Why were the republicans seen as the good guys back then? How did it all change?
Why were the republicans seen as the good guys back then? How did it all change?
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Who the "good guys" are has always been subjective. The premise of your question is silly. The Republicans saw a swell of support postbellum when they were still seen as the party of Lincoln and saviors of the Union if that's what you're referring to.
Maybe the Bush dynasty and the decrease of real wages after the post-war boom coinciding with the implementation of Reaganomics.
Because the Democrats were just a bunch of stooges who fought for rich white people to keep Slaves, and then pit poor people against each other using racism following the civil war so the southern elite could sip comfortably and still real good profits on crops. The South is a backwards shithole still in some places today because of the Democrats.
The Republicans were good guys because they fought for individual and economic liberty of all initially. But in reality, they fought for industrial elite interests. Then after JFK and Johnson shifted party platform for the Dems and passed Civil Rights. this makes them the “good giys”. When in reality, the Dems still are still fighting for the rights of agricultural elite (see illegal immigration) and the Republicans are still fighting for the industrial elite.
The party ideals flipped starting around Barry Goldwater and continued with Nixon and then Reagan.
Republicans back then supported liberal ideals. They were for equality, women's rights, black rights, immigration, etc.
Sounds familiar? This is what Democrats are now.
Also, if you look at the map. The Democrat and Republican shifted in name only. The southern bible belts are either Democrats(back then) or Republican (after Nixon).
Party names mean nothing, what matters is ideals. If you look at whether or not states have changed their ideals, you'll see that they have not.
They still are
But supply side economocs did work.
Revionist nonsense.
The Democrats bhave always been on the wrong sde of the issue because their party has always been about appealing to emotion rather than logic. It's the same today with their support for illegal aliens and the black lives matter lie.
The liberal media and identity politics.
>Why were the republicans seen as the good guys back then?
Objective press
>How did it all change?
The media went almost completely into the tank for the Dems during the Bush presidency
"the parties switched" is just a reddit truism. Republicans stayed the same, democrats just got taken over by jews(republican party wouldnt get pozzed till late 80s with neoconservatives) and suddenly passed civil rights and hart kellar act. this pissed off the actual democrats which is why they switched to republican, they could either vote for traitors or the other party
the only reason republicans look bad now is because the democrats basically have the media in their pockets and run constant 24/7 smear campaigns
Bush was pretty bad desu.
But your argument itself is based on "muh feefees" and is heavily emotionally biased. Are you a Democrat by your own standard?
>How did it all change?
Obviously the New Deal changed the Democratic Party forever. I'm going to assume that prior to that they were much closer to the Republicans on most issues.
>muh joos
>A Republican party member says the dumbest shit on national television.
>Its a smear campaign.
No bro. The problem is that the Republican Party doesn't do crowd control on its members and censor some of the dumb shit they say which the media reports and what gets them shit on. There is a time and place for everything; if you're representing a party and organization you need to give them good publicity. Democrats even have said some dumb shit on national television as well.
Not him but I've learned that Repulicans are better at avoiding scandals by simply pretending there isn't one.
How Long will it be before the Democrats can mess up and bring the Republicans back into the spotlight? I’m not really well versed in American politics
Generally the trend is that the party in power gets all the blame for everything bad that is happening.
More like the reason democrats don't look just as bad is because they hide their scandals better with media help.
shoo, shoo fox news
Republicans have always been the good guys(or not the bad guys). Nothing has changed since day 1
>during the Bush presidency
Media's been in the tank leftist FAR longer than that lol
Given how the last four great waves of Republican success were fueled by relatively negative campaigns (Appealing to white racial insecurity with Nixon/Reagan's anti-Labour, welfare and progressivism message/Newt Gingrichs hyper-partisanin rhetoric and demonization of democrats/Tea Party's fringe leanings).
So why does the Media always portray Republicans as racist people who hate blacks and chinks and anti-learning
Was Richard Nixon a bad republican?
How much does AIPAC pay you?
Because they were the core supporters of the war on drugs which disproportunately targeted blacks (blacks are frisked more often but are less likely to be carrying drugs when frisked, ever since the crack epidemic subsided rural whites are the population most ravaged by drug abuse) and they started doing this just after Kennedy and LBJ, who sided with MLK.
