Where does Romania's unusually high concentration of the J2 haplogroup come from?
Where does Romania's unusually high concentration of the J2 haplogroup come from?
>Unusually high
not really.
I love these meme maps.
There's more J2 in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) than in Greece or Italy lmao
Tocharians, Uyghurs are 50 - 50 European and East Asian
At least 5-7% higher than Bulgaria higher than Bulgaria who was under Turkish rule for over 500 years and has a similar amount of gypsies if you want to go for that meme. It's definitely not Anatolian so where does it come from?
Roman Colonization of Dacia
It comes from the Romans
I'll have you know that we wuz Romans.
TRAJAN himself
French tribesmen from Pannonia
that J2b
Roman tribesmen from Roma ?
Very unlikely, Romania's main concentration is around the South and The Carpathians, all fossil evidence of them has been found, like you said, in Pannonia. It might serve to explain Hungary's bit though.
Romanians are pretty much the swarthiest and strangest looking people in the region.
Some suggest this is so because of their Roma Gypsy heritage and I do agree but not entirely.
These J2 people, whatever they were must be a big reason why Europe ends where Romania begins.
Don't bother he's literally autistic
Roman rapebabies
Several studies agree with me. Meanwhile, none agree with your lies, g*rm(an)oid ?
This is not true at all. You should refrain from taking memes for granted. All Romanians I've met were pale, one of them was ginger and freckled. I once met a Romanian gypsy but she identified as a gypsy so not Romanian. The ones that assimilated easily stand out, still a minority. There are also many Mediterranean looking Romanians but nothing vastly different from lets say, France
BLACKS are always united when we fight the Wh*te(oid) Plague.
>I see you've been spending time the Turk posters
Look out the window Hanz
>A: How many minarets
>B: How many red banners with a crescent and star
I'm not german :)
How many Algerian flags do you see though?
How many red crescents do you see?
How many trucks of peace coming your way?
I'm not the first guy you replied to, or French, enjoy your enrichment
I don't care about the Algerians, the huge percentage of cumskinoid in my city annoys me tho. I'm not him btw