Who were the good guys in this conflict?
Who were the good guys in this conflict?
Literally just the Carlists
The carlist.
The rest was retards chimping out has usual.
Republicans, fascism is bad.
>hiding the fact that the nationalists were literally supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
Republican Spain was in the wrong.
The ones who were supporting the democratically elected, internationally recognized popular government
Republicans, only edgelords will say otherwise.
no one
>ignoring that the Republicans were communists who violently purged priests, monks, and nuns
>Were communists
This alone is not an argument
>Purgerd clergy
Fuck the clergy, they're not poor meak altruists they were influential motherfuckers that always sided with the fascists/bourgeoisie.
>democratically elected
>fascists win
>relative prosperity and peace for 40 years
>democratic supporters/communists win
That’s what it really comes down to for me. Plus the Cold War was coming and the republican side was too fractured to function properly.
I don't know that much about Spanish history but didn't the anarchists do a lot of good shit for the people? Like literacy rates went up and alcoholism going down? And Franco might have braught stability but I don't know if everyone was happy or that it was very fun to live in his Spain.
War economy’s a hell of a drug, if you’re correct in your posits. The people, fighting for what they believed in, and just fighting in general, would feel inclined to be less alcoholic and the people who would be fighting would generally be less educated, so their deaths would raise literacy rates.
Since, I'm presuming, we're both talking out of our asses; from anarchists I heard that where the communists administered shit was pretty tight when it came to education, health and all that other good stuff people need.
the syndicalists, but they were the most beta of all communisms and would never survive
First two posts are the best posts
theres a reason Spain's gradual decline turned into a spiraling tailspin (on fire) and it's cause this guy didn't become king
Republicans, fuck /pol/
>violently purged priests, monks, and nuns
good, religion is the opiate of the masses
>tfw no qt republican gf
Nationalists until Franco betrayed them to the (((King)))
Yeah and? Republicans were supported by the Soviets you fucking slime.
Not just supported, the Soviets assumed control. Their military advisors were running the war and the NKVD was running and purging everything else.
The way I see it, Spanish republic (illegaly) proclaimed in 1931 was a failure all the way and would have ended in a Soviet, Cuba like oriented regimen, had it not been for the Civil War. All the same, the so called International Brigades, despite their romantic inspiration, were just a bunch of wannaby commies in love with the idea of Stalin.
wtf i love Republicans now
When they assumed control?
You see it wrong. The communists weren't as popular as the republicans or anarchists.
>was a failure
It really wasn't a failure. Francoist Spain achieved its GDP 15 years after the war.
As if republicans or anarchists could in anyway hold a country together... they are only good for dairy farms and kibutz...
Many people confuse form of government with political ideology. These guy were communists in disguise, all the way. Having most of the country under control in 1936 and most of the army, they couldn't put their shit together.
>As if republicans or anarchists could in anyway hold a country together
And liberals and social democrats and so on. And why not? The Rebels got help from Germans and Italians, the Republicans simply had to ask the Soviets for help because of how unwilling to intervene was Britain and France.
>These guy were communists in disguise, all the way
Some of them were more left leaning than the others, but that's it. It's funny how right-wingers cite some more radical statements of the Republicans while ignore what the Rebels actually did. Because words are more important than actions.
>relative prosperity and peace for 40 years
15 years. Franco ran the Spanish economy to the ground. In 1950 motherfucking Poland was doing better than Spain.
>popular government
>not popular enough to win the war though
It's still far better off than every single ex-Soviet and Warsaw pact country.
In 1963
Did you upload the wrong photo or something?
Not thanks to Franco.
dealing with /pol/ is bad enough, why does reddit and /leftypol/ have to shit up the board too
Thanks to who? It was so shitty before him people would rather get anarchy than keep going.
it would have been funny to see the anarchists and the communists kill each other if the republicans would have won desu.
made for moorish BBC
t. Franco
It was worse when he implemented his own economic policy. He was saved by the pact of Madrid and the technocrats from Opus Dei.