As for anti-learning, Republicans are more likely to deny scientific consensus on evolution and climate change, and are the people that pushed for creationism to be taught in schools.
Yeah dude the GOP giving even more money to rich people is totally based on facts fuck those factless democrats am i right
I still see the Republicans as the good guys.
I love reading about Teddy, Nixon, Trump. The Republicans had way more interesting presidents, as characters.
it's a catalyst to banish the degenerates of the left. Once you are an enemy with your back to the wall there is no choice but to fight. It happend with the new generation who voted for trump
Nixon was also a liberal by today's standards. damn, even Goldwater would be more libertarian than republican on issues like gay marriage
I mean it kinda just happened.
Either way the reality is that neither party stays in control for more than 8 years most of the time. By the end of the second term the public tends to get sick of them and swings the pendulum in the other direction. In that sense the system is stable because no one stays in power long enough to really change anything outside of emergencies.
Because you have shit where 50% of Republicans deny Evolution.
And 70% of Republicans deny Climate Change
Lastly 53% don't believe in Vaccines
But why though?
Aren’t Politicians supposed to be well versed in the various fields of science?
These are polls of the general population, not of politicians. However, politicians can cater to these retards by adopting retarded positions.
Not him but because Reagan courted evangelicals, and even most other religious people think evangelicals are a tad crazy in their beliefs. It's part of why Reagan is now St. Reagan, even though the man was nearly impeached by his own party when in office and a complete political pariah.
Poetically republicans have always been the good guys besides that one time during WW2.
> mfw you have to either vote for this or bland, corrupt, populist, corporately owned ident/pol/ party
> mfw Americans will defend this
Seriously, has there ever been an idea more toxic to a democracy than a two-party system?
Your own founding fathers, whom you seem to idolize in every other aspect of life, already said that this was the worst possible outcome, and yet you walked right into with open eyes.
What a fucking joke of a country.
Not him but I've lived in Southern CA most of my life and very much preferred it in those few instances that a Republican was in charge, shit I'll take Governator over Gov. Moonbeam in a heartbeat. Plus, I'd like to see all the Democrat legislators fucking hang, fucking bastards wasting all that money of social projects and a high speed rail to nowhere, I keep getting told that CA has the biggest and strongest economy in the country but to be honest I don't see when I looked out of my South Central window, all I saw was the skyline and the life I knew I would never have if I stayed here.
I feel 100% for the dudes living in Rural CA, in fact I find myself becoming more and more of a leftist when I see the complete disparity between the Rural Californians and the Urban Bourgeois, especially that snobbish disdain the Urbanfags have for Ruralfags
The Democrats have been dead since reconstruction. The Grand Old Party started the free market immigrant melting pot meme during the late 19th century and it has been the narrative of America ever since.
A two party system is the "optimal" status of a first past the post election system. No third party will do anything except play spoiler unless the voting system is changed.
I like ranked preferential systems.
> first past the post
There's your first mistake
Which era are you talking about?
The two parties have for over a century colluded to make sure a third party never becomes a real competitor.
>shit I'll take Governator over Gov. Moonbeam in a heartbeat
Didn't Ahnuld fail to fulfill most of his campaign promises?
While none of the stuff that he did was particularly bad or evil, he was just a lame duck is all and that is still better than having Gov. Moonbeam and his merry band of Progressives in charge of the state
Generally speaking in terms of culture the coasts have been dominant in the United States for most of the 20th century. This is do to higher populations and industrialization. This leads to the more dominant parties in this area being perceived as the good guys.
FPTP was fine for 1790, but it hasn't been revised for 250 years when the political and demographic landscape is completely different.
My preference is for multi-candidate districts with Wright STV. With 3 positions per district, you can raise enfranchisement from a simple plurality to almost 90%.
> an idea more toxic to a democracy than a two-party system?
Yes, a multiparty system in major democracies before the end of cold war.
None of that shit matters though. For society, you want to raise children who will take care of their community and can work hard. The problem with democrats is they care about social issues that don't fucking matter. Republicans care about the ones that do matter.
Believing in climate change or evolution isn't going to make your community and families lives better. But having a good work ethic and treating people with respect will.
