Happiest moment in history of humanity


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Where in Germany did the two sides meet? Specific location I mean.

Canonically, the meeting on river Elbe.

Torgau, on the Elbe

Happy for you if you enjoy seeing Europe be cucked by leftism and multiculturalism today. Then yeah, happy for you but not for humanity.

I can't imagine how much relief, happiness and euphoria the average soldier felt after defeating nazi scum.

Go back to /pol/ please.

No, this was

25 December 1991

He's doing the V for victory wrong. But imagine the delight in pure joy one must have felt once they've defeated the enemy. It's a feeling that most people alive today will never feel. I kind of wish I could get that feeling.

I'm so jaded. Everytime I read euphoria I just think about fedoras and fat atheists.

That's not what being jaded means. You've just overdosed on memes. Try going outside.

Eternal glory to those who fought the Nazi scum and won victory! Slava pobedy!


If only the same thing happened to China

Objectively not, end of WW2 was followed by massive increase of natality. Fall of communism was followed by decrease in natality.

Your mutthurt ignores the bitter aftertaste fall of communism left in Eastern Europe.

And who was happy about it exactly? The fall of Soviet block (which happened earlier) was a happy event for Eastern European puppet states, but it is a pretty localized happiness, counterbalanced by much despair, dread and suffering. The OP event was a worldwide euphoria.

The entire world except Russia was happy. Tyranny had been defeated. The End of History became a meme.

I always get triggered by people kicking statues, because statues can't kick back.

Good job there, mate. Real heroic of you. Where were those guts and defiance a few months ago when the government would actually step in to stop vandalism?

>implying he cares
Keep crying Ivan


kys commieshit

Nothing wrong with destroying copy-pasted symbols of totality, tbeh.

>Where were those guts and defiance a few months ago when the government would actually step in to stop vandalism?
Fighting those who would protect those statues?

Great argument, muttie.

I don't thing he's doing a V for victory, in England the way he's doing it, it means "up yours" or something like that, he's basically showing them his middle finger.

>Fighting those who would protect those statues?

More like informing on his neighbours to the Stasi. If all the brave statue kickers had the same backbone before the fall of the regime, the regime would not have lasted anywhere near as long as it did.

god this man is the most sereotypically british person ever

The happiest moments in history was when we heard the news that France had surrendered.

Germans were running like hell from the Soviets trying to get to other side of the Elbe where the Western forces would actually accept their surrender and not just gun them down.

Which time?

>Happy for you if you enjoy seeing Europe be cucked by leftism and multiculturalism today. Then yeah, happy for you but not for humanity.

Yeah he should kick the real Lenin moron.

>Where were those guts and defiance a few months ago when the government would actually step in to stop vandalism?
Demonstrating on the streets. Don't you know anything about the fall of East Germany? Fucking Christ you shouldn't be allowed on a history board.

>by that time the political and cultural elite of my country was killed off and replaced by Russian puppets, the country's treasure and archives gone forever to Moscow, the patriotic officers executed and so on and so on
Oh, what a happy day indeed.

its sad knowing most of these soviets in the pictures had to go to "reeducation camps" afterwards
>fight on eastern front for 4 years
>watch your brothers churned and spit out the soviet war machine
>finally meet some allies
>seem p cool
>NKVD corporal comes to your barracks later to arrest you for flirting with western ideals

This is what americans actually believe lmao

Actually he's right. The soldiers that saw the West were slowly and steadily removed.

I'm sure you got proof for that. You just didn't post it because...

>stalin sends millions of his own troops to gulag
>stalin kills off 80% of officer core
>stalin orders troops to be killed if they retreat
>stalin institues penal battalions
>stalin enforces prison terms for not believing in communist ideas
>commissars are literally shot by their own men because the russian solider knows that the commissars look for political dissidence, even in war time.

Stalin a good boi, he dindu nuffin

So that's a no? Got it


Read Solzhenitsyn's “Gulag Archipelago.” The great author explains the necessity of preventing those who had seen the relative wealth of the Baltics, Poland and especially Germany from contaminating the Soviet state with their comparisons. Also, those who had seen, up-close, the incompetence and primitive nature of the Red Army compared to the Germans needed to be isolated from the populace. Totalitarian states require a monopoly of information. China has its “Great Firewall,” Russia and Vietnam both jail dissident bloggers and the Castro brothers have fought to keep Cubans in their bamboo gulag.

>act like a kike bootlicker
>get dealt with
Based USSR.

