WTF MAN why is it mooning so hard?

WTF MAN why is it mooning so hard?

Because nips love anime and cats

and nationalism

Everyone got their buttcoin gold so they're buying up alts again.

some user posted yesterday about mona being advertised on jumbotrons in japan etc. user linked to a plebbit post about it.
i should have listened

you can still buy in now, might go $6

will this coin give me some comfy gains? its japanese so it has to be good

I don't know what's worse. Being you and never buying, or being me and buying MONA and selling it back immediately thinking
>what the fuck are a couple billboards gunna do for this shitcoin?

motherfucking meme market, i swear to i'm holding shit with "extremely growth potential", while some fucking stupid, old shitcoin goes 10x during a massive alt crash.
you can't win this shit.

Btw brough 40 monacoins at 70k sats, lets see where this goes. Can't wait to see this coin go 10k btc volume again kek