Has race always been important?
Has race always been important?
No. White people started this shit in the colonial era.
Decided who get to wield the sword and the castle and who got to wield the pike and the gate
das rite, we wuz kangs
Race is only important when it's tied to socioeconomic status. In the New World blacks are looked down upon because of race-based slavery, but if you look at places where slavery didn't exist or wasn't based on race you'll notice that race wasn't important in people's minds. Like in ancient Rome for example where slaves were taken from conquered territories and so could be any race or color, and black/brown people weren't thought of as inferior/superior because they occupied all different positions in society.
No. It started being important right around when white people made a class of slaves determined solely by the color of their skin
what the fuck are you talking about?
Jesus fucking Christ, you really think that all around the world people before globalization looked the same in their region because race wasnt important?
humans are all about race.
Not really, only started to get really important in the late medieval era and onward.
Reminder that germans didn't even knew they were germans until they rediscovered Tacitus' Germania.
No ethnicity has on the otherhand, euros never once gave a damn about humans looking like them until the New World was discovered.
What makes more sense? Enslaving your own kind or enslaving an outsider thats expendable?
>you really think that all around the world people before globalization looked the same in their region because race wasnt important?
Is this supposed to be coherent, or something?
The Jews think so.
>In the New World blacks are looked down upon because of race-based slavery,
No they are looked down upon because every non-nigger hates niggers.
No, germans are an ethnicity.
>everyone in the world has the same opinion as me
So. Freakin. Edgy.
If you think whites hate blacks you should see how hispanics in South America think of them. Heck our resident mexicans in America cant fucking stand them already.
>own kind
I'd enslave a frenchman, any day of the week.
But niggers are dumber and easier to control so less effort thats why we enslaved them.
>But niggers are dumber and easier to control
if they're in chains and beaten their whole lives sure. Its kinda hard to say no to people.
Modern strata based on race conceptually is something that became widespread during the colonial era, particularly in Latin America. Obviously the attitudes and beliefs accompanying racism existed throughout history, but sharp class divisions based on a nominal degree of white/black/native blood is something that definitely originated in colonial times.
No, it used to be "we" vs "everyone else", whatever those other people were. Race being a big deal is pretty much just an American thing.
Yes, in countries where slavery existed in a major way, because the black people there were formerly slaves. Brazil is one of the most racist places in the world for that reason. Meanwhile in Argentina, while there's a lot of hatred towards Bolivians, Chileans, etc, for nationalistic reasons they don't care what your skin color is if you're not from one of those countries. A brown argie is the same as a white argie they don't give a fuck.
And in Rome also that sort of racism didn't exist. You're just a brainlet barbarian who thinks that the attitudes of his society are universal laws.
Maybe, maybe not.
Xenophobic tendencies have always been common. I never saw evidence of people doing comparable shit such as measure skulls and shitposting about percentages and IQ. Seems like a modern invention in that flavor. But I do know that there was Roman prejudice against Germannics, euro-targeted slave trades, and plenty of hate between peoples of different ethnicities.
I dont imagine that history was some big kumbaya where a blondie was spreading legs for all the colors in the world or vice versa.
No they are dumber even arabs noted how fucking stupid they were compared to north africans.
You dont understand that non whites are instinctively racist meaning even if slavery never happened they would still treat blacks like complete shit. The non whites dont care that blacks were slaves they hate blacks for being black they hate their behavior and how useless they are to their countries.
>In Rome
When did I mention rome?
>all that rage
>You dont understand that non whites are instinctively racist
>meaning even if slavery never happened they would still treat blacks like complete shit.
But this is verifiably untrue you fucking pleb
It is true non-whites dont need anything to hate a race they can hate you for no reason at all like jews for example. Brazil is a nigger shithole meanwhile in Peru and Ecuador which are still native majority blacks are treated like shit thats how blacks would be treated if Brazil was still native majority and they would do the same to whites in Brazil too.
They dont care about slavery thats something white man did they see an inferior dark creature from an alien continent causing problems in their turf so they treat them like shit.
Yes, you should look into India & China who developed their own racial dynamics independent of the West for centuries.
But other factors tend to be more important, such as your religion, your family, political allegiances to entities like a state/dynasty/civic entity.