>ignoring the republicans were LITERALLY democratically elected
They did as the people wanted, nothing wrong.
At first it was the republic, but then later it was the nationalists
Who cares, they were probably all kiddy diddlers anyway
If the republic had won its almost certain that Spain would have been a comunist state after ww2 even after the dictatorship when the middle class was created in Spain the PCE got 10% of the votes
Shouldn't the Vatican be listed as a supporter of the Nationalists?
The side that didn't castrate priests.
This guy. RIP
Franco was a beta manlet
>commies lost to a beta manlet
were helmets like super hard to get or something? I can't imagine a bunch of people fighting wearing those goofy little hats.
You mean the side that massacred civilians even in hospitals, tortured people and raped and mutilated women?
Have you ever made a steel helmet?
no but I figure if I had backing from Germany + Italy or the Soviet Union they could send me some.
Then you'd probably be shocked to know that the Republicans (the ones in the poster) were not supported by Italy OR Germany, and in fact only received token support from the Soviets.
Communism has killed more people than nazism or fascism ever did directly. And yet there are still people today who can openly claim to be communists or socialists without punitive repercussions.
Really makes you think.
>Hola, olla. This is la caldera. Tu es negra.
>Communism has killed more people than nazism or fascism ever did directly.
Ebin meme
>being communist is okay legally
It's illegal to deny Soviet crimes in many countries.
Que dices maricon haber si aprendes a hablar español hijo de la gran puta, me voy a cagar en las cuatro farolas que alumbran la tumba de tu puta madre
Both sides commited atrocities.
The republic because it was rightfully elected. Also it managed to put down any military uprisings on the mainland. Franco had to be flown in from Africa and had to bring along colonial troops.
Communism killed more people by mismanagement, fascism literally dragged millions of people into ditches to be shot or worse.
No, only certain communist regimes killed a lot of people. Nazism caused WW2 which killed some 50-70 million people.
By far the biggest communist "crime" was famine in China, which killed more people than pretty much all other communist crimes put together.
Token support? They got a bunch of tanks, planes and infantry weapons. Supply dried up once it was clear they were losing but they got a lot of support. Maybe not as much as you'd expect for the national gold reserves but still a lot.
The Virgin Spanish Republican vs the Chad Riffian Auxiliary
>commies on my Veeky Forums
Franco tricked them. Later on none of them held any influential positions and them dying on the eastern front also helped him secure his power.
Because /pol/ says Fascism is best
Spanish democracy was far from peaceful. Still the Republicans had way more legitimacy than a bunch of traitors
Fair, I guess.
They weren't though, communism was relatively unpopular in prewar Spain. It was the war that gave so much influence to the communist parties, ironically enough.
They also didn't conduct purges, that was the traitors shtick. Most murders seem to have occured during the breakdown of Republican authority while the coup was in full swing, once again pretty ironic.
All lies. Da Joos made them up.
Nobody claimed that because the Republicans weren't communist. Anyway, stop moving the goalpost, you /pol/tard.
*them atrocities
**that, because
who was legitimate? republicans
who was the better option? nationalists
This is always the fate of the Idealist, poor bastards fight and die just for someone ahead of the curve to take advantage, regardless of the ideology
I'm sure Italy and Germany had nothing to do with that
>muh nuns
Like clockwork
Further proof that "anti-capitalist fascists" are useful idiots who will be the first to be purged once their daddy dictator gets into power
>When they assumed control?
Around mid 1937
> peace
Mate, 200 000 people were killed in prison camps, summary executions, purges and repressions in the years after the war.
Oh okay that makes it okay then
Why does everyone forget how big of a role Italy played in this war?
> Comparing dictatorship that ended in 1975 to one that ended in 1989
Polish GDP is tenfold what it was in 1990. Spanish GDP was sixfold after 27 years of democracy. That gives Poland an annual growth rate of around 8.9%. Spain meanwhile has 7%. Massive difference thanks to compound interest.
