So the Moors were black?
So the Moors were black?
I'm pretty sure that the proper definition of moor is a descendant of invading Muslims in the Maghreb
So I guess some of them could be black
They were from the Maghreb but there were probably some black slaves or even mercenaries from Mali though they would have been kicked out during the Reconquista
No, BLACKs were just slaves were brought there from the kingdom of Ghana, that's why BLACK people in Morocco are called "Gnawa".
That's not entirely accurate.
Depends on the time and place.
All those black heads in Mediterranean art and flags are "Moorish" heads and you can go quiet back and see a clear black/moor connection.
But the Moors that conquered Spain weren't mostly dark brown, they were light and lighter skinned North Africans many of whom probably having some black ancestry + some "blacker" north Africans.
well, do you consider these people black?
(they're technically caucasian btw)
Blacks aren't real, they are a jewish invention.
>new show on tv called britannia
>looks shite but might as well give it a go
>negroes galore
>one gets asked where he's from
>says "I am roman, I am numidian"
Amazing band user, good post!
Moor became a generalized term later, but the fact that the term blackamoor or black moor exists evinces that the term moor itself did not inherently connotate a black person
>negroes galore
>one gets asked where he's from
>says "I am roman, I am numidian"
Please tell me you're joking.
some of them were
No the proper definition is ancient Mauretanian Berbers
What else do you expect from modern, TV, normie history. Also the show is infested with druids, magic, historically idiotic armour, weapons, and a complete melting pot of historical periods, you have Agricola mixing in a similar time to Caesar, it's retarded.
The one drop rule means they are black being as they are (Arab+black). Black Americans could be considered western Moors in a way seeing as they are (anglo+ black).
>Black Americans could be considered western Moors
Why have I never considered this. It makes so much sense to consider Black Americans for western Moors.
No, at least, for the most part. If you look at medieval depictions of Moors during the Reconquista, they look pretty light skinned. “Moor” was a vague term that applied to anyone who was Muslim. There were probably more European Moors than black moors.
Because it's retarded, the term originated as meaning a more specific ethnicity from a specific place. It the meaning slowly became more vague but still its ties to a specific area aren't completely lost.
To call American Blacks western Moors confuses it further since I don't think there's a particular relation to either the assumed Anglo or African ancestors to the assumed ancestors of the Moors.
His terminology has a lot more in common with the Spanish Caste system but nobody wants to reference the entire Black race in America as Mulatto or Sambo.
any race could be a moor, but referring to a sub-saharan phenotype by using the word moor wasn't really a thing until the world entered victorian english
>as they are (Arab+black)
[Citation needed]
>one drop rule
I love how he looks just like 50 Cent
Some of them yes, look up the Hausa from west Africa they speak an Afro-Asiatic language.
Hausa aren't true Afroasiatics but negroid-tainted cumskinoids speaking the languages of their AA nobility.
According to a Y-DNA study by Hassan et al. (2008), about 47% of Hausa in Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria and Sudan carry the West Eurasian haplogroup R1b. The remainder belong to various African paternal lineages: 15.6% B, 12.5% A and 12.5% E1b1a. A small minority of around 4% are E1b1b clade bearers, a haplogroup which is most common in North Africa and the Horn of Africa.[45]
They are nomadic and have R1b from mixing, the Ouldeme are Bantu and are over 90% R1b what's your point.
The Arabs never went on a conquest further into Africa than the north, North Africans are rape babies not Sahel dwelling West Africans.
There are other black moorish tribes like the Fulani, Kanuri, Wolof among others.
Moor was a catchall term. Some were black, yes.
Moors were not black, BUUUUUUUUUUUUT they had black slaves, mercenaries, soldiers, you got it.
>North Africans are rape babies
They are pure Afroasiatic. Hausas on the other hand, are cumskinoid that racemixed with blacks and were later conquered by North Africans(Afroasiatic), they later adopted the language of their AA masters;
Moors only mean North Africans btw
The term "Moors" refers primarily to the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors initially were the Berber autochthones of the Maghreb.[1] The name was later also applied to Arabs.[2][3]
During the classical period, the Romans interacted with, and later conquered, parts of Mauretania, a state that covered modern northern Morocco, western Algeria, and the Spanish cities Ceuta and Melilla.[12]
>They are pure Afroasiatic. Hausas on the other hand, are cumskinoid that racemixed with blacks and were later conquered by North Africans(Afroasiatic), they later adopted the language of their AA masters
Proof they were conquered by Arabs, Arabs only went on a conquest of north Africa and traded with African Kingdoms for slaves.
>Proof they were conquered by Arabs
They speak an E1b1b language despite not being E1b1b.
Your argument is weak, haplogroups tell us next to nothing, they have E1b1b but at a lower frequency than R1b.
Arabs did not conquer anything outside of the north African cities anyone south of the Sahara was converted peacefully by traders or violently in the western Sahara by other SSA natives like the Songhai.
They were TURKs.
>they have E1b1b but at a lower frequency than R1b
Because a North African elite conquered them and forced them to speak their language, just like Romans forced Celts and Iberians to speak their language.
>Arabs did not conquer anything
I'm not talking about Arabs, i'm talking about Afroasiatics who a far older than Arabs.
They were conquered by the Fulani a similarly nomadic west African tribe who speak a Niger-Congo language and many nowadays many do not distinguish from one to to the other so it may be the other way around.
It's a mix bag. European portrayals of Moors varies from Black to White to Olive to Brown.
All Moors were North Africans.
Real Moors and black Americans have the same black African stock making up their black genetics. The only difference between them is one is of anglo admixture and the other is of Arab admixture.
Were they actually the same ethnicity or did they come from entirely different regions in Africa?
He looks like Augustus Caesar
>Applying the one drop rule to fucking history
Except the term Moor is not used to refer to people who are only from north Africa but Muslims who weren't Turks or Iranic.
Mansu Musa is considered a moor.
Nah. Anyone who thinks all the moors were black are retarded WE WUZ KANGZ
I've seen people on r/blackpeopletwitter unironically call North Africans black and even some LARPers pretending to be North African agreeing with them.
no, some retarded Anglos just called every black person they saw a Moor, and modern kangs are just running with it and illiterate people believe them
They're called Gnawa (Ghanians) you little shit.
Moors where Berber and Iberian mainly, if they had Arab blood it would have been residual as fuck.
People are disgusting
>damn aint that some real historical shit right there that unbelievable man woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Epiiiic, we wuz kangs right? XD
You tell me, this were Moros, the actual muslims in Spain, not the anglo idea of them.
yeah, aboriginal Berbers.
No sillier than the Greeks claiming to be Roman.
Their black component was from the same stock of black Africans as black Americans.
Funniest shit ever.
The one drop rule dictates that most north africans are "black". If will Smith, TI, Steph Curry, Drake, and Beyonce are "black" than so are most north africans.
>The one drop rule
Stopped reading right there
El AmericANO señores.
Read an article about race relations in Africa before European colonialism.