lets do someting
Lonely whale here, looking for other sad lonely whales
you've entered my breeding territory please leave
beep boop
got 300 BTC free right now
wanna pump some shit?
i'm down, where to?
you guys like swiss cheese?
let's pop off one of those lower volume coins on Binance
moon ast pls
let's pump bitbean
2 retard bagholders trying to dump lol
Help me please...
Do you hold OMG?
Have about 240 free btc for pumping purposes. Took out all of my earnings and profit to live comfortably for the rest of my life, really dont care if this is a troll thread, on the off chance its not, im willing to pump IOC coin, something i see actuallu furthering crypto, i want to give back to what made me rich.
you cant pump shit, and I bet you cant prove otherwise. Stop larping pajeets.
I'll let my gf give you a camshow for some btc
sure, give me 30 minutes
My man. God speed on whatever adventure you hop in. I'm hopping in on the token located here:
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich, CH
Pump Link and I'll join aswell, I got 120 BTC free atm.
You should pump my btc wallet. Massive gains guaranteed.
Beach yourselves, ya fat fucks
I'm in.
Hey I'm new to this whole thing...pretty much retarded and relatively poor... you guys mind sending me a bitcoin so I can try it out?
Moon Bitbean....please...lovely whale
fuck off pajeets
pump etherium back to 370
That image was kek worthy. Thanks for that user. Who here link marine?
I have 21,000,000 btc set aside for pumping. Let's do mooncoin.
t. Bitbean bagholder
how the fuck
I have 1,000,000,000 bitcoin in my funwallet, what are we pumping?
do vertcoin
dance with me
Get BLN. News on the merkle tomorrow and only 10 million coins. Disclosure im already loaded. Lol
no bln on bittrex. can you do another coin ?
vertcoin is the correct answer
buy kucoin
BITBAY, check this out.
Dump LTC on Bitfinex
I have it shorted and want to get out