I am in contact with someone who's looking to start his own ICO, but doesn't know much of anything about the space (I introduced it to him three days ago, shortly after finding out about it myself).
Anyway, his company has 4-5 US patents, has raised a few million already, has the backing of major institutional names in the stock and banking industry (duetsche bank and Goldman, to name two), etc. He has a working product, and has already set his top dev on coding the token (via ethereum).
He wants to convert the stock-based exchange into crypto, but doesn't entirely understand the nuances of the market or the process.
If this is successfully funded, given the scope of the project, it will likely eclipse the value of any other ICO that has come before it, including ETH itself. It is a game changer not only in this market, but more importantly, the stock industry as a whole.
Basically, does anyone who's well versed in fintech want to help out with this? You legitimately have to be extremely knowledgeable though, as this isn't a simple undertaking.
In terms of compensation, I'm sure that can be arranged, assuming the advice is insightful.
Leo Jones
sounds like a disaster
perhaps think about the idea for more than a week getting into crypto
Grayson Price
Sebastian Murphy
>game changing idea >knows nothing about the game
you sound like that techbro that i work with that comes to me every day with a useless ICO idea.
Adam Hughes
Why does it sound like a disaster, exactly?
And no, this market, which is driven by pnd and shams is going to absolute shit in a hurry. It's literally now or never.
Has your techbros idea(s) been validated by mega-corporations, ivy-league grads, and millions of USD?
Nicholas Myers
Hey, fagboy; I asked you a question.
Ian Gutierrez
Hey faggot fuck bitch nigga how about you respond you piece of fucking worthless trash
Jayden White
Yea lmaoo
>Hey guise 2 days ago dave said we can make the biggest ICO in history next ETH lmao
Do it faggots. lurk more.
Also why post this on Veeky Forums? Go to r/ethereum and talk to those nerds. they are what you're looking for
Hunter Williams
Pick on someone your own smell, bitch.
Jace Carter
>Hey faggot fuck bitch nigga I'm sure everyone wants to work with you're retarted ass fucking jigaboo shitposter larp