my psychoanalyst couch is open
pls share your troubles, concerns, anxieties, etc.
don't worry
we're all friendos here
How's everyone on Veeky Forums doing today
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I keep having vivid dreams where I'm in a movie theatre full of weirdos who keep distracting me. wtf is wrong with me?
req me up inside, cant req up
welcome to Veeky Forums, where there's much more noise than there is signal
dude just hodl lmfao just dont check your portfolio nigga just stop being conscious of your current losses
I may have a stomach ulcer forming
The more I think about the crypto market the more I think it's fucking toast and I'll never really make it.
What if this is just a big mania? What if in 20 years people look back on us the way we do those who bought fucking
I keep having dreams that I kept my BTC from 2010 and am a multi millionaire but it JUST didn't happen.
I mined it back then, thought it was worthless when silkroad shut down in 2013 and carelessly formatted the drive to install linux.
>formatted it.
IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN there were straight MILLIONS on that drive and all I had to do was pick the one to the left when I decided to try crapbuntu whatever.04.
I've gone through every effort possible to try and recover that wallet and none have shown any success whatsoever. Not a trace. Somewhere out there sits a public key with my fucking BTC on it and I'll never find it. Even if I do, no way to recover the private key.
Now I'm at a stage where I want to sell everything I own to buy BTC but I don't trust these prices. I could make myself homeless doing that. But a thought nags me that in 10 years I may look back and think I should have done it!
>tl;dr: I just wish I picked the other drive.
Thanks OP, needed a vent
Usually I shit on a street while I trade but lately I've been all backed up.
I keep thinking about all the hoes i could of fucked had i bought bitcoin in 2010 or 2011. Now i watch tranny porn and impregnate napkins daily. FML
I think my addiction to Veeky Forums may be hindering me from making gains. Browsing shitposts when I could be marking up charts. Wut do?
Gross dude. Gas yourself.
I'm a neet close to 40 with no savings and crumbs for crypto, but I'm doing fine, just waiting for the folks to pass on to do an hero.
Whos this girl tho?