Jim Crow.
How could it happen? Why did it happen?
Jim Crow.
How could it happen? Why did it happen?
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>How could it happen?
It was a better time
>Why did it happen?
Men didn't hate their own race unlike you leftypol shills
What are you doing here /pol/? Go back home.
>racist era of the US: Call blacks "coloured"
>post-racist era of the US: Call blacks "black"
>current era of the US: Start calling blacks "people of colour"
Uh... what? Why? Have you just gone back in a circle?
Not your safespace, leftypol shill
Basically southern hicks were so assblasted about losing the civil war they decided to make the system there as racist as possible basically as a middle finger to the north but also because their whole culture and identity was based on slavery amd shitting on blacks so to keep it alive it was necessary
>Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated
>wahhhh how dare you say I can’t be racist here this is 4chinz I can do whatever I want
>It's because I don't hate my own race that I have to blatantly discriminate against citizens of another race
Whites didn't want to be near blacks.
Because niggers are awful and nobody wanted to interact with them. If only Jim Crow still existed.
>How could it happen?
Because back then the constitution hadnt been trampled on and people still had freedom of association
>Why did it happen?
Nobody wants to share spaces with niggers, its why white flight happens today.
Jim Crow was the greatest propaganda gift ever handed to the USSR. For decades they really did have a claim to the moral high ground.
Blacks are wild beast that attack white people for no reason thats why they had to be segregated while asians and other immigrants could still live around whites.
You forgot "African-American".
Goes both ways. Racism against whites is still racism, Schlomo.
>Blacks are wild beast that attack people for no reason
But nobody's being racist against whites here.
You leftpol subhumans are
at one point they were in literal zoos
You should've stopped feeding him 3 posts ago.
To answer your question, Jim Crow was mostly simply a continuation of what the South had always been doing. Reconstruction really didn't do much to end Southern race politics, it just made people more bitter about them.
Jim Crow was actually very beneficial to the black community. There used to be a thriving black middle class in every Southern town that owned the General stores, restaurants, hotels, bars and other business that catered solely to blacks. They largely got wiped out because of desegregation and led to black communities becoming the shitholes they largely still are today. There were quite a few different “Harlems of the South” back in the day.
/pol/ is everywhere
Whenever blacks do well for themselves whites chimp out and kill them.
>the white proliterat rises up against their oppressors
>leftypol cucks defend the capitalists
Were you the guy posting this in the Tulsa thread ages ago?
The riot had nothing to do with class. A black dude was accused of raping a white woman and it shit spiraled out of control. Black people were attacked indiscriminately regardless of class. It just so happened that the community was rather wealth by African American standards.
>it had nothing to do with class because I said so
>racial violence is only okay if black commit it towards whites
Why do you leftists hate the white race?
If you were to call the 1960s the era of Desegregation, the 2010s will go down as the era of Resegregation
Black communities were always violent shitholes.
>muh black middle class
So a minority of civilized niggers outnumbered by the feral retards ok then.
They don't. They just have a ladder of oppression.
Class struggle < sex struggle < race struggle < sexual orientation struggle < sexual identity struggle
Yes, you may be a poor working class white, but the black president said insurance companies and big pharmas need to make more money.
>freedom of association
> you must segregate your business even if you don’t want to.
No they genuinely hate their own race to ridiculous levels thats the whole point of their ideology to punish the evil white male for existing.
mods pls
How does not supporting segregation and making people of a different race second class citizens mean you hate your own race?
This. USSR used Jim Crow for decades to deflect all attacks against their oppression of Central and Eastern Europe.
Not directly related to the Soviet Union but weren't there some embarrassing diplomatic incidents where major government figures from Africa were discriminated in the US while engaging in diplomacy?
That's some damaging shit when you're trying to win over nations to your way of thinking.
Basically after the civil war was over you had the federal gov't directly controlling the southern states. They occupied them with troops and enacted Reconstruction, an attempt to transform the south politically, socially and economically. For a while these attrempts were successful, former slaves had full rights, some were even elected to legislature. However, these efforts faced considerable opposition from southerners. There were riots following the first attempts to hold elections for southern cities, which saw blacks voting. Violent groups like the Ku Klux Klan formed to target newly freed blacks and intimidate or kill them. A quasi-insurgency began to be waged started in the 1870s by groups like the White League. They acted to intimidate voters, especially blacks, so that the democrat party - which was against reconstruction - could gain power in the south. This violence, along with the fact that many northerers didn't particuarly care about blacks, created a lot of tension in the republican party which saw reconstruction as taking up a lot of political capital, and even worse, drawing attention to the still existing national divisions. Some began to defecft, forming a more powerful southern democrat party. This party started to make roads with northern democrats, and they formulated a plan to fight against the free black population without trying to reenact slavery, which the Federal government would not allow.
