Why are fascist symbols and uniforms so aesthetic
Why are fascist symbols and uniforms so aesthetic
To compensate for their brainlet competency in real politics.
They were specifically designed that way.
Because only the right knows how to meme, because we have souls.
I'll tell you. Because the right tends to look to symbolism and aesthetic on concrete foundations, and people on the left are too low conscientious and consciously trying to be rebels so they dissociate from the tried and true looks of the right. If the left ever became traditionally aesthetic, they wouldn't be the left anymore. Their copying of traditionalist beauty would be a subtextual submission to their ideological nemesis. Leftists always have to push the envelope of acceptance in order to cater to it's heterodox spirit, which means going with things that the majority of peoples on the whole are going to find repugnant. That's why the only leftist aesthetic choice in the last ever has been a bright red star or a rainbow(sad!).
Because it has to appeal to low IQ groups. Style over substance. If they dressed like hicks and said "now give up all your rights and blindly follow some guy to your doom" nobody would join
Because they drew upon traditional European emblems. Communism had good aesthetics as well. Hell, even early liberalism drew upon Renaissance and classical art/emblems. In the present things are boring, dull, uninspired because we are living in an already declined age.
>Because it has to appeal to low IQ groups.
Who does pic related appeal to? geniuses? Top keks.
Hugo Boss was one of the big business owners who funded the Nazis
Wrong. OP's pic is also right wing.
>the right
I thought the thread was about fascism?
oof got caught
Yes. It is. That's the point.
It's one aspect of the right, building on similar ethics found throughout the rest of the right. Fascism is really just an extension of traditionalism that existed before, main difference being that it is meritocratic vs hereditary.
In essence, fascism is the aestheticization of politics.
>not taking communist aesthetics into consideration.
fasicsts largely appropriated the language and rhetoric from communists, socialists, and anarchists.
>b-but the left can't meme heh heh.
>ywn live in the Mosleyverse
>communist """aesthetics"""
>implying Stalin wouldn't have said artists sent to a gulag where they can learn the value of real work, and perhaps some respect for the work of the soviet proletariat (or something to that effect).
>fascist aesthetics
Be honest: This looked like shit.
oof oww oof that hurts
Democracies are designed to be non-threatening, but if you want to stand out and look good you need to look a little intimidating.
>the housing they built in a hurry after the end of ww2 to House they millions of displaced and homeless from the war, looks ugly
Hugo boss designed most of the officers uniforms
And Hugo boss, the fashion designer, designed the uniforms. It’s not all memes sometimes it just makes sense
To hide how autistic they are inside.
Meh, look at France and Britain during WWI.
To impress guards in POW camp.
Fascist architecture also tended towards modernist concrete slabs, which, half a century on and poorly maintained, would look just as ugly as commieblocs
>implying fascism is right wing
Wow that looks dumb
Maybe they spent too much time thinking about cool uniforms and architecture, too little time thinking about how to have effective geopolitical strategies.
Pathetic materialization of krauts' power fantasies.
>We want the Rome audience
>hey lets just platter the same fucking symbol all over literally everyhting lol
Also they got armani to design theirnuniforms
Looks > Brains
t. Himmler
>We will never live in the alternate timeline where traditionalism triumphed.
>wanting to die of dysentry
What a chad
The right believes in natural hierarchy, some things can be more beautiful than others. The left want equality, therefore if everything is ugly it is all equal.
meant to reply to
>British fascism threads
mmmm yes lovely very nice indeed mmm yes
>German Fascism threads
*picture of german woman sucking dick*
*picture of dead german at brandenburg gate with smug stalin*
*pictures of dead german soldiers and civilians*
*general shitpostery and shitflinging pandemonium*
>Italian Fascism threads
>destroyed Europe
>British and Italian fascism
>did not destroy Europe, and theoretically makes more sense anyway
gee why would someone prefer one to the other
because the left can't meme was true even back then.
the only reason the left can't meme is because Veeky Forums is no longer their ally so they have to get their shit from twatter
back when Veeky Forums was leftist the left could meme.
Is that really all there is too it? I thought Veeky Forums doesn't like National Socialism because of rayciss wypipo
No. All of these were built in the 70s.
>2 incel autists
is that photo supposed to work in your favor
>lmao commieblocks are just concrete slabs
>Posts a literal slab building with some gaudy symbolism
>Why are fascist symbols and uniforms so Bland
>this much LARPing
pathetic tbqh
That's because English and Italian fascism have deep theoretical roots behind them and German Nazism has one book written by the most asshurt man in existence from a jail cell.
>naziism is a serious political ideology guys
As much as I hate that faggot Heimach, he has a wife and children.
Why posting this and not the EUR though, which is great?
It's has most to do with our desire to see uniformity in nature. The Lord created us to tame the wild, it's basically been programmed into our genes to make civilization
>uses the word faggot
>doesn't like Heimbach
Pick a side already
Too amerimutt. Emphasis on mutt.
authoritarians like order and cleanliness.
with a symbol straight out of flash gordon who could anyone take him seriously?
His company was one of tens of thousands that PRODUCED the uniform. They were designed by Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck.
That's understandable but kind of pushing it. Personally I've come to sympathise with Mike Enoch's idea of an American ethnicity because there's nothing we can do about it anyway and there's no use complaining about it. They're still white people after all.
Unless you're implying something else by "amerimutt".
What do you expect, the brown fabric was bought in England because it was cheap
Atleast its got neo-classical columns and is trying to look nice rather than just being a plain concrete surface because muh functionalism
When have anarchists ever had an "aesthetic"?
Punk music didn't exist back then, you know
This is so bad I hope it's a false flag
I implied non-white admixture.
If you are a mentally stable adult with healthy self-esteem, then facist symbols quickly lose their appeal. They're designed to attract the weak and desperate.
>t. lolbertarian
The betas are on the left and wielding rainbow leis. It's objective fact now.
The most masculine men are right-wingers, but they are most certainly not fascists.
>fasicsts largely appropriated the language and rhetoric from communists, socialists, and anarchists.
Well it's true. Mussolini was socialist before becoming fascist and NSDAP was a bloody workers' party before Hitler went full himself on it. And socialists favoured the kind of art styles that became dominant with fascists and national socialists.
>Captain Nazi and his friends prepare to fight Captain America (1944)
>fascist symbols quickly lose their appeal
Maybe to people who are only appropriating them to be edgy or they're motivated by a rebellion against society. I can understand why a person with low-self esteem would feel that way.
But that doesn't necessarily apply to people who have a metaphysical connection with Fascism or NS and actually hold their beliefs seriously.
Are those G*rmans? Or Slavs? Because dude on right looks Slavic. Who are they trying to cosplay? Armor looks Slavic as well... I just don't understand this image
Holy shit, is this a legit quote?
what're you on about? They were stockpiled colonial uniforms from before Versailles.
>ITT: Crazy leftists get BTFO by fascist aesthetics
It's okay, not every ideology can look and feel as good as Fascism ;^)
Thx to pic related.