Is LARPing as an Orthodox Christian or a Gnostic the new fedora, replacing atheism?
Is LARPing as an Orthodox Christian or a Gnostic the new fedora, replacing atheism?
Orthodoxy is the original Christian faith. Why does people finding the truth trigger you?
Because the real fedoras don't like to be defined as such.
the original christianity was torah observant and non-trinitarian
The chain of autism went as follows
>Sonic the Hedgehog
>Viking worship
>Deus Vult
>Gnostic Greek wannabe
seriously I have noticed this so much
kids on /pol/ decide they want to be religious and go for the orthodox church because it has the word "orthodox" in it
No? Being an atheist is synonymous with being a fedora.
Only on Veeky Forums, I doubt anyone actually claims to be Gnostic seriously IRL.
/pol/ is largly neopagan or agnostic.
Fedoras on damage control
Yes but that's the case for catholics and even protestants too, I've seen some pretty /pol/ sola scriptura dudes on Veeky Forums.
Altough I think it's quite common to just have /pol/fags who happen to be catholic or protestants, orthodoxy is just too rare to be unironic.
You can be an atheist without fitting the stereotype, but yeah fedoras are a negative stereotype about atheists so it's technically a contradiction for someone religious to be called a fedora even if you can be religious and be insufferable about it in a similar way.
Any kind of traditionalist Christianity or "paganism" is just for LARPfags.
But these people are atheists/agnostics pretending to be devout, fire and brimstone spitting Orthodox Christians because "they're based and conservative"
>orthodoxy is just too rare to be unironic.
user, do you know how many fucking Slavs and near-Slavs(Like Greeks and Rumanians) browse this website?
So many are unemployed that many have time to waste here.
Most slavs are atheistic. They might partake in some Orthodox festivities for cultural reasons but anyone who actually believes in God in a Slavic country is generally considered to be a stupid joke of a person who is easily manipulated.
Also note that almost all the """Orthodox""" posters on /pol/ are mutts. As people with no heritage, culture, history, or tradition to speak of, they just pick things they think sound cool. Very pathetic.
>Any kind of traditionalist Christianity or "paganism" is just for LARPfags.
Fedoras are atheists.
There is no "new fedora", that's like saying is _____ the new rosary beads.
Fedora is an inseperable symbolof the atheist faith.
>being so mad that you deliberately choose to not understand a basic analogy
But that's true, people with faith just believe because they have faith.
The instant a christian talks about morality, traditional values or whatever practical they out themselves as someone who is a christian not out of faith but because it's part of his traditionnalist values package, see it as a wordly tool for social stability, you can't use the Truth the same way you would use a "noble" lie.
Not even considering the fact that properly applied christianism is an odd beast that is only consersative because of a few core issues making it really opposed to today liberals.
In most other contexts, christianism would be seen as incomptatible with what most conservatives / traditionalists want, especially the /pol/acks who want to glorify their so worldly ethnostates above their brethen in the faith.
Why are you so worried about what people want to believe?
What analogy?
Orthodox are not fedoras.
Full stop.
It doesn't matter if you find them cringy or ridiculous, that doesn't make them fedoras.
>The instant a christian talks about morality, traditional values or whatever practical they out themselves as someone who is a christian not out of faith but because it's part of his traditionnalist values package
>People who live by a moral code aren't allowed to mention that moral code or they're not actually following that moral code
Are you high?
>In most other contexts, christianism would be seen as incomptatible with what most conservatives / traditionalists want, especially the /pol/acks who want to glorify their so worldly ethnostates above their brethen in the faith.
Have you ever even read a Bible?
Christianism is not about a moral code, it's about faith and the moral code is merely a consequence of that faith.
Folllwing a religion because it's traditional is not faith.
>"Just converted orthodox here AMA I can BTFO any and all atheistcucks, mudslimes, soiboi faggots"
Doesn't your own religion preach against this retardation?
The faith and the moral code are inseperable you mong.
Second one is a consequence of the first
It's like faith and good works, you are not a christian because you do good works but doing good works is a consequence of truly having faith.
People who are christian BECAUSE of morality and traditionalism are /pol/tier LARPers, it's just not how faith works.
It's fucking hilarious. It's just fashion for most of them.
Any time someone mentions they're an atheist they get the same smug reaction they would get from any other board if they posted their favourite thing not approved by the hivemind. Smug anime faces and pictures of fedoras and all.
