sell now or get buried in blood when bitcoin tanks
Tides are turned
I'm comfy in Zencash.
I'm gaining more BTC while bitcoin is tanking.
Making Zen money is awesome. But sorry for you you can't buy it on Shitloniex
you misunderstand.
EVERYTHING is about to go blood red
bounces are over, this is a bear market still
>bear market still
are you fucking stupid? Bitcoin just hit an ATH.
Thanks just sold 100k
stupid and emotional. sees a bit of red and everything is over
>most of biz is in alts
>talks about the market as a whole
>alts have been tanking for 4 months straight
>"but muh bitcoin tho??"
>he wasn't holding bitcoin during the pump
I dont think you realize the significance of fiat pairs you retarded idiot, they always exit first before the rest of the market
enjoy the bags
nice strawman argument
alts have been tanking for 4 months straight so its a fucking alt bear market
I have been holding bitcoin so suck my dick nigger
BTC just hit the LOD. It's actually starting to look like a good trade. How much lower will it go though?
>selling now
>no idea when the Segwit2x FOMO will kick in
Bitcoin started rising a full 20 DAYS before the last fork. We have 23 days until November 16.
blood is now enter nonfiat altcoin waters
this is a thread about ALTS you dimwitted nigger
You said Bitcoin was tanking. I really doubt it'll go further than $4800.
bitcoin tanking = 5-10%
thats a fucking -30->40% on alts
bitcoin dump alt dump, thats how this works you faggot
noone actually gives a shit about day trading bitcoin aside from degenerate 100x margin longers
alts have not been in a bear market for 4 months you dumb fuck. you've just be trading 1st generation alts which have been underperforming compared to the newer ones.
>enjoy the bags
lol I'm up 30 BTC in the last two months from trading this alt "bear market"
trex entering 1 full page of red
no you aren't larper.
I traded the ERC20's in august too you faggot, everyone did. You aren't fucking special or clever.
and in waiting to reenter them, I also know that they ALL set NEW all time lows and are STILL tanking since september
something else to note are the pot coins
they've had a negative correlation with the rest of the alt market during bitcoin dumps several times in the past
for this market cycle, lumens is also very good to look at for a first mover. it pumped before the rest of the coins did and its dumping before the rest of them now.
SEVEN more coins have joined the red list since I posted this on polo alone
>posts shitcoins in the red
>trying to get everyone to panic
their not shitcoins lol
>alts rally 20% yesterday
>3% pullback is supposed to cause panic.
honestly OP i hope it all crashes... right after you fomo buy back in
only 2 fiat piars remain green.