why is Veeky Forums so anti Byzaboo?
Why is Veeky Forums so anti Byzaboo?
I've yet to hear a good argument as to why the Byzantines should not be considered Roman - or at the very least an extension of Rome.
Veeky Forums does not really hate byzzies. It's only insecure turkposters who were jealous that people in general were more interested in Byzantines than Ottomans. Also the Veniceaboo poster (probably a turkposter himself).
inb4 Kara Boga spam
Ho boy here comes this post again.
>Also the Veniceaboo poster (probably a turkposter himself)
nothing wrong with acknowledging the accomplishments of our BLACK brethren
Because the majority were originally byzaboos
And what do people like doing the most on this site?
Making others buthurt so they shit on byzaboos.
Enrico was based
Meh, just ignore the roaches and be a little more discreet, there have been many comfy threads, as long as you don't shit on everyone too much
Byzabooism is the most reddit historical interest. It is just obscure enough that you can feel cool and contrarian for liking it more than the more famous Romes, but not so obscure that nobody will understand when you gloat about how much better the Byzantines were. It plays into the post-modern false-Christianity that many former-fedoralords are participating in now that being an atheist is being passe - they can pretend to be the "coolest, most based, most mystical and mysterious, most ancient sounding" sect of Christians, the Orthodox. This opens them up to posting "Deus VULT! XDDDD" shitposts and other brainless memes. They are weak /pol/ack scum, but on top of this, they are also /v/irgin losers who probably first learned of the Byzantine empire when playing Crusader Kings 2. They are immensely shallow hipsters mixed with edgy Christian wannabes, a low, disgusting plague on the internet history community. You can just imagine them laughing at their hardcore history podcats as they post in broken Greek in their ironic weeaboo Discord channel, munching doritos and waiting for the next episode of their favorite seasonal moe anime to start, as they have no job.
If you like the Byzantines, fuck off back to /r/Byzantium
You have to go back
>t.byzaboo redd*t enthusiast
You have to go back
t. butthurt byzaboo
You have to go back
That's because there isn't a good argument for it.
Byzaboo here. I'm going to be straight. I am a cuckold, but I am also a devout greek orthodox. I believe that us greeks have contributed more to humanity than any other race, democracy, mathemathics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of our greek people, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
and there is nothing wrong with it, see my picture, the reason these roman girls are turning to blacks is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure greek wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock from turkey. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.
Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once Veeky Forums
You have to go back.
The only reasons I've ever heard is one of the following:
>They didn't hold Rome so they couldn't possible be be romans.
>States can't change culture.
That's honestly it when you get down to it.
You have to crawl back
How do you explain the fact that I'm a byzaboo yet an antitheistic person who previously had a tendency to defend various "cucked" things on /pol/ who knew of the ERE well before I've ever heard of crusader kings and have a general dislike for crisps and an ever stronger, borderline hatred toward all things japanese?
You have to go back
I would explain it by acknowledging the fact you are almost certainly lying.
Did you just seriously properly reply to him, wtf do you debate with animals?
What part of my comment was a lie?
Because I'm both drunk and bored.
You have to go back
>drunkposting on Veeky Forums
>not Veeky Forums and /k/
I could almost agree with your antics, pleb.
Then you're a weird outlier
The people I mentioned are non-theistic, by the way. They just outwardly pretend to be Orthodox Christians because they think it's cool. I doubt they ever went to church beyond the times Mommy forced them to as children.
What the duck am I reading?
Yes yes, very articulate Osman, nobody is allowed to connect with their religious past other than rampant pisslamists who live in mosques and blow up infidels
It's called pasta
These Americans aren't from Orthodox families, they were probably Catholic/Baptist/Protestant but decided those were "cucked" and Orthodoxy was "based"
Of course, if these mongoloids join these churches in real life, they will find that they are not wanted.
the average byzaboo
Dumb phone.
You have to go back
>>not Veeky Forums and /k/
t. Never even visited those places.
t. Ancestors were literal noble cossacks and 'upper class' bourgeois.
>pretending to be christians because they think it's cool.
I'm honestly wondering how anyone would find the christian faith cool. Interesting certainly but it sure as fuck ain't cool.
There are grand numbers of Orthodox diaspora in the Anglosphere. The Catholic reformation in the 60s also brought a large number of traditionalists oposing the change to convert to Orthodoxy. Descerning what is the "true faith", as I don't give a shit about that, for a Christian that wants to go as far back to his religious roots as he can, Eastern Orthodoxy and the Armenian church are the oldest, unchanged doctrines of worship. Either that or DIY. Either way, who cares what a few LARPing mutts believe, as long as they're serious about the religion and know what they want, why shouldn't they convert
You have to go back
You have to go back
You have to go back
Speaking as the one making the post your reply repled to how the fuck is the orthodox christian faith part of my religious past in any meaningful way?
fucking lol your ancestor were probably living in shacks and eating mud before getting fucked by russians, poles and turks
You have to go back
Ustedes tienen que regresar
You have to go back
They were actually.jpg ruling towns. One was also a general for Ivan the terrible. Granted another one was nicknamed "the chicken".
