$2 by years end. $10

$2 by years end. $10
by spring.

Im gonna buy
>a condo
>a porsche
>nintendo wiiu




the only thing you're gonna buy is a rope

samefag who wants all the link for themselves

I hope you're right, I haven't had much luck in a while

I wouldn't count on it though

Why the fuck would you buy a Wii U?

Literally very fucking day
Every GODDAM day I check the price of this piece of shit. It never goes up

Do you know much it sucks, to every day come home from wageslavery and think today may be the day you finally become rich and it *never* happens. Torture

Dude let it go.. its over

they are trying to get Veeky Forums to dump
so transparent

is this coin even going up? I have lost half of my money in it so far and stopped caring if I lose it all. Would be cool if I could break even.

nigga said Wii U

It's happening.

>a condo
>a porsche
>nintendo wiiu
What about candles though? Why not buy them now?

>never played toad treasure tracker

>Three IDs, three posts
I'm sure someone devoted enough to proxy would try that sort of thing, but what the fuck?

Go ahead and assume I'm samefagging, while you're at it

Only if Sergey gets his finger out of his ass and gives us good news.

Couldn't you just have a data feed from a wide variety of trusted sources for free. This idea of staking link to make it more trustworthy doesn't make alot of sense

They are trying to get biz to buy their bags
So transparent

I'm gonna buy

>tokyo penthouse
>fine asian bitches to fill it

This op...why fucking candles?

ever been to a rich person house?

I can tell you havent

>im gonna bit candles recaude rich people have big ass candles...

Ok op now i know you are not gonna make it

in my country rich people has toilett not candle

why are u still holding this piece of shit token lol

Im buying another 10000 in november. It should go back down to .20 right before the next fork. Im aint even trippin, my nigg. Love hearing about projects actually trying to bring something new/useful to the table.

To burn/singe sluts during sex to see that "I should've stayed in cosmetology school" look in their eyes.

>a nice Mercedes S class
>a 10/10 escort that I will fuck for an entire day
>some champagne
>continue living in my moms basement

I shitposted it as a joke but maybe if I meme it enough it'll happen

If Link goes to $10 I'm going to southeast asia for a week to fuck girls and shitpost for 14 hours a day

At $10 I'll have a cool milli. I won't buy much desu. An MBA maybe. I'll rent a reasonable apartment and fill it with comfy ass shit. Real wood furniture - some antique some new but nothing 'modern', brown/burgundy leather, wool blankets, framed detail color drawings of robins and cardinals, and yeah, candles. I'll roadtrip around the US for a month or so. I'll keep my $3k 15 year old car, cause the Porsche is for the 5m+ zone. I'd get a 2-5k watch. Would go to Brooks Brothers with 15k and get everything tailored. Yeah not really too life changing in terms of materials or lifestyle, but the real sexy part would be plotting how to grow the money and use it to produce income.

>buying a Wii U
don't m8 there's literally nothing to play on it

t. Wii U owner

caption this user

its happening

stfu stupid faggot

Xenoblade Chronicles
Super Mario 3D World
Donkey Kong
Mario Kart
A decent number of ports
A lot of VC games

>Lincoln Continental
>move to a better apartment
>make enough money to move to Maine
the dream

>Donkey Kong
>Mario Kart
>old shit I can get for free with emulators
all shit m8

With link?

kek ok, keep pirating fucking thief

If you're this fucking impatient, you deserve to stay poor. Expectations are very dangerous...in ANY part of your life. When you rely on something you can't control SO MUCH that is causes you agony...you are doing something wrong.

Re-assess what you're doing and how you can get out of your situation. Don't stay in your mind too long and think about the big picture, and how chainlink will change the world. It's time will come, but dont be such a fucking idiot as to think it's supposed to be $100 listed on only one shit manipulating exchange. Zero put into marketing, and partnerships all under NDA's. This is a sleeping giant, and is not MEANT to moon right now.

Patience is a virtue. Learn it and stop complaining like a whining idiot.


back to v if you wanna fight kiddos

>be rich
>goes out and fucks subhumans.

The entire point of being rich is so you can get white 10/10 goddesses that are loyal to you because of your money

White women are garbage in skin suits.