In fact there have been/there remains many incidences in which organizing societies by race is seen as unnatural.
>Dude, we should buddy up, we the same race.
>Because you're from another religion/you call someone else king/my family isn't related to yours, fuck off.
>In fact there have been/there remains many incidences in which organizing societies by race is seen as unnatural.
>>Dude, we should buddy up, we the same race.
>>Because you're from another religion/you call someone else king/my family isn't related to yours, fuck off.
Your example is further divides within a race not crossing race lines due to other similarity.
>another religion
>further divides within a race
Why are there white and black churches?
The West literally introduced Racial Dynamics to China in the form of the nation-state.
Prior to that, China was a cultural-political thing, not a racial one. You could be born in China to very Han-chnese parents, but if you were a rebel shitling, the Emperor's non-Han Confucius-spouting loyal subjects were more "Chinese" than you'll ever be. You might as well be a barbarian piece of shit.
And in fact, that was the case. During the Pirate Wars of 1560s, the Chinese called Chinese pirates "Wako" (Japanese Pirates), as for them, their treachery makes them indistinguishable to Japanese pirates.
>religious/political affiliation is racial.
You are absolutely not making any sense.
Because southerners didn't want to be in hurch with blacks?
The fuck is that question
There is no race in China you fucking retard all east asians are already a single racial group, race is a collection of human ethnicities that have similar base traits from a common ancestor not any fucking group of people.
>peru and ecuador
Blacks were slaves in both countries, user. What are you talking about?
Not him,but there are Greco Roman authors talking about racial traits of local tribes. That trend continued up until the 20th century,where generals would evaluate ethnic units based on traits specific to them. Brusilov does that in his autobiography,for a good example.
>You're just a brainlet barbarian who thinks that the attitudes of his society are universal laws.
Literally you.
>Chinese called Chinese pirates "Wako" (Japanese Pirates), as for them, their treachery makes them indistinguishable to Japanese pirates
How does that not imply that the Chinese had a racist view on Japanese?
The natives in those countries dont really care about slavery they always saw niggers are inferior to them, they would kill blacks for fun if the white fucks left those areas two hundred years ago.
Race is important in degrees of relativity, IE. when the world is Europe for Europeans race is each nation in Europe, but when it gets more globalized it's white/black/yellow or whatever you want to call them, basically once you have something more other to contrast with things will broaden. That's why people say we'd all be talking about le hooman race if aliums came back. Since they're not here yet or we haven't reached them yet, the world should be in chaos with each race vying for dominance.
Even today?
That's wrong, retard. You know shit about those places.
No such thing.
Nigger you come into a thread with this OP and choose my post to make this faggoty statement of yours, to what end.
In pre-modern writings from anywhere (Persia, Greece, China, Arabia) They always talk about race.
You mean when Arabs and Persians started making a slave caste determined by race?
Woah, why the homophobia?
>Race is only skin color
Blocks your path.
>reddit raid
We are going to get redpilled amirite xd
And you are delusional if you think non europeans are buddy buddy with outsiders. If Europeans didnt exist the african negro race would be still be the slaves of arabs and North Africans right now, no one on this planet likes blacks period the only way to even like them is feel empathy for them like whites buts some whites like in Russia or East Europe dont have an issue treating them like shit.
Don't like gays.
You claimed they massacred them, and that's a lie, why are you lying?
I said they would massacre blacks if whites left two centuries ago, learn to fucking read.
And how do you know that?
They did. The arab slave trade killed tens of millions of blacks. They castrated them too
Why do you assume they would like blacks? I already told you non-whites like Natives from both continents dont need a reason to be racist to outsiders. They hate would hate blacks no matter what you say.
>they would like blacks
Why don't you prove all your delusions?
How are they going to massacre blacks?
By sheer numbers of course and they are already smarter than blacks.
Wow this is amazing you libcucks think non-whites even think like you, a non-white would save one of their own before any white that even helped their children graduate.
>Wow this is amazing you libcucks think non-whites even think like you, a non-white would save one of their own before any white that even helped their children graduate.
How do you prove this?
>By sheer numbers of course and they are already smarter than blacks.
Tell me why would they do this?
Any source on that claim?
Fuck off
Please, redpill us. Why would they do that?
