Which one has the most blood on his hands?
Which one has the most blood on his hands?
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Either Andrew Jackson for the Trail of Tears or Truman for Hiroshima and the Korean War.
>The Korean War was somehow Truman's fault
Depends how you're counting, but Lincoln, both Roosevelts and Wilson would be your top 4 for certain.
FDR. Try and tell me otherwise, bitch.
Wilson because of the blockade on Germany.
>Which one has the most blood on his hands?
There have been wartime presidents, like Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR, but they didn't start the wars they're known for. Or at least they didn't fire first - I know a lot of people would argue that each of those provoked the US's involvement in their respective wars. George Washington has a lot of blood on his hands for the revolutionary war, but that wasn't while he was president.
In terms of things he did while he was president, which wouldn't have happened anyway, and that directly led to a huge amount of suffering and loss of life, I'm having trouble coming up with a better answer than George W. Bush.
pic somewhat related
Teddy Roosevelt personally killed a few spaniards and a fuck ton of animals, so if you're asking literally...
yeah but Truman didnt have a choice. Jackson was just a bloodthirsty fuck.
American blood or foreign blood?
Washington killed 90,000 people, yet somehow people find room to criticize Mao because someone died while he was governing.
>Japanese lose WWII
>U.S. army arrives in Korea, finds independent, unified government already exists.
>It's left-leaning, though, so they have to go.
>Reinstate Japanese officials, and when that's too much, just use Koreans that collaborated instead.
>Build an army of Korean collaborators to destroy left-wing government in the south
>Solidify division by leaving puppet government in south.
>Up to 200,000 die in south Korea before the Korean War even breaks out, due to conflicts between the puppet government (which wouldn't have existed without the U.S. military government in south Korea), and people who wanted land reform and punishment for collaborators.
>not the U.S.'s fault.
>destroying left-wing government
Nope. Try again.
le helicopter rides amirite??? XD
>a ussr appointed puppet government
>independent, unified government that already exists.
Ford, not even a contest.
So the Korean People's Republic, whose basis of support were the People's Committees on both sides of the 38th parallel, was a puppet of the Soviet Union, who had zero power below said 38th parallel? Your country's school system has failed you very badly.
Yeah, you are. It was a good thing when those communists were thrown out of helicopters to their deaths.
Such people talk very flippantly about revolutionary violence, but when it comes down to it they whinge about immorality and injustice, despite believing that neither can exist under le bourgeois state.
What of it?
>In December 1945, at the Moscow Conference, the Soviet Union agreed to a US proposal for a trusteeship over Korea for up to five years in the lead-up to independence. Most Koreans demanded independence immediately, but Kim and the other Communists supported the trusteeship under pressure from the Soviet government.
>Cho Man-sik opposed the proposal at a public meeting on January 4, 1946, and disappeared into house arrest.[4]:p.59[6]:p.187-190 On February 8, 1946, the People's Committees were reorganized as Interim People's Committees dominated by Communists.[4]:p.60
>The new regime instituted popular policies of land redistribution, industry nationalization, labor law reform, and equality for women.[5]:p.107 Meanwhile, existing Communist groups were reconstituted as the Workers' Party of Korea under Kim Il-sung's leadership.[5]:p.148
'It wasn't a puppet government because they weren't done puppeteering it yet! You're only allowed to respond after the communists take over and purge the opposition using paper 'committees' as a pretext, that way John Pilger could have made a documentary about how the world turned it's back on Korea!'
The Jews behind the scenes are the ones with blood on their slimy hands.
Where did I mention the immorality of helicopter rides?
I agree. The proletariat, the colonized, whatever, only have one mission -- it's not to establish justice, or create a new utopia, but to win.
"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." - Karl Marx
Oh, Jesus.
Number one, by October 1945, the United States had already begun the formation and training of an independent, highly-politicized south Korean army, something that you definitely don't do if you're making good faith efforts towards reunification.
By late 1945, the U.S. reconstituted army, whose officer corps was 85% Japanese collaborators, was already attacking the People's Committees and those demanding immediate independence. (Your own wikipedia article notes that the Communists in the north cooperated with the People's Committees, while also omitting that the right-wing puppet government in the south was ALSO calling for trusteeship).
If the right-wing didn't have sufficient representation in the People's Committees, it's because almost every single one sold out their country to work for the Japanese (and those right-wingers who defied the U.S. were murdered). Those that didn't collaborate -- like Rhee Syngman and Kim Ku -- were given a voice in the government of the Korean People's Republic.
Now tell me, how could the Soviet Union puppeteer a government was half below the DMZ? And besides the Communists, what alternative force fought harder for independence?
So, back to posting that Polish puppet mercenary that you worship for killing a couple of Communists.
this is all true, except the one about the act of war needing congressional approval. the government didn't recognize the south as a legitimate state, and thus in their eyes it wasn't a war, but a rebellion being put down.
>caring about the Constitution
What dumbass stylist chose that tie for Trump to wear in that photo op
>Andrew Jackson for the Trail of Tears
Andrew jackson was a cunt who went against the Supreme Court and basically manslaughtered thousands of natives, but that somewhat pales in comparison to the Atomic bombings. Justified though they might have been, Truman was the guy who called for it, and that's at least 10x the amount of deaths, and at least 100x the amount of sheer human suffering.
Again, justified, but still sad it had to happen.
100% true, but also 100% necessary. Just, even.
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I'd love to see some primary sources that assert that.
You can have that luxury when there is no ethnoracial conflict in a state.
t. Florentine