*forgives your sins*
*forgives your sins*
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus. Love you.
>get thrown in hell forever
>you are forgiven
what does punishment look like?
Lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Thank you, based God.
>raised catholic
>went to church and to catholic school where we studied the religion to the point of having to know the ten commandments in order as well as prayers in latin
>even hated "cool" masses and thought they were tacky, stupid, and disrespectful even as a kid
>grow up, and eventually stop believing in that
>go through edgy teenage atheist phase, then calm down to just sort of an uncaring agnostic
That being said, I still feel like I am a cultural catholic, as cringy as that sounds. And in Catholicism, you cant leave the church unless you are excommunicated, so in the eyes of the holy see, Im still a catholic. So this makes me think that religion leaves such an imprint on your outlook on life that even if you stop believing in the "magical" or supernatural parts of it, you still believe in its overall philosophy. Is there any more intelligent and articulate writings on this idea?
why does the desert produce people who think they are god
its literally only in the desert that you have all of these prophets and sons of god and gods messengers
meanwhile in europe and china you didnt have any of that schizo shit
there are scientific principles of reality we still do not know or are even able to notice, and there is some sort of extra dimensional portal in the middle east that gives people with the proper intellect the ability to see into other dimensions
Take a walk through the desert and perhaps you'll become a prophet too. Deserts are special places, sensory deprivation, madness and inspiration are two sides of the same coin.
Guan Yu of the Shu Han forces during the 3 kingdoms period is the Chinese god of war
The Roman emperors thought they were gods
>who is Gautama Buddha
>who is Hong Xiuquan
>who is Joseph Smith
You didn't take much time thinking about this did you?
Going back to the earliest times of history and civilization, where were things happening? Yes, a certain region of the world.
Heh, I can absolve myself of my own sins. Nothing personal kid. If you weren't imaginary, you might even be my equal.
that region was the fucking backwater of civilization, shit was popping in egypt, greece, and rome, not judea.
>earliest times of history and civilization
>shit popping in rome
i hope you forgive me Lord and return me to a state of grace through which i may know the love of God.
i am a sinner in an unredeemable world. please don't abandon us. we need your help.
holy shit how embarassing
you don't even need to be Christian to realize Jesus did literally nothing wrong
He may actually be onto something here...
Lol up classical theist, my guy. If you still have a willingness to believe it's a good jumping off point.