
That's actually pretty decent for a crypto exchange in beta, seriously. The average yearly return for a mutual fund is around 11-12%. And keep in mind, these returns on COSS are in crypto which means it's returning funds that have the potential to grow hugely in value.
I don't know why every Veeky Forums poster is not stacked up on COSS right now.
Who the fuck is touching BTC outside of exchanges where you don't have to actually use that garbage coin? Seriously, the thing is useless you should never transfer anything but ETH or LTC between exchanges.
These fucking niggers haven't given me any distribution. I hold 59,000 COSS, and not a single deposit after holding for TWO SNAPSHOTS
Fuck this shitcoin
Burger here
You all deserve to go to prison
Wait, is it?
t. burger coss hodler
What do you see on your dashboard?
Contact the dev team if you did everything right. They are awesome.
It's not illegal. From a hosting standpoint, they are in Singapore and had law consul. From a holder standpoint, it's an exchange model (user-initiated disbursement model via a smart contract) in order to get around any potential SEC classification rules towards securities.
On the flip, a model like kucoin puts it into the securities category and that will be in legal trouble at some point. COSS took the time to avoid those pitfalls.
What exactly is illegal?
Good idea but currently shitty delivering. The UI looks like a kid made it. They need to improve that before this goes anywhere.
I'm got some coins anyways
It's just a FUDder trying to suppress the price. Ignore.
I see 59000 COSS in my wallet, 0 in all other coins, and a little gear that says "Pendinf Transaction" next to COSS which has been there for like 5 days.
I emailed them a few hours ago and no response. The main page says "3rd snapshot was taken you will receive your fee-split no later than 48 hours after ETH block etc etc"
It's already been more than 48 hours!!!!!!
I have the gear as well spinning next to the COSS, but I got the distribution. If you get a response let us know. This is all on the Etherium ledger, so whatever you're missing can be findable/sendable.
Go into your wallet and there's a button on the side called dashboard it's in there if you don't have that let the devs know.
Its worked for me. Have you read the white paper? We need more details.
I've got all three so can't complain. Still looks shitty tho, kindergarten level.
Oh holy shit I'm just retarded, I see them in the dashboard. I had just assumed they would automatically be sent to my wallet, sorry goys
Haha all good post up a screeenshot of your distribution should look decent.
what are you guys doing with you dividens? convert to eth? or just hang on to it
I converted some but am still waiting on the conversions being deposited.
I just hold them for now till it's a decent amount and then will convert.
I got mine as well.
Thank god, now the pajeets can stop spamming "COSS SCAM DEAR SIR" and we can all agree that COSS is one of the most solid projects in crypto atm.
how much coss to creampie her
Yep. This will be a moon mission soon.
Thanks mate, appreciate the tip!
Totally forgot I even had COSS, just went over and claimed a bunch of ETH. How long does it take to get credited after you click claim? I want to claim my COSS but can't because I don't have the ETH to pay the fee
Hanging on to it. I'll do conversions probably 4-5 times a year, and only when the tokens being converted are 'up' on coinmarketcap.
you need to pay a gas fee for every single distribution to your wallet
It says there is no fee required
read better
I just sent ETH to COSS from Binance and it literally took less than 5 minutes.
It's kind of amazing that a coin like ODN has a higher market cap than COSS.
Conversion isn't the same as distribution. Read the last part above the bottom green box.
Conversion from non ERC20 crypto to ETH costs no fee at all, only distribution to wallet costs fee.
It's also quite sad actually.
So with my coss can I just leave it on the exchange and get the dividents?
I am aware of that. I want to use the ETH I converted to pay the distribution fee required to claim my COSS. I should have got .004 ETH, and the fee is .002, but it hasn't been credited.
conversion is not distribution
holding 45k here
they payed me 90 coss just for holding these past three weeks
also anons don't forget you can convert at any time.
So when individual cryptos are up on eth you can convert. This is 2ezy
I bought some more Coss
this guy is lying and FUDDING
dont by bullshit like this without proof.
He already updated:
i guess i was half right ;^]