Did anything interesting ever happen here?
Did anything interesting ever happen here?
The Inca civilization.
Was the problem with SA that it had shitty jungles occupying most of its land space?
There are vast areas of that rain forest we've never been to, who knows whats out there.
Probably nothing too exciting, but still...
Just in 2006 they discovered the worlds 3rd highest waterfall in Peru...
Brazil has lots of flat plains
>the war of the pacific
>the chaco war
>the stupidity and warmongering of bolivia
this last point is inportant , the idiots probably hadent won a single war
It's like Mexicans. How can their opinion of themselves be as high as it is?
did mexicans lost to a super weak and tiny country too?
Human bodily mutilations by ay lmao's.
>mesoamerican civilizations, the Inca and Aztec empires.
>the conquests of Hernan Cortés, Pizarro, Colón, which gave birth to the most powerful state of the modern ages until Napoleon
>The american wars of independence and the american empires
>The Missile crisis in Cuba, when the world was the nearest to nuclear aniquilation
>Having no clue about the history of your own continent
American education
Only interesting thing on that list is the Cuban missile crisis
What kind of idiot are you?
They're not mesoamerican, you utter moron.
Fuck off to your safe space.
When did he say they were mesoamerican? he is clearly separating the incas from the mesoamericans
half of those are not related to south america
These were just examples from the top of my head, which are taught in highschool. Saying that in an entire subcontinent nothing ever happened is just retarded
Jesus Fucking Christ
How so?
Yes. Texas.
cuba is in north america and so were the aztecs
Well, Mexico is in the middle of North and South America, and Cuba is an island, so pitting them in one area or another is nearly an opinion. Still, OP's map shows Cuba and Mexico, so the list is still correct.
central america is still north america kid, should he have cropped some islands off the corner of the image to make sure autists don't get the wrong idea?
also, it doesn't show mexico
Not much, just the odd intergalactical ancient airport and human sacrifices
The part occupied by the aztecs, that is
or any other part for that matter, well okay there's three pixels of yucatan in the corner but who cares
"""La Paz"""
19th Century
>Inca Empire
>Inca Civil War
>Spanish and Portuguese Conquest
>Tupac Amaru's Revolt (Peru)
>Slavery in Brazil
>Exile of the Portuguese Court
>Empire of Brazil
>British Invasions of La Plata
>Revolutionary Wars of Independence
>Gran Colombia
>Platinean War (Brazil vs Argentina)
>Paraguayan War (Paraguay vs. Brazil, Argentina and Chile)
>War of the Pacific (Chile vs. Bolivia and Peru)
>Argentine Civil War and 1853 Constitution
>Brazilian Republican Coup
>Massive European Immigration to Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil
>Genocide of the Patagonian Natives
>Fitz Roy's Expedition (Patagonia)
20th Century
>Chaco War (Paraguay vs Bolivia)
>Getulio Vargas in Brazil
>Peron in Argentina
>La Violencia in Colombia
>Cuban invasion of Venezuela
>Pinochet in Chile
>Galtieri, Falklands War
>Trial of the Junta in Argentina
>Democratization wave through the continent (1980s-)
>Colombian conflict
>Fujimori's self-coup in Peru and later trial
>Venezuela's collapse
A LOT happened
How can you expect, when you put a photo of south america and cuba, for people to magically understand that you don't want to talk about cuba? At least write south america in the title or something.
19th Century starts where it says "Empire of Brazil", my bad
in the same way you should know that the thread is not about the ocean, and it's also in the filename
You can see like 1% of Cuba in that picture
>Well, Mexico is in the middle of North and South America
Mexico is in North America.
The only ones who consider it not to be are certain Americans that think continent membership should have cultural connotations.
The Republic of "I'm going to make North Korea look like an anarchist commune" Paraguay.
The exploitation film Cannibal Holocaust was filmed in the southern extremity of Colombia.
>San Martin crossing the Andes à la Hannibal Barca.
>Argies defending the Parana river in such way that inspired George R.R. Martin to write the Battle of the Blackwater.
>Gauchos forming a mitilitia equivalent to the cossacks
How is it even possible that we haven't seen all of the rain forest wtf It's 2018 ur lying bitch
whats this map even showing?
Yellow is Military dictatorship, blue is democratic government and green is civil dictatorship
> Inca Empire
> 19th century
> Conquest
> 19th century
> Tupac Amaru
> 19th century
por amor de dios, get a timeline
its big as fuck and only really helicopters can explore it without damaging it and they can onlyt explore part of the the canopy most of the time
>this war
>that war
>this other war
only the locals knew about this place and they were isolated as fuck, like 4 walking days to nearest highway
19th century Paraguay is the shite
> aggresive classness ethnostate
> fighting for lebensraum and coast
> defended by huge river fortresses
> europeans hired to industrialize the country
> makes its own cannons
> dictator has a napoleon complex
> doesn´t gives a single fuck
> triple alliance
> fight to the last man
> accuses his own officers of treason and shoot them
> dies in battle
Only place I know of where the natives managed to hold off the invaders using traditional warfare and good tactics instead of guerilla fighting.
The War of the Triple Alliance is pretty goddamn interesting, as any conflict that's so ruinous the Catholic Church is all "okay, just for a little while, we're okay with polygamy since 4/5 of the men are dead" must be.
>I know nothing aboutt SA histtory and think the inca were the only/first urban civilization there
I'm fine with saying Mexico is in Central America rather then North America, but calling it south america is retarded
t. mesoamerieaboo
The Paraguayan War. Paraguay absolutely btfo.