Basically, all of that shit is a fucking meme. I'll take 100 hard working family values creationists over 100 climate and vaccine zealots any day.
Ignoring that none of those are social issues and they do still matter
>For society, you want to raise children who will take care of their community and can work hard
This is what most people in fact do, it's common sense
His 1968 campaign had a negative tone and employed quite a few dog whistles for racial resentment and pushing back desegration with calls for return of law and order and state's rights being returned. It was a negative campaign.
It's rather weird then that Nixon was a moderate player in the Republican party (not a moderate in political spectrum, just a party inside between factions) and his presidency is arguably among the most moderate of those in later half the century.
The vaccine thing is a straw man and not limited to conservatives in fact I'd say more new age hippie liberals are anti vax.
As for climate change and evolution, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter if someone doesn't believe in them.
Climate change does matter if not believing in it causes people to treat the planet like it's a rental car.
You and I aren't the big players in climate change. The entities doing the majority of the polluting are factories and giant tanker ships. Pushing the blame onto the last member of the chain (the consumer) is a PR campaign to shift the blame off oil companies. Also the climate change lunacy leads to retarded policies like carbon tax. Now families in canada have to pay 2k more per year in a "carbon tax." It's a fucking breathing tax.
republicans tend to be most vocal against welfare programs that benefit blacks and least vocal against welfare programs that benefit whites
True, whether or not you believe in evolution is pretty much irrelevant as it's true anyway. However, there is a difference between not believing in it, and voting so that it can't be taught in schools.
>The vaccine thing is a straw man
This is complete bullshit. I've been to the third world, I've actively seen what happens when vaccinations don't exist or are outright mistrusted. Disease is the greatest enemy of all mankind, it cannot be understated how dangerous the world is without them.
>The Grand Old Party started the free market immigrant melting pot meme during the late 19th century and it has been the narrative of America ever since.
So they pushed israel zangwill and Emma Lazarus?
I'm saying that blaming conservatives for anti vac is a strawman when the population that is anti vax is
1. very small
2. very nonpartisan in nature and is mostly just new age naturalism conspiracy types
>good guys
ANY amount spreading the misinformation is dangerous. We nearly had polio completely wiped out, warring factions willingly ceased fire to allow doctors to administer the vaccine because they understood the threat polio caused was more dangerous than their strife.
But Imams in the Muslim world starting saying it was a western plot to sterilize the faithful. Thus it was denied in some areas, and when some infected brought it to Mecca, it was spread worldwife again.
While some of the policies of the parties remained, I'm amazed by the republicans denying southern strategy, something GOP officials themselves admitted.
In 60s republicans began to pander to the racist white vote, which was overwhelmingly democrat back then (hence the label solid south). Democrats were the party of KKK and nigger haters, Johnson and Nixon changed that. Pic very much related
This is fucking retarded, an extremely ethnocentric and nepotistic group that controls all of the media in the US isn't using it to their advantage? These are the people who went straight from trotskyism to neoconservatism because the Democrats were not pro-Israel enough, that is literally their only position.
Here is an example of the kind of media spin they give:
This incident is listed in jewish history as a pogrom, some jews hit a black guy with his car. A jewish EMS ambulance arrives and check on the jew who was in the car, and ignore the black guy. Later there is a riot and street fighting because the EMS ignored the actual victim.
Somehow this group that has all of these advantages, and extremely ethnocentric ideas worked in the ideologies they work with are not using any of their influence.
Or are supposed to believe that it's the WASPs who control Hollywood and Wall Street?
Not him but vaccines do work. but I'll be damned if they aren't slipping some shit into every 1 out of every 8000 vaccines that fucks your shit up. Better to wait until the child is 5 to give him his shots or at least stretch the vaccine schedule out more.
I just don't trust the government after shit like the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. They went to africa and gave them "vaccines" that gave them syphilis and they did that for 40 years before anyone found out.
>In 60s republicans began to pander to the racist white vote, which was overwhelmingly democrat back then
what positions did they take to pander to them?
>These are the people who went straight from trotskyism to neoconservatism because the Democrats were not pro-Israel enough
can you explain
>They went to africa and gave them "vaccines" that gave them syphilis and they did that for 40 years before anyone found out.
