What's going through their heads Veeky Forums?
What's going through their heads Veeky Forums?
'Thank fuck we weren't the first wave.'
>inb4 some /pol/ nonsense like "i'm glad we fought and died for the jews/niggers/degeneracy" or some other crap
German bullets, shortly.
"I wish I was on one of the Commonwealth beaches"
I'm glad we fought and died for the Jews, niggers, and degeneracy.
>this is bullshit
>my feet are wet
>this battlefield is too loud
>I wish I was home impregnating Hester.
"I might be about to die, but at least it is for the cause of preventing my country from being taken over by foreigners."
"Imagine all the pregnant Jewish teenagers in attics we'll get to fuck."
Hitler and his crew looked like a bunch of leather fairies
>Fuck, I think I left the oven on!
"Joe, is it just me, or is the entire German army high off meth?"
>durrrr have to remember to run and pull trigger durrr
hate to say it but rifles are an incomplete form
>god I wish I were in the Pacific like my brother. he's probably bangin' those chinks' whores while I get the Krauts' sloppy seconds. Wait, are Japs called chinks or are they called gooks? Chinks are Chinamen cause they share the "ch-", right? So is gook just for any type of asian? Heard Billy call'em "zipperheads" once; I don't get that one. Is it cause their eyes are slanty? but what does that have to do with zippe- *gets shot in the face*
Unironically this. During moments of stress some random shit tends to come to mind, especially when you can't do much but sit and wait for landing.
>I hope my descendants honor my sacrifice by being Nazi sympathizers on a website for discussing Japanese cartoons
Meanwhile Eugene Sledge is complaining that all the gook whores have slanted vaginas and how Easy Company get to take turns boning pregnant Anne Frank.
>Fuck, I think they left the oven on!
In actuality it probably is this. I mean when I was in "combat" but not actually in direct danger, pointless shit like this is what I thought of.
>"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck fucking fuck I'm so fucking scared right now there are heaps of German machine guns and artillery on this fucking beach we're so fucked how the fucking shit are we supposed to survive this oh god, oh god please I don't wanna die fuck fuck fuck ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm freaking ou---"
>ok ok don't forget the five D's of bullet fire that sarge taught ya: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and....dodge? *swiss cheesed*
>I should've joined the Marines...
>this raft is so slow
>i wonder if Ethel is cheating on me right now
>hope those brits don't banter me again once we make camp
>no one calls me a butthurt yank and gets away with it
>what are these nets on our helmets for?
>tfw 1/16th German
>im sorry it came to this, my ancestors
>i think my uniform is one size too big
>prob still look badass as fuck tho
>this strap is too tight
>jesus we still aren't there?
>"hurry up and wait, amiright fellas?"
>no one laughed. i hope those aren't my last words
came here to post this
When this Anne frank meme started ?
>I'm cold
>This pack's too heavy
>My feet hurt
>Thank fuck we weren't the first or second wave
>whiter than those muhammeds
>tfw 1/16th German
As long as there is one in 100 comments as good as this one, I will continue browsing this shit forum
>Sgt A. M. Utt
Gets me every single time
In a lot of cases their breakfast.
Guys have been wanting to make Anne Frank pregnant since back when she was actually still alive buddy.