Willing to bet these people are mostly agnostics who don't want to be labeled 'fence-sitters' so they switch between whatever is cool and suddenly acceptable. If paganism ever loses its own fedora stigma you'll see people switch over to that too and post Varg smug anime faces in every thread.
But is it belief in God that motivates people to follow group norms or is it our need to survive through social conformity?
If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a supposed orthodox claim they converted from atheism.
Bandwagoners gonna bandwagon.
>Second one is a consequence of the first
What is the faith in question?
Jesus died for your sins.
Without the moral code supporting it the death of Jesus is meaningless. If you do not believe in morality and traditionalism there is LITERALLY NO REASON to be a Christian, as the idea of salvation is irrelevant to you.
How the fuck do you feel competent to lecture people on "real Christianity" when you don't even grasp that simple logical relationship?
Irrelevant to the issue at hand as you are not talking about Christianity you are talking about an atheistic materialist philosophical analysis of religion in general.
I never said that I am a christian.
Wanted to quote
It mirrors EXACTLY the trend in the 19th century of many English and American elite and intellectuals converting to Catholicism from Protestantism. Chesterton's, the Hitchen's of his day, converting to Catholicism and he was just one in a huge number of edgy anglos who did it.
>t. simon peter
Next will be pagan I fear.
fpbp,contrarians btfo
They do it because they think orthodoxy is "based".
I've also people larping as the inquisition calling everyone that isn't main line Catholicism a hereticXD.
These people are only using their "religiosity" as a gimmick to act edgy
>Most slavs are atheistic
The fuck are you talking about? Religion plays an important role in Eastern Europe, and the only Slavs who are widely atheist are the Czechoslovakians
I thought celt larpers were already fedora.
Poles are the most devoted people in Europe
Imagine being so fucking contrarian you actually claim you want to be religious.
t. anime spam thread subhuman
You catholics and protestants are heritics I was lucky to be born into the true faith and i encourage others to see that orthodoxy is the anwser
>pride is the worst sin
The irony is that many Orthodox are hardcore nationalists and like to go on about muh Orthodox pride.
t. Orthodox
>Dude, Slavic culture is totally the real Christianity t. Reddit
You autists do realise that you can't just "convert" automatically whenever you feel like it, and that you are attacking a very large faith because you browse r*ddit too much. To be Orthodox, you either need to be born into it or go through a serious process to be converted, which a lot of people don't go through with. As for the people that you're refering to, who don't understand shit about the faith, but actively admire it as the true faith, nobody takes them seriously and there's equally as many Catholics and infinitely more pisslamists who do this. Descerning all that, Orthodoxy IS a generally unchanged religion, regardless if "true" in faith or not, the Armenian Church and Eastern Orthodox Church have every right to claim that they are more ancient and traditional.
>slavic culture
>being this ignorant
>Church of the East
>Miaphysite Church
>Orthodox Church
How is it the oldest again?
>too rare to be unironic
In terms of theodicy and eschatology it has the most reasonable doctrine while not reducing God to a mathematical object a la Calvinism
The oldest Church is literally twice as close to Jesus's era as the time difference between its founding and Orthodox Church's founding alone, fucking laughable claims by the Greeks that their Church is the oldest
31% as old as the actual oldest one today holy Hell that is pathetic
First of all you are lying, second of all, Miaphysitism was never widely accepted in eaely Christianity, it is a branch. Finally, the date of establishment has nothinh to do with traditions and worship.
The Orthodox Church became a defined thing in 1054, it maintained early christian beliefs and tradition, the other two churches branched out early, due to disputes in belief
Meant for
>Miaphysitism was never widely accepted in eaely Christianity,
>90% of Egypt, the Levant, Ethiopia, and Armenia
>all 99.9% Christian at the time while Russia and Serbia were pagans
>not widely accepted
You forgot to mention Rome, and how much larger, more significant, more populated and more of an authority it was to literally everything you mentioned put together. Miaphysitism is a branch, not an original church. Also, where are you getting those numbers?
>a million bellies fed by Egyptian bread
>a million galleys paddled by Syrian labor
>Also, where are you getting those numbers?
Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch
Where are you getting the 99% you sperg. And if you're so good at geography then you should know how big Rome was, and how much more there was to it than some of the middle east. Regardless, Miaphysitism is still a branch, no matter how early it distinguished from general Christianity. Therefore it can be classed as the oldest sect, but not the original.