No they didn't, it was specifically sharecroppers in the southern US. That being said, nowadays governments aren't the ones who develop the vaccines, companies do.
>Better to wait until the child is 5 to give him his shots or at least stretch the vaccine schedule out more.
That literally doesn't matter, you are falling for propoganda and don't understand how the human body works.
Whatever m8 be a good goy then. The government hasn't been trustworthy in decades.
Basically they transformed from the party of nigger liberators to nigger hates, in order to lure the racists democrats at south
Republican strategist Lee Atwater discussed the Southern strategy in a 1981 interview later published in Southern Politics in the 1990s by Alexander P. Lamis.[56][57][58]
Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry Dent and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [Reagan] doesn't have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he's campaigned on since 1964 ... and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster...
Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?
Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
>muh Southern strategy
if the southern strategy happened explain why the south was solid blue till the 2000 election.
southern strategy is democrat revisionism
the south voted democratic everything till dubya bush. georgia was one of the only states to vote carter in 1980.
> Better to wait until the child is 5 to give him his shots or at least stretch the vaccine schedule out more.
There are certain vaccines that have to be given very young to work, TDAP, MMR, and Polio have to be given young, because that period is when the child is most susceptible and when the vaccines can be the most effective.
>stretch the vaccine schedule out more
That is actively a terrible idea and dilutes the vaccine. Only one vaccine schedule has been shown to be effective. Any deviation from the recommended schedule may jeopardize benefit and increase the risk of harm. The reason why vaccines have the schedule they do is because not only do these diseases attack you in infancy, but the vaccine is designed to change your immune system as it's still developing.
user, Carter was a democrat so that goes against your first statement.
>west Virginia
plus all those southern states that voted for H.W all had democratic legislatures, senators and governors.
Exactly. Georgia was so democratic that they voted for one of the shittiest presidents this nation has ever known just because he came from there and was a democrat.
Yeah but you said "the south voted democratic everything til dubya" even though every southern state but one didn't in the exact election you mentioned. Georgia is not the entire south.
>presidential elections are all elections
The voted democratic everything (legislature, judges, governors, senators, representatives) till dubya.
Just because Pennsylvania voed for Trump does not mean it's a republican state. It's still controlled by democrats.
> fixing climate change is an unimportant social issue
Holy fuck, Americans. Not even once.
>presidential elections are all elections
In the eyes of the public the president is basically emperor so yes, to most people that's all that matters.
> It's a fucking breathing
Sure, when breathing pollutes the environment...
>I just don't trust the government after shit like the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. They went to africa and gave them "vaccines" that gave them syphilis and they did that for 40 years before anyone found out.
Are you ignoring that the Tuskegee experiments had such backlash after we found out that we wrote dozens of laws and made sure the private sector had to have a say in vaccinations and research to make sure it couldn't happen again?
>the southern strategy happene-
The only southern strategy that happened was in the late 90's when Gingrich courted evangelicals.
> It's still controlled by democrats.
The Republicans have gerrymandered Pennsylvania so badly that 50% of the popular vote nets them 60% of the seats in the state legislature.
shit so i guess pennsylvania is a red state now? sweet.
I love the rust belt.
most legislatures in the country are controlled by republicans. demotards are just that shit and have been dying since the civil war.
It's basically Pennsyltucky and Phillie.
That's what happens when you abandon the working class to pander to border jumpers.
If the media campaign against the Republicans ended for like a month, they'd get 70%+ of the vote. It's just drilled into people's heads that they're literally evil and want to kill all brown people and the democrats are the "good guys".
Democrats only vote during presidential elections, Republicans turn out to every election.
That's why the governer of Maryland is a Republican.
Maryland also has a lot of rich DC lobbyists living in the suburbs.
Democrat pussy whip over minorites seems to be losing power, though. The sooner we leave racial idpol behind the better for the country, the way it's going tight now it's like divide and conquer without the conquering.
Same goes for white Southerners who vote GOP over and over (though at least the Southern economy is booming, can't say the same for Detroit or Chicago or Baltimore).
The Democratic hold over minorities may have been weakening, but I think the Trump presidency galvanized a lot of minorities to never voting Republican again. Being extremely hostile to China and screwing over H-1B's have made a lot of conservative leaning Chinese people anti-Republican.