Was this country doomed from the start?Its disintegration was so violent and decisive.Was there absolutely no way of continuing its existence?
Was this country doomed from the start?Its disintegration was so violent and decisive...
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Maybe if Tito had groomed a succesor that could continue gluing it together
Maybe there was a way, but it would have involved a brutal iron fist individual who would hunt nationalists and destroy their ideology.
>Was this country doomed from the start?
Yes. The two biggest nationalities of the first Yugoslavia assumed completely different ideas. The Croats assumed it was going to be a mutually supportive kind of deal between two equal peoples with equal rights and duties. The Serbs saw this as a chance to "become an empire." Enter about a hundred years of the Serbs shitting on Croats and to a lesser degree Slovenes.
The only somewhat common thing these people have is the language, but the historical and civilizational experiences are vastly different and essentially unrelated.
You're missing an entire chunk of history to understand why Yugoslavia was doomed before communism was even a thing. The first Yugoslavia was a kingdom under a Serb king, there were murders of Croat politicians, general plundering of Croatia and Slovenia, devaluation of their currency etc. etc.
Basic point is both Croats and Slovenes got FUCKED under the Serbs. Twice. I still fail to understand why this meme country somehow holds sway in american imagination, but I'm willing to bet it's because of muh communism. You know how shitty the Soviet Union was so to justify communism you people are still looking for that mythical "successful" communist state.
If stalin had allowed the bulgarians to join they could have mediated the issies between the serbs and everyone else
Otherwise no, mainly because, as Says, the serbs didnt really have the comradley attitude that would have been necessary for success.
Also byzantine state banking regulations caused a financial crisis that kicked off thw whole collapse
>dont want the balkans to be mess of divisions and irrelevant states
>get accused of being a communist
I'm not missing anything, I'm saying what, hypothetically, would have been necessary.
I've seen pictures of some American tranny from /leftypol/ with a Yugoslav flag, these people are cancer personified.
>balkans to be mess of divisions
So we should just mix willy-nilly and hold hands or something? Croats in Croatia, Serbs in Serbia, etc. I don't see the problem.
>irrelevant states
We don't give a shit about global relevancy, we just want functional states.
>Croats in Croatia, Serbs in Serbia, etc. I don't see the problem.
Croats aren't in Croatia and Serbs aren't in Serbia. That's the problem.
>Croats in Croatia, Serbs in Serbia
Wasnt the whole lesson of the balkan wars that that can only happen with ethnic cleansing?
>functional states
So surely a functional ygoslavia is desireable?
>So surely a functional ygoslavia is desireable?
Chasing an impossible utopia isn't desirable.
>dont want the balkans to be mess of divisions and irrelevant states
We're perfectly happy being divided and irrelevant. Look at all the revelant countries today - Germany, France, Britain... it's all just violent unsafe shitholes. We might be poor shitholes, but we're peaceful and serene, monoethnic shitholes. That's more than enough for happiness.
Also, Austro-Hungary. Croats and Slovenes were used to settling matters with Austria and Hungary. A bit of threats here and there, a bit of diplomatic bullshit, a pinch of negotiations...
This is what our ruling structures were used to and what worked. It was how things were done in AH. But Serbia? Serbia was under the Ottoman empire (in b4 "enlightened Turks" meme) and their ideas were and remained oriental. They operated under all-or-nothing full blown dominance style of governance, with expected results.
These people always baffle me. It cannot know how life is within a single country here, or region, and yet somehow it displays its full ignorance of who we all are.
For a general reference I'm a Croat with some Slovene blood. Croats today don't talk about Serbia. We pretend it is very distant and refuse to mention it. For us the whole YU thing and so forth is fully historical and charmless.
And being bent over backwards before international buisnesses/the eu is?
>We might be poor shitholes, but we're peaceful and serene, monoethnic shitholes.
I don't know where the fuck you live, but it ain't the Balkans.
It is the plight of small countries to suffer. This isn't a novel situation for us, and it will pass away. Like it did before. This is the difference between the rich and us. You assume the EU is eternal (it isn't). It will fall and we will still be here.
We don't need a YU.
>Look at all the revelant countries today - Germany, France, Britain... it's all just violent unsafe shitholes. We might be poor shitholes, but we're peaceful and serene, monoethnic shitholes
>western stupid autists can't grasp the idea of small countries and need everything to be big unified shithole like Yugoslavia and USSR because "hurr durr they arr the same"
>le ebil globalism meme
They are the same
There more difference betweena scouser and someone from yorkshire than serbia amd croatia
Also, why are those Latvians burning our flag? The power of western journalism is astounding, and so are their lies. That silly list is there to normalize your insanely terrible cities and countries. I'd rather end up alone and lost in Warsaw at night, or any place in Bulgaria, than London and so forth.
Don't you get it? There are no no-go zones. There's no crime in the streets, no roaming gangs, no random rapes, no nothing. I routinely walk at night through my city with zero concerns.
But sure, keep trusting your media.
Sure they are, pleb, sure they are.
>violent crimes are low but muh corruption
i dunno if yugoslavia was inherently doomed to fail but the better question is to ask why does it keep being brought back up again as something that NEEDS to come back
>but dah serbs and dah croats speak dah same language therefore unity
if norway and sweden want to maintain distance from each other and their sovereignty despite their massive riches and similarity of language, there's no reason croatia and serbia shouldn't do the same
>Don't you get it? There are no no-go zones. There's no crime in the streets, no roaming gangs, no random rapes, no nothing. I routinely walk at night through my city with zero concerns.
This is true.
I've gotten drunk and completely lost in several eastern european cities in the dead of night and wandered them for hours trying to find a taxi as an american tourist and absolutely nothing happened, even the resident drunks and town crazies barely batted an eye at me. Doing this in the average american (and lately western european) city is absolutely unthinkable.
