On September 11th 1973, general Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from socialism, lead by Salvador Allende.
Thanks to Pinochet, Chile enjoys a stable economy, the poverty has fallen down, education has been improved and the crime is low compared than other latinamerican countries.
If Pinochet had never intervened, Chile would be like Venezuela nowadays.
Augusto Pincohet (1915 - 2006), chilean hero
Other urls found in this thread:
CIA puppet who ruined Chile's economy with Chicago school neoliberalism.
If you don't quote the source, your image is shit.
And yet 'succeeded' when he lost a poll 60-40
40% wanted him to stay. Doesn't that tell you something?
Don't forget being a Zionist puppet like every other neoliberal.
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
This triggers /leftypol/.
>American puppet
>Burned books
>Tortured and killed civilians
Sad people see him as a hero.
The USSR was the first State to de jure recognize Israel
Guess who Pincohets closest ally was?
I S R A __ L
Fill in the blanks
And they along with every other socialist state save Romania cut ties eith Israel on short order. To suggest Isrsel and the USSR weren't bitter enemies is ridiculous
>short order
>it was more than Israel allying with the US
A criminal dictator that is unsurprisingly being idolized by fatso /pol/acks
Somebody wants a helicopter ride.
and only leftypol cucks hate this great man
i love to read how impotent foreigners feel about him while not knowing shit about the average Chilean's opinion
protip: every time someone here gets a holiday bonus, imports something for absurdly cheap and generally benefits from capitalism while we get a continuous stream of Venezuelan dissidents and commies vandalize and destroy shit, his legacy shines a little brighter
Pinichet left power in 1990.
Take a look at 1990 in that chart please.
Also, while good, these numbers are not that impressive when you put them in context.
At least you can talk who are you
>Pinichet left power in 1990.
>Take a look at 1990 in that chart please.
yes, once globalization kicked in world-wide with the fall of the Soviets, the neoliberal model skyrocketed the economy
>Also, while good, these numbers are not that impressive when you put them in context.
they're impressive because the country reached africa levels of backwards in just 3 years and suffered from two more economic crises afterwards and it still grew through it.
Awful meme dictator
Ghaddaffi was better
Gaddafi's Green Book longest chapter is "On Women"
>put into power by the Chilean Parliarment
Pick one. Allende's rule was declared unconstitutional.
polcucks are stupid and their subhuman race should be extinct'd and replaced
However you've never been in Chile, and you know shit about the ammount of communist teachers that overwhelmed the classrooms and changed the degree plans. They literally made students spend half the degree going to protest for shit they didn't even understand and managed to reduce and worsen the shit quality education we had to an even shittier status.
Peruvian universities suffered the same.
>yes, once globalization kicked in world-wide with the fall of the Soviets, the neoliberal model skyrocketed the economy
>pinochet's economy would work if he did it later!! therefore it was good!!
what other economic measures could he have implemented that other dictators during that period did not? Clearly he was betting on the winning horse.
/pol/ likes neoliberal policies?
he spent a lot of time in his rape dungeon
It doesn't matter who we are what matters is our plan. No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
But peruvian universities (the public ones) were filled with legit terrorists i dont think that happened in Chile.
Perus biggest university UNMSM got so filled with lefties and terrorists that their students started to get called tirapiedras (rock throwers)
In Argentina people got so pissed off at students taking over the faculty of social sciences and blocking its street on a weekly basis that the governor of Buenos Aires changed the bus routes so that they would not go near the building.
They also persecuted Jews a lot.
t. Russian Jew
I'm talking about 70s to 80s. My father was doing a degree and read a lot of Marx Engels, Ponce, etc... books. He directed an independent radio channel by himself in his early 19-20 years and shared communist propaganda in Arequipa. The universities were filled with communists in Peru.
Now, I got a chilean friend, now we live in Spain, and his granpa mentioned the communist indoctrination too.
>they're impressive because the country reached africa levels of backwards in just 3 years
*revisionism intensifies*
>when someone's presidency gets ruled unconstitutional so you overthrow the government and violate the constitution even more
Allende was bringing illegal weapons from Cuba to arm his sissy commie gang. Im glad the military wasted those faggots.
If I pull this off, will you die?
The USSR had weird policies towards Jews that changed throughout the years. They initially loved putting concentration camp victims in charge of things, as they were the ultimate example of people that had been taken advantage of by the fascist. Uplifting the most downtrodden was, after all, much of the popular rhetoric for communist of the time. This would change later on, with many sent to the gulag, and was also not consistent across all soviet states.
The government literally voted to have a Junta to restore order which it did. This is exactly the reason why we have Democratic Republics rather than true Democracy. The country used its checks and balances and it worked. Only a commie sympathizer could possibly disagree with Pinochet's success. It's just a damn shame they're going back to this socialist crap. The Chilean people don't deserve such a hero and the Venezuelans didn't deserve that rogue cop who tried to free the people. True heros wasted on low iq idiots.
Allende had it coming
Not science.
its one of the best measures of how well educated you are you fucking faggot
Except iq is not science, user. Sorry not sorry.
except it is, you fuck. It may not be the best measure of intelligence out there, but its damn good at measuring education.
>t. Got a bad iq score
>We found the retard
Psychology is science. It uses the scientific method. Even if it wasn't science, this is fucking Veeky Forums. It's time to stop. Sociology on the other hand...
What's your iq?