State formation and institution building in Latin America is pretty interesting. Their institutions are at roughly the same point as the 19th century US.
been born and raised there i can say it still is
There's also one of the most pathetic wars of independence I've ever seen
Those shitty jungles were densely populated by natives that turned poor jungle soil into rich and fertile terra pretta and the wild ecosystem into a giant forest garden full of edible and useful plants.
pathetic? they won
With the exception of Bolivar, many of those revolutions were won without foreign help.
Makes the American Revolution look pathetic in comparison.
>Americans call anything under their country "South America"
t. the worst kind of brainliet
I'm talking about the Cisplatinean War.
It was a war fought between the Empire of Brazil and the United Provinces of the Plate River(Argentina) for the control of Uruguay
It went as well as any war between two barely functioning states with no standing army could go
The two armies went from blunder to blunder with the only remotely decent performance being from the Imperial Army which not coincidentally was dominated by british officers
The British had to step in and make Uruguay independent because both sides were too pathetic to win the fucking war
Inca Empire, Conquest of America, Independence Wars, different Civil wars, War of the Triple Alliance, Chaco war, War of the Pacific, and the list goes on
>the only remotely decent performance being from the Imperial Army
Don´t lie. Brazil lost almost every battle on land (Sarandi, Rincon, Ituzaingo). It was the brazilian naval blockade on Buenos Aires that forced the stalemate.
>Imperial Army
I meant Imperial Navy
Thanks for the correction
Mexico is not in South America
>>The Missile crisis in Cuba, when the world was the nearest to nuclear aniquilation
Cuba is not in OP's pic.
not really, certainly not even close to europe or NA levels
>Le south america is a giant jungle
Where does this stereotype come from?
South America has:
1. The dryiest desert in the world
2. The most fertile grassland agricultural region in the world
3. One of only two cold steppe environments in the world
4. The most glaciers of any continent outside of the poles
5. The highest mountains on the Western hemisphere
Yet Americans seem to think South America is some giant jungle full of natives and brown people. Really, what a fucking failure at geography.
The entire history of paraguay
Jesus fuck what a clusterfuck of biomes.
I'd call Lopez based if he just decided to fight until his death before the Paraguay army was formed only of childs and grayheads.
His war plan was horrible as well.
They just figured out the obvious fact that they shouldn't even be at war in first place.
At least the brazilians got somewhat of a revenge from Ituzaingó later, but still it's a pretty dumb conflict.
>>Where does this stereotype come from?
I think it has something to do with the gigantic fucking jungle.
I mean, sure it has other stuff. Most places do. But most also have only a couple things that spring to mind when mentioned.
Pretty sure Europeans and Japanese know it's not all jungle... it's Americans that seem to be retarded
remember that episode of How I Met Your Mother where they travel to Argentina and it's a tropical country?
Blood sheed. Lots and lots of blood sheed.
>Gran Colombia
Why? Why did you had to include Peru, Bolivar you dumb incompetent fuck?!
And the X-Men movie where Villa Gesell is in Patagonia and everybody has Mexican accents... kek
At least Dexter got it right though
Search on the 19th-century Empire of Brazil. Wikipedia has a very good article about it.
The genocide of the Selk'nam people, the reason for the name of Tierra del Fuego, is pretty interesting because of how complete and rapid it was. The other tribes of the islands are also functionally extinct, but it took longer. The Selk'nam occupied the northern reaches, and so were the subject of systematic extermination when Europeans moved in to settle in the latter half of the 1800s.
If he had gotten a qt 3.14 waifu, would Brazil still have the royalty line?
>His country doesn't murder people in asylums and sells their bodies to universities
Behold the true master race.
Also you forgot that they literally enslaved selknams in order to show them in zoos.
The royal family still exists.
the filmation of evita peron funeral was used by fox in the adam west batman series in a chapter where batman fakes his dead.
And the actual pope is from argentina
Her embalmed body was kidnapped and sent to Italy, where it was buried with a false name, then brought back. Peron had a witch to perform black magic on the mummy to transfer Evita spirit to his new wife.
Then in the 80s someone broke into Peron grave and chopped his embalmed hands
Weird shit.
Terrible examples. More interesting things happened than just the Pope sweetie.
You really can't be upset about the accent, Fassbender's german isn't good either and the acting of the german guy was awful, who screams with the tongue out like that while being stabbed at 2:21? Anyway, no argentinian says quieto cabrón. A pará boludo would have been a bit better
you forgot when Argentina sent a monkey to space, the brazilians haven´t recovered yet
They are by extension, European achievements, because all of America is artificial, obviously.
There was a Will Smith movie filmed in Buenos Aires recently that was pretty cool though. At least they bothered to film here and show the real place rather than use it as a crutch for some wacky Nazi story.
Don't forget, between wives (Evita and Isabel) was Nelly Rivas, the 14 years old girlfriend of the good general Peron
that´s french, here´s a real hue spaceship
Oh came on, the bypass was thanks to the Cleveland Clinicthat give the money and opportunity to favaloro, Argentina only make him pull the trigger.
And the pen was thanks to the nazis that Biro exiled to Argentina
Biro lived here the rest of his life and considered himself Argentine. His Argentine friend Meyne gave him the money to cofound the business and file the patents here.
I mean if you are going to exclude people that achieved something here for being European-born you need to exclude most of the population. (William Brown, Vucetich, Leloir, Gardel, etc)
What if South America was flipped upside down?
The andes mountains would have been the perfect protection against European Conquerors.
The Spaniards would not have needed to cross the continent to get to gold.
Imagine the implications.
>Less killing
>Less race-mixing
>Less civilization (?)