There was already a middle class in Spain.
Why is everyone acting llike republicans == communists? A bunch of political positions were within the republicans and actually the sides within the republic started fighting mid-war, one of the reasons why the republicans lost.
>Italy and Germany were totally not sending ridiculous amounts of troops, guns, ammo, air support and money...
>ignoring that the Nationalists had the support of the two of the most powerful air forces in the world
eh, leftypol balances out pol. and makes it interesting.
/pol/ being the only problem would make things 100x worse because it would just lead to a circlejerk of "le fellow 'pedes wasn't fascism the coolest ecks dee".
Mexicans. Literally the only side that wasn't trying to topple the democratically-elected government and put in their own puppets. When the rest of the world turned their backs on Spain, Mexico tried to come to the rescue.
Because the Italians were obligated to be on the side with the most popular support.
The Italian Government sent large amounts of material aid to the Nationalists. This aid included:
>Over 60,000 troops at the height of the war. The involvement helped to increase Mussolini's popularity. Italian military help to Nationalists against the anti-clerical and anti-Catholic atrocities committed by the Republican side worked well in Italian propaganda targeting Catholics. On July 27, 1936 the first squadron of Italian airplanes sent by Benito Mussolini arrived in Spain
>one cruiser, four destroyers, and two submarines;
>763 aircraft, including 64 Savoia-Marchetti SM.81 bombers, at least 90 Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 bombers, 13 Br.20 bombers, 16 Ca.310 bombers, 44 assault planes, at least 20 seaplanes, more than 300 Fiat CR.32 fighters, 70 Romeo 37 fighters, 28 Romeo 41 fighters and 10 other fighter planes, and 68 reconnaissance planes;
>1,801 artillery pieces, 1,426 heavy and medium mortars, 6,791 trucks, and 157 tanks;
>320,000,000 small arms cartridges, 7,514,537 artillery rounds, 1,414 aircraft motors, 1,672 tons of aircraft bombs and 240,747 rifles.[79]
>91 Italian warships and submarines also participated in and after the war, and sank about 72,800 tons of shipping, and lost 38 sailors killed in action. Italy presented a bill for £80,000,000 ($400,000,000) in 1939 prices to the Francoists.
>Italian pilots flew 135,265 hours during the war, partook in 5,318 air raids, hit 224 Republican and other ships, engaged in 266 aerial combats, and reported to have shot down 903 Republican and allied planes
They supplied like half of the Nationalists equipment (along with the Germans) and sent some of their best troops to take part in every major battle. Particular important roles were in the Aragonese and Catalonian offensives. Plus Santander.
>On 1 April 1939, the success of the Nationalists meant that the Italians now had a friendly regime in the western Mediterranean. But they acquired this friend at a high cost in both men and materials. Of the approximate 78,500 men sent to Spain, 3,819 were killed and about 12,000 (or 10,629) were wounded. Those casualties were mostly caused during the Catalan and Aragonese Offensives, about 44% of the deaths and 43% of the wounded, and the rest during the Guadalajara, Santander and Levante offensives.[3] The Italian military left behind roughly 3,400 machine guns, 1,400 mortars, 1,800 artillery pieces, 6,800 vehicles, 160 tanks, and 760 aircraft. But, while the military equipment represented a loss to Italy's war inventory, most of the equipment was obsolete. The financial cost of the war was more debilitating. The cost of the CTV to Italy amounted to between 6 and 8.5 billion lire. At 14 to 20 percent of annual expenditure, this represented an immense drain on the Italian economy.
They literally sent more equipment and men to Spain and Russia to help their allies than Africa
Why are you even asking ?
>mfw got banned from leftypol for voicing a dissention opinion
nothing but socially inept loser, pathological perverts, and all around miserable reactionaries with no vision of the future besides seething oikophobia
fuck off you middle class larper
>every communist country ever is a shithole
Sounds like a pretty good argument to me
Men of class and distinction