Define "race". Because it used to be that they thought in terms of "the anglo race", "the german race", "the french race" instead of all white people
>How does that not imply that the Chinese had a racist view on Japanese?
Not him but last I checked, Chinese and Japanese are the same race
provides sources or shut up faggot
For controlling a population/wanting to hold onto privileges, yes.
>racism was invented by europeans
We'll it wasn't Africans that went around measuring nose shapes.
>How does that not imply that the Chinese had a racist view on Japanese?
Cunt was talking about racial dynamics *in* China. There was none: the society Chineseness was a cultural-political thing.
This is true but slightly misleading. Cultural and ethnic differences have always been hugely important, just not race as we know it today
Race is just a different magnitude of granularity on the us vs. them scale. If race didn't play a big deal in the past it wasn't because people didn't care about race it was because there was minimal interaction between races so it never really had a reason to come up. You're talking about a time when people believed there was a race of one legged men that lived in India who would use their single colossal foot as an umbrella to eacape the sun.
It's like claiming humanity doesn't matter to 21st century humans since there is no anti-xenomorph discrimination. Well, no shit there's no discrimination, the majority of humans aren't interacting with aliens just like the majority of Asians weren't interacting with Africans in the 14th century. The instinct to differentiate yourself from the other is still every bit as strong and valid it just has no reason to manifest.
It's something like scientific discovery though, so no wonder premodern humans didn't know of it.
wypipo be rayciss ngga
Common (or lower iq) people think race or ethnicity is important.
The elites care only about class.
The elites want you to forget the class and go for race/ethnicity.
People have always hated "the other", whatever that was.
For hunter-gatherer people, "the other" was those people on the other side of the hills, who may be closely related to you 4 or 5 generations back and who speak your language, but who may have been responsible for causing the eventually fatal injury to your brother and therefore have to die.
Now, white racists define anyone who looks like them as the same race, "white" (which would have been considered nonsense as recently as 300 years ago), so "non-white" people are "the other" and therefore have to die.
Race is a modern (well, 17th C) conception. While physical characteristics have been noted by humans since forever, culture and ethnicity have historically been more important, as well as more accurate. White, Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow are stupid and misleading descriptions that don't even come close to being useful in serious discussion.
ethnicity =/= race
>A brown argie is the same as a white argie they don't give a fuck.
No. Before it was ethnicity/citizenship, before that it was tribe. In some places religion carried far more weight. In the Byzantine Empire you couldn't marry a coethnic from the same village if they were of a different religion but marrying outside your "race" was completely fine (but only if they had the same religion).
Will world wide peace only be solved after we colonize Mars and martians(human) become the other?
>You're talking about a time when people believed there was a race of one legged men that lived in India who would use their single colossal foot as an umbrella to eacape the sun.
Ok, I need images, because I'm having problems visualizing this in the way they probably intended.
Tribalism has always been a thing, and there is a tension between treating the Other as a source of learning new knowledge, and being hostile to their influence.
However, the modern form of racism where prejudice was instantiated into the law, obviously is an outgrowth of 18th and 19th century imperialism. In order for it to be rationalized and justified to conquer and annex other countries with force, you obviously needed a myth that races and peoples had levels of superiority and inferiority.
>In order for it to be rationalized and justified to conquer and annex other countries with force, you obviously needed a myth that races and peoples had levels of superiority and inferiority.
Because if you're going to invade someone and take all their shit, you need to convince your own population that it's a good idea too, or they will riot and mutiny.
You try explaining to your people that those guys deserve to be conquered because you're shit compared to them.
Romans liked brown senites more than the white germanics because the brown people were civilized.
Because people always need to think they are being good. They need this so bad that even if you didn't tell them all that they would make something up themselves.
I thought that was an African myth.
>Inb4 "WE."
Then again Mungo Park was entertained by Negroes who shared tales quite similar to those found in Arabian nights.i understand why that would be.
Speaking of races and in group and out, do you guys believe the stories we tell amongst our people would be the best or a potent bridge among different tribes? I'm not saying it would lead to world peace, but I think storytelling can unite us all.
How'd they do it before 18th century?
In pakistan were everyone is poor, blacks are only looked down on by outsiders and not other pakis