95, but that's still within the scope of average
Never gotten it officially tested desu, so I wouldn't know.
No idea. I got 131 on the Mensa practice but all that shows you is if you have a chance of being Mensa material. I'm not sure if that's inflated/how inflated it might be. I'm waiting until I'm 22-25 to get an actual test so I'm in my prime.
I personally think you should focus on your own intellectual goals rather than Mensa related things.
I agree. Iq isn't everything but it definitely matters.
Got any experience or advice you could share? ;)
>Gets shot down.
It will be extremely painful
The same occurred in Brazil, during the Military Regime. The Armed Forces were surprisingly tolerant of leftists, preferring to accommodate and dock rather than repress them. Following Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony, the Communists first occupied the universities and then primary schools. A recent survey revealed that 85% of history teachers are left-wing.
You’re a big guy
why did the socialist swine pinochet keep copper in the states hands
It's more that Israel was trying to play the sides of against each other (as was the policy for smart countries during the cold war), but their regional rivals were mostly in the Soviet sphere of influence, so they threw their lot in with the west.
The USSR acted as spurned lover.
Finally I found you! You must be the russian guy shittalking about the romanovs
>ruined Chile's economy
That's what tankies would love that that would have happened
This thread is extremely retarded. As a chilean I feel insulted.
Yeah, the sole fact that he massacred the country he was telling people he was defending is bad enough.
Commies are human now?
Read the level of idiocy you're spouting.
Rethink your life choices.
Good bye.
Daily reminder that communists violate the NAP thus making it perfectly morally fine to throw them out of helicopters
>but fascists also violate the NAP so it's fine to shoot those helicopters down. and rape (or enslave) the survivors who (perhaps) crawl out of the wreckage.
It's almost as if the only real hope of preserving democracy is a...radical devotion to centrist political principles
For you
>t. Russian Jew
Hahaha rough luck
muh ex banker whose only goal is to preserve the status quo
Insolence of your race never cease to amaze me. Juice parasitized in USSR, literally killed millions there, were saved by said USSR from total annihilation, totally colonized Moscow and StPete, lived better than anyone else, monopolized entire industries and prefessional activities, they stole left and right and squeazed Russia like lemon and still cry muh oppression. Disgusting.
t. Russian non-Jew.
>Free market
Excellent post user
*throws you out of helicopter*
only turd world subhumans idolize dictators...
like chilians... same color as mexicans and turks on this IQ map... so i'm not surprised
you have no tradition of democracy and stable succession of power so of course you low IQ subhumans wouldn't know how to manage that
What a nice masturbatory circlejerk of a thread
die in a fire ahmed
The centre is defined by the overton window. Centrism is almost always leans left or right.
>put into power by the Chilean Parliarment
>hey let's ignore this was after all of them were handpicked in the first place and they even make amnesty laws to not get prosecuted!!
Not science, user.
>all these Pinochet apologists
Sure is /r/le_Dolan in here.
Was being caught part of your plan?
>The centre is defined by the overton window
The overton window is different in different places though.
It's why people in the US think Obama and Clinton are leftists, when in most other countries they are seen as right wingers.
>jose piñera
Of course!
>40% wanted him to stay
And even more want Stalin to come back in modern Russia, so what?
Best goy of them all.
Funny that /pol/tards idolize him for laying down his country for goypitalism.
This, love how his mindless sycophants in these threads never acknowledge that Allende's major accomplishment, nationalizing of Chile's copper mines, was never reversed by Pinochet after taking power. Copper profits in the 1970s and 1980s account for Chile's economic growth at this time, and Allende deserves the credit for nationalization.
The only guys not shittalking about Romanovs would be either "russians" that consider russian language a language of bydlo or "jewish kazachestvo"
Because I can't wrap around how delusional must be descendants of people who were literal niggers in their own country to fap on the Tzar times.
Must be soviet propaganda who manufactured "lubok" about Tzar's "elite" and aristocracy for dumb bydlo, instead of telling how it really was. (Decadence, hedonism, even occultism a-la Weimar republic, and overall shitshow shortly before February and afterwards)
Well, seems like Pinochet has had brains to actually do one thing right (e.g. not let fucking (((private companie))) take on nation-forming industry)
Those fags in Russia who went to Chile to learn from the success (Chubais, Gref, Gaidar etc.) and were going to put all the country's wealth into the hands of dozen Jews and (((foreign investors))) (even ready to shoot and kill every ordinary russian who will try to bark against it), didn't even do this little.
>Well, seems like Pinochet has had brains to actually do one thing right (e.g. not let fucking (((private companie))) take on nation-forming industry)
You are either a fucking retarded chilean or a completely ignorant foreigner. That's EXACTLY what happened in Chile, neoliberal reforms privatized everything, it's a common thing to have spaniards companies owning basic services here, even our roads are privatized and they even stop firetrucks from passing unless they pay first and they don't give a shit if there's an actual gigantic fire.
The main problem with Chile is that is not industrialized, we still rely on copper and guess what, lithium has just been privatized as well, instead of giving it to CODELCO, to a fucking crook company that lobbied and succeeded making laws in their favor with corrupt senators.
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught. Now what's the next step of your master plan?
Crashing this plane, WITH NO SURVIVORS!
*Punches you in the throat*
*revisionism intensifies*
>The government literally voted to have a Junta
>a military coup was really democratic
Are you retarded?
>Centrism is almost always leans left or right.
sup im macron *proves you wrong*