I don't mind. Now that hating them is 'fashionable' among neckbeards and dwellers, the reddit tards will be jumping on the bandwagon, battering out screeds of cringey prose about this and that.
Give it a month or two and Veeky Forums will be an orgy of Byzantine dick-riding.
This thread is proof enough that it's happening.
I was solely addressing the person I replied to, as he expressed that if you don't practice Christianity, you shouldn't discuss it's history
You have to go back
You have to go back
Two redditors telling each other to 'go back'.
Fucking pathetic, seeing as you are posting on the most reddit board on the site, bar /co/.
You have to go back
>he expressed that if you don't practice Christianity, you shouldn't discuss it's history
But he did no such thing. What makes you think that strawmen are ever productive?
You have to go back
You have to go back
He said, and I quote:
>Then you're a weird outlier
>The people I mentioned are non-theistic, by the way.
>They just outwardly pretend to be Orthodox Christians because they think it's cool.
>I doubt they ever went to church beyond the times Mommy forced them to as children.
In contrast with his original post, which is pasta about how Byzaboos are reddit LARPers pretending to be Crusading Christians. To which I argued that you don't need to be religious to connect with your nation's history (I am paraphrasing). Now, in order to limit any further complications, fuck off
Predictable redditors.
How did anything you just wrote support the claim that the other user stated that
>if you don't practice Christianity, you shouldn't discuss it's history
the massive irony is that orthodox lay people are just as liberal as catholics in the US
it's just pure larping
Maybe if you stopped predicting redditors you could instead find peace with them and finally go back
I don't see how it has anything to do with political affiliation, I just said that Orthodoxy is based on antics much more than Catholicism, which isn't as strict with regulation and tradition of worship
Correlate on your own please
>bash on people who like Byzantine history
>because they pretend to be Christians
>even though they aren't
That's his hypothesis, mine is:
>you don't need to be a Christian to like history
I refuse to make this any clearer
>political affiliation
I dont mean liberal as in republican/democrat, I mean liberal as in socially liberal who would be just as happy to allow gay marriage and such as their catholic comrades.
You were just a good post to reply to pointing out how fucking ironic the larpers about orthodox are in america
>Maybe if you stopped predicting redditors you could instead find peace with them
Nah. I hate snarky, conceited pseuds, who despite their arrogance are about as impressionable as clay, in real life, so I'm going to hate them here.
Fuck off to /co/ you mincing poof.
The Orthodox Church is notoriously homophobic though, I don't know about people in America but the administration has condemned gaysex bumming
I just checked /co/ to see what it is, I didn't know because I'm fresh out of reddit, like you
>like you
I fucking wish, assburger.
>you don't need to be a Christian to like history
You're retarded if you think that that is just a hypothesis.
Also, yet again I ask you how you connect the dots between the faggy user's claim about byzaboos and your statement that he claimed that only christians should discuss christian history.
Make it your self
You still have to go back
I said the laity, not the clergy. though Ive never seen the orthodox church here characterized as incredibly homophobic either though
the european orthodox chrches are a different matter. my point was about american orthodoxy (where many of the larpers are)
America is LARP incarnate, whatever fyftiesix spectrum they're on
Spouting memes like a true reddit autist.
I bet you can't even tie your shoelaces.
How? I honestly don't see the connection. If I did I wouldn't be asking.
Are you admitting that you were infact using a strawmen for (you)s?
Well gosh darn, thats a nice "pepe" MEME you got there, innit
It's a reaction image, you autistic poof, I'm not using it because it's le pepe fregg mene that you sperglets love so much, I'm using it because it's apt.
This is an imageboard, something that pseudish reddit gimps don't appreciate.
You have to go back
You have to go back
Yet again, predictable reddit spergs.
I can't understand how you people use /pol/ as an insult while you regurgitate all of their memes a year after they stopped being funny.
Yet again, predictable /pol/ spergs.
>I can't understand how you people use reddit as an insult while you regurgitate all of their memes a year after they stopped being funny.
As I said, you are no better than they are, you just make these poofy gestures and expect everyone to take for granted that you're anything besides a brainless spastic who communicates in memes and appeals to an imaginary audience by way of memes.
I feel like you want to be taken seriously
I think that you can't help but do so, otherwise you'd have posted 'you have to go back'.
Try not to wear your heart on your sleeve.
Because peasantines were subhumans and totally overrated
btw they were not Roman
>they were not Roman
>roman was an ethnicity
>they didn't hold Rome