This lead to a slow gain of democrat power across the southern states and the end of reconstruction in many. In Georgia the governor was removed from office after using state troops against the Ku Klux Klan, by a democrat gov't. In 1877, President Hayes withdrew federal troops from the last states still practicing reconstruction.
Now that the feds were gone and the southern democrats had power, they were free to enact laws to control the black population. These would become the Jim Crow laws.
People were more morally conscious back then. The average citizen understood the importance of keeping the races separate. Then Marxism set in.
The first were enacted in 1877 as soon as the troops left. Blacks were still political enfranchised in most places until the 1890s, but they first lost their power to vote in state and then federal elections. In 1890 Mississipi passed laws restricting voting based on literacy, poll taxes, tests and residency requirements, and these had to be backed up by extensive documentation. These also blocked out poor whites, so laws were refined with grandfather clauses that allowed voting to the descendants of confederate soldiers or those who could vote pre 1864, which precluded blacks from voting.
Shit really kicked off after Wooddrow Wilson was elected and segregated federal workplaces and other formerly integrated places. Southern democrats took this advantage and started passing harsh racial segregation laws, making separate fountains, busses, etc. Wilson was fully supportive of the segregationist cause which gavfe it a lot of support. During his tenure many of the non-political jim crow laws would become passed.
You know, this may be more defensible if separate but equal worked. However, historically, all that really happened was that black people were just given the shittiest piece of the pie as possible.
They would have inherited the shittiest piece of the pie one way or another. Turning slaves into equals was probably the stupidest thing Western civilization has ever done. Africans are still by and large a tribal people. It's no wonder they can't function adequately in the societies we've built for ourselves.
mfw poltards try to convince everyone whites are superior but their insecurity shines through so clearly that nobody could ever take them seriously
Why the fuck do you want feral humans like blacks around your own race? You dont understand anything about black people, like all leftist you try to find the most civilized GENETIC OUTLIERS you can to represent them when in reality the thug that would stab your stupid white ass to death for no reason is the MOST COMMON BLACK IN AMERICA. Our ancestors knew the majority of niggers were deranged wild animals thats why they were segregated from not only whites but every other ethnicity in America as well. If you live around niggers eventually THEY WILL ATTACK YOU, if you are a woman THEY WILL RAPE YOU.
Honestly this isn't in argument and you may be projecting.
We dont care about whites being superior to everyone but we know whites are superior to blacks. You are missing something THIS IS A WHITE COUNTRY meaning there was NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE ANY NIGGER COMMUNITY THAT DOES WELL HERE BECAUSE THEY WOULD CLASH WITH THE WHITES.
If blacks wanted to do well they should have gone to Africa and formed their own state, it makes no sense helping these african nutjobs all the time when they dont contribute a single fucking thing to this country.
>supposed to be a white country
>brings black people over in mass
really makes you thing.
>using loads of capitals to demonstrate to everyone just how incapable of dealing withan any kind of criticism you are
>We dont care about whites being superior to everyone but we know whites are superior to blacks. You are missing something THIS IS A WHITE COUNTRY meaning there was NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE ANY NIGGER COMMUNITY THAT DOES WELL HERE BECAUSE THEY WOULD CLASH WITH THE WHITES.
guess you shouldn't have brought so many blacks in then? seems like you caused this problem. Maybe if you had just let Lincoln send them back to Africa you wouldn't have this problem, but you fought.
and whites are clearly inferior, white women prefer BBC its just a fact. That is why you are so mad TBQH senpai.
>and whites are clearly inferior, white women prefer BBC its just a fact
>muh dick
White women are the most loyal to their race out of any race, period. And it's a fact (proven by statistical analysis, not Jewish fantasy porn) that white men are the most sought after men in the world. Want to guess who's in last place?
Would a white girl choose a BBC over a BWC?