that are currently outside top 50 in marketcap
Mention coins with a working product
Other urls found in this thread:
XAS. AKA chink lisk.
working product, excellent wallet, working privacy features that coins 100x its size are still trying to figure out. 200k marketcap
Storj was the first that I saw which I know has a working product
QVOLTA, it's not even on coinmarketcap and it's below ICO price.
what is the incentive for any cooperation to partner with them?
I don't see them going 10x or even 5x without any real world large scale use
ACES smartbridge is in place and working (and currently being improved and updated too), its just that there is not much on the Ethereum blockchain (or any other blockchain) yet.
ARKVM (ARK smart contracts) and push deployable blockchains (instant ARK copy instantly linked to ARK by smartbridge) are still halfway under development.
Eboost also big consortium and news coming the coming days
>Daily fantasy sports, competitor of draftkings and fanduels
>New UI and logo drop this weekend
>100k adspend dropping with new UI
>partnering with Joe Theisman
Syscoin of course.
Decentralized marketplace fuck yes.
Masternodes next month.
Easy to use webmarket december/januari.
Get ready for a marketplace without fees/middleman.
Get ready for new silk road thats not possible to go down. You faggots can buy all your drugs from me with zcash over the syscoin webmarket.
Silk road alone was estimated around 2.5 billion dollars. Syscoin is now worth 105 million dollars, do the math. We go to the moon :).
(hint: It's literally the best investment)
LATOKEN (LT on etherdelta,or hitbtc)
This coin is next 10x moon mission just find our information about upcoming forum that they will lead.The idea is to bring crypto closer to investors,they already have working product and you can easily using LAT buy apple action
XAS, its only on one barely known exchange, soon to be listed on more. Buy in now before that happens.
In a sentence, its a Chinese version of Lisk.
wtf am i looking at here?
Dropped 1k on this project. Literally a hidden gem but /biz will only catch on when it's already too late. For now I am waiting patiently for their conference and also what new stocks they will add to their platform moving forward.
By the time fags on this board realize that they can hedge against the fork by investing in LAT's tokenized assets, it will be already too late.
>By the time they realize they can invest in the stock market THROUGH crypto by using LATs, it will be already too late.
>By the time they realize unlike black cuck crypto, LAT's tokenize fund and platform is already up and running, it will be too late.
Is there a comfier hodl than LAT right now?
>Dropped 1k on this project
Likewise. It's crazy how Veeky Forums has shudden this moon mission for their pajeet P&Ds and overhyped ICOs.
>Mike Jones first Advisor
how did i not know about this, and there's no LT on ED
the ticker is LA
I can’t even find this on blockfolio
well duh. it was released today on the market
>55mil market cap
>38mil circulating supply
Why does no one ever mention this? They already have coins moving onto their platform and supposedly have Shkreli, and the Winkledink twins involved somehow
>having to use ED in general
why is this still so trash
it's on hitbtc as well
Isnt Shkreli in jail? May commit suicide shiving himself in the back.
warning: jew coin
tracker tkr, 12 million coins, .11 cents no fucking brainers, 2 man team to make a blockfolio 2.0 but better. lambo coin for sure
there is a jew coin called
Surely you have src on that gif
I know it's overshilled but its currently outside top 50 and you can literally make oracles on their website right this second. Given coins with no product are already in the top 50 I think LINK is undervalued pretty heavily atm, how far you think it will go is up to you, but theres no way it should have a market cap sub 300M
Why wouldn't I trust a jew to run a business?
Thanks for the warning, user.
Don't trust these kikes
And trackr/cryptoinsight
very true but the amount of Veeky Forums tards that are HODLing you would need some huge news to get a 2x out of this. literally half of this board is holding LINK
Well the HODLers just kind of reduce sell volume, so its not too bad a thing
I think it has a lot of FOMO attached to it as well, the biggest arguments against LINK are that it won't actually land partnerships so if that is off the cons list it'll be a really strong indicator
Competitors are another issue but I think that will only be relevant after a fair period of time. Keeping in mind Chainlink's oracles have had more attention than Microsofts through sibos etc I think they will be the first to gain traction
This coin was made by pajeet, avoid it.
Metaverse (ETP)
one wallet own 60% of coin supply, and no, it's not exchange wallet. Stay the fuck away from this turd.
FYP. Just hit hitBTC
tbf waleed looks he can handle a mean vindaloo
Wait, is Waleed Indian name or Arab name?
I thought it was Indian
guess the token
doesnt matter which, literally everything can do this LOL