>4. Sofia, Bulgaria — A high level of social unrest has pushed the city into 118th. People in Bulgaria, which is the European Union's poorest member, continually protest against the government over benefit and pension cuts as well as against corruption.
Protests are rare and 100% of them are in the city centre and 99% of them are with at most several hundred people and 99,99% are not violent at all.
I fail to understand it either. YU was a thing that was invented in the 20th century. It has no historical precedent. It was wholly artificial and goes against the national character, history and wishes of every country that was in it. Nobody benefited from it, not even the Serbs in the end.
>>but dah serbs and dah croats speak dah same language therefore unity
This is literally the only pan-Slavic "argument" out there.
>Western (((journalism)))
my fucking sides
Youre the guy from zadar rite? So you basically live in a country town that makes its money by sucking tourists dicks? Either way crime is always lower outside of big cities, go to rural south france or east anglia, or fucking patagonia in south america, there is less crime outside of big cities. So just because you can walk around and not be too afraid doesnt mean shit. Also i find it hilarious that your response to a news article is to spot far right tabloid press level alarmism. You accuse us of painting your country in a negative light to make ourselves feel better, but youre obviously doing just that.
Well ive been to croatia and payed a fair few bribes to your asshole police and lost more ,omey as a result than i ever have being robbed in london so go figure
>Doing this in the average american (and lately western european) city is absolutely unthinkable.
I do it all the fucking time, shit aint happened to me
Thats a picture of talinn, scroll it up you moron
>paying bribes to corrupt cops
Maybe stop driving drunk or without your seat belt, peasant.
I think that most of the poor = violent equation that americans like to bring up has relevance only for browns and Anglo-Saxons themselves. Poverty to us doesn't equal violent at all, but quite the other way around. We implicitly believe in the moral uprightness and goodness of poor people. Is Calvinism or general protestantism to blame for this US mindset? Or remnants of British class based systems? I dunno. But poverty never equaled violence in our eyes. It's just your idea for reasons unknown. Is it because of blacks (an excuse for their behaviour)? Religion? A racial feature?
I dunno lol
>Well ive been to croatia and payed a fair few bribes to your asshole police
And now I know you're lying. You've never been to Croatia. As a tourist you'd be regarded as a protected species of sorts, and neither citizen nor cop would even dream of touching you unless you did something fucked up. As for the police taking bribes is the surest way to get fucked in the ass by the government. Merely suggesting to a cop that you'll bribe him will get you fines up the ass.
Thus you are either lying, or you're British and broke a law. British arrogance often displays itself in doing stupid shit across the globe and then whining when others don't play along with your tantrums.
>country town
Zadar is a city by our standards. Enjoy your swarming masses and armed mehmets.
>So you basically live in a country town that makes its money by sucking tourists dicks?
Prostitution is illegal here, so no dick-sucking. The income from tourism is overplayed and there's nothing shameful in people wanting to see your country, just the contrary.
>Either way crime is always lower outside of big cities
Zadar is fifth biggest in Croatia. And I'm not that guy, you replied to, I live in Zagreb and feel safe walking around.
>right tabloid press level alarmism
>You accuse us of painting your country in a negative light to make ourselves feel better, but youre obviously doing just that.
No, he's merely proving you wrong.
>payed a fair few bribes
That says more about you than it does about Croatia.
The racial element is a problem for sure. A drunken hohol in a bar may knock give a tap on the chin for talking out of turn but the average negro in an american city will fully attempt to murder you (along with his friends) if it ever comes to blows.
Bio sam u Zagrebu prije par dana poslovno po prvi put u deset godina. Svaka čast, dobri ste vi ljudi. Izgubio sam se u više navrata jer nemam smartphone ergo ni gugl mape, a ljudi me sami pitaju gdje trebam i to. Općenito ugodno iskustvo.
>I'm a Croat with some Slovene blood
Čefur mutt, fuck off to America
Believe me or dont, its what happened. Also im not british, and furthermore you say wed be considered a protected species but the only people i ever had any reason to fear in croatia was the cops and constantky wanting to search us for drugs and then demand a bribe fir not taking us to jail.
Random question, have you ever been to britain?
>Prostitution is illegal here, so no dick-sucking.
Yeah and jaywalking is illegal in britain
Yeah ad i live in london and feel sade whats your point?
>the rest of your post
>wanting to search us for drugs and then demand a bribe fir not taking us to jail.
They're called "fines", not "bribes". Next time, don't have drugs on you.
That's not the point retard.
London is a shithole by every standard. It's not as bad as Brussels but close.
>ITT: butthurt western russians comfort each other that western europe didnt totally eclipse them
Yes, because it was based on false brotherhood.
Just like the EU.
Hello Hrvoje. You forgot to mention the murder of the king who got pissed what that idiot Racic did so he enacted a Yugoslav dictatorship. Also forgot that Croats were even before 1918 opposed to closer union with Serbs but they beeded the Serb army to keep Italy away from Dalmatia.
Also, what currency in Croatia was devalued? There was only the Yugoslav dinar.
Plus, I wouldn't trust much the established CRO narrative how poor Croats were constantly buttfucked by Serbs and later commies, since Serbs gave a concession with the banovina Hrvatska and ssince commies were catering more and more to the decentralization of Yugoslavia all the while Croatian intelligentsia cried "wolf!" like they were being assaulted ( like the linguistic agreement in the 60's, the Constitution of 1974 and that whole MASPOK stuff - literally always was ir was followed by Croat overreaction or straight up imagined bullshit ).
In the end, the country could have survived if people were willing to become Yugoslavs first. But Nobody except Serbs wabted that