Censorship is rampant in judeocapitalistic history youre just cherrypicking examples

>explains the necessity of preventing those who had seen the relative wealth of the Baltics, Poland and especially Germany from contaminating the Soviet state with their comparisons
Sounds fascinating. No proof for Stalin sending large troops from the western front to the gulags though right?

>kike bootlicker
>judeocapitalistic history

Pic related is up there.

The top moment is the Resurrection of Christ, though.

Remember that whoever posted this has zero problem with things such as webm related and other contemporary examples of monument destroying.

Remember that communists and leftists have no compunctions whatsoever when it comes to concern trolling and playing at having a "principled" stance on issues they clearly have two faces on.


This board is about actual history

Yes, history, recorded events.

Ok magic man

>The Gulag Archipelago
user,I may not be an avid fan of Stalin nor the Soviet Union,but that book is atrocious when it comes to being used as evidence.
It's basically a hear-say in text version.

The same amount the average brit feels today when he has to pawn his granda's war medals to pay his jizya

Jeez boys, no need to be sore losers.

>implying the lower class fodder british army would be happy with brownos squatting in their neighbourhoods and boroughs today
Don't delude yourself, Pole/gopnik/faggot/foreigner.


>read a literal novel
>Veeky Forums

are you lost?

Better than being murdered or enslaved by Nazis


I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy about being deported for slave labor in Germany either

No, he's not. The two fingers held that way is British for "Fuck you"

Can confirm

Literally what happened to Solzhenitsyn?? Are you being sarcastic?
Theres more than just hear and say, stop pretending to be bipartisan

>your only choices are psychotic multiculturalism or Nazism

pretty much ye

Sasha making a cheeky allegory with the Dyekabrist uprising, one shouldn't take it dead serious. You are overblowing it to comical proportions.


all this damage control

The end of the six-year-long volcanic winter following the Toba eruption, probably.

Damage report shows one mutt taking words of single persecuted author a bit more serious than they were meant, without backing his claims with evidence. Is that correct?

>thread quickly turns into x date equals happiest day of my life memes

you fucking idiots never change do you

natality is a good judge of happiness?

get in the car

OP didn't say saddest moments in history

Pretty much. Dirty commies helping Germany start the war, helping them carving Europe then changing sides and enslaving half of the continent for 50 years is not something I consider happy.


>sends two super powers into a long term standoff
>launches multiple proxy wars around the globe

Subhuman jewish shit, never again.

And now his great-granddaughter's pussy is full of paki semen while his great-grandson sucks off niggers at the local gloryhole place.
Nice riddance.

>Resurrection of Christ
Take your fantasies to Veeky Forums

Show me one secular, non-religious historical text that records ANYTHING about christ or the resurrection.

>Ends the worst conflict in human history

Kys Anglocuck.

This, honestly.

>worst conflict
>not the Cold War which spawned the Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War, Iron Curtain, the Derg, the Khmer Rouge, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the Cuban Missile Crisis, etc. etc.

kek this. Best Christmas present ever.

>Doesn't know about the Holocaust.

The absolute state of Veeky Forums.

The entire western world was happy at no longer facing the prospect of nuclear annihilation just because comrade forgot to switch tapes at an alert station in the ass end of nowhere.

I'm not even a right wing 14 year old edgelord like the rest of the faggots in this thread, but the downfall of Soviet Communism gave us nearly a decade of peace and prosperity where even local conflicts couldn't do anything to trigger an all out war.

>muh six gorrillion is worse than 100 million dead from gommunism
Only a jew would think that

more to the point it is a sign that an archer (english longbowman) still has his firing fingers. used to taunt french noblemen that would have the english archers mutilated


>its a genocide comparison episode

Back to /leftypol/

The holocaust is a fucking blip compared to the various genocides and state sponsored deaths that occurred afterward.

insufferable retards are the sole population of this board

In terms of overall death toll, communism was worse. But in terms of intensity, the Nazis were.

Communism only killed more people because it wasn't stomped into the ground the way Nazism was. If you take death toll per year they were in power, the Nazis were worse.

Of course, you could also argue that if the Nazis hadn't been confronted by the Allies, they wouldn't have implemented the final solution but a more gradual ethnic cleansing plan.

In the end, comparing genocides to see which was "worse" is retarded and reeks of apologism. Now, you wouldn't be one of these /pol/tard apologists right user?

Hold the fuck up, if we talking about worst conflicts in human history you can not dismiss the 30 years war or the chinese history itself which until modern times was pretty much a free for all deathmatch

>if I make a straw man it must be real!