Learning history...

Learning history, the thing that surprises me the most is how little stuff changed between the fall of the western roman empire and the discovery of America (sure, you have islam, mongols, and some other stuff).

That's about 10 centuries of filler arcs and little plot development.

We are really connected to the classical world, there's not much separating us from them.

I think we're getting more and more disconnected from the classical world tho desu. I mean an educated person from, say, late nineteenth century Western Europe would be horrified at how few people have a knowledge of our classical past.

Your right to about the industrial revolution

The world remained basically the same for an incredibly long time until one day, white people decided to invent the modern world

Before/During/After Ancient Egypt
>Transportation: Horses
>Housing: Stone and Wood
>Communication: Letters
>Depiction of the world: Drawing and Painting

Before/During/After the Islamic Golden Age
>Transportation: Horses
>Housing: Stone and Wood
>Communication: Letters
>Depiction of the world: Drawing and Painting

Year 1800 (beginning of Western Golden Age)
>Transportation: Horses
>Housing: Stone and Wood
>Communication: Letters
>Depiction of the world: Drawing and Painting

Year 2000 (end of Western Golden Age)
>Transportation: Cars, Airplanes, Rockets
>Housing: Concrete and steel skyscrarpers
>Communication: Telephones, radios, the internet
>Depiction of the world: Photography, movies and CGI

is this a meme?

It's not really a meme. Every major event in our development makes it seem like the world before it was barely changing. Mechanisation of the 19th century was probably the greatest leap forward since agriculture.

It's the truth tho

Play AC Origins, then AC1, then AC2, then AC3, then AC Unity and you'll notice that not much chanes technologically

Then play Watch Dogs and...

In the 19th century there was the telegraph and trains though

In the year 1800? Nope
The whole point of the post is that between 1800 and 2000, whitey changed the world more than anyone else did in the past 2000 years

>sure you have islam, mongols and stuff
>Islam which became one of the world religions, and participated in the conflicts with the Christian world that forced Europe to progress into a global power
>Mongols who devastated the Islamic world, forcing them to become more conservative and radical, the echoes of which we still see today
>Devastation of Islam during the Crusades which opened the door for Christendom to grow into a real power center
>Silk Road that led to the West and East permanently being connected
>Conquest of Russia that led to various Khans ruling Russian states until Ivan the Terrible

why do you have to say that "white" people made the change? are you implying that "non-whites" couldn't be able to make the same given similar circumstances?

I completely agree, but let's get real: nothing here is that mind-blowing as the unprecedented developments of the classical world before, or the rise of western europe with the conquest of america (and the east indies too)

There's a reason why they didn't get similar circumstances

>"Hurr, could a chimp build a car given the right circumstances?"

so, now you are saying that white people are smarter than the rest?

do you know that scientific research shows that a relation between race and intelligence is highly unlikely?

>do you know that scientific research shows that a relation between race and intelligence is highly unlikely?

Lmao, like there are any unbiased non-agenda research about this anymore...

The fact there are noticable physical and physiological differences between human races make the hypothesis that there would be absolutly no intellectual differences between them very unlikely

For every other animal species, different races come with physical, physiological and intellectual differences
So unless you are some religious person who think that humans are "God's special creation", there is no reason for human races not to work like they do for every other animal species

Not him, but the science on intelligence and race is very clear. Read the Bell Curve.
As to why Europeans are primarily responsible for technological advances in the last few centuries, and not Asians, look at the data on the distribution of Trait Creativity between Europeans and Asians. And read Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray.

>Read the Bell Curve
From that book: "The debate about whether and how much genes and environment have to do with ethnic differences remains unresolved."

> Lmao, like there are any unbiased non-agenda research about this anymore
Let's assume most research about this is biased. Why should I trust you ad-hoc explanation over any other research?

>Implying Europeans and Asians weren't on a similar level of development from the beginning of civilization until around 1500, when economic factors greatly accelerated European development.


>We are really connected to the classical world, there's not much separating us from them.

I'm not too familiar with Spengler. What's your point?

How about you kill yourself.

His white you now

In Decline of the West Spengler has this huge rant about how the western "Faustian" and Greek "Apollonian" are completely different "great cultures" and how the similarities between them are completely superficial because they interpret space differently.

>We are really connected to the classical world, there's not much separating us from them.

we view most major parts of human existence in totally different way than them...from our place in the universe to power relationships to gay sex.

>change only depends on technological progression rather than culture, fashion, etc. as well

Asia was AHEAD of Europe until about that time, bro. They weren't "even".

>"The debate about whether and how much genes and environment have to do with ethnic differences remains unresolved."
That debate will never be "resolved" because people don't want to believe that genetic factors dominate how intelligent an individual is. The accepted upper limit is that 80% of an individual's intelligence is due to genetics, with the remainder being environmental, but the lower limit for genetic factors is 50%.

He was quoting Murray, who's word should not be taken lightly.

>not realizing the Middle Ages is full of god-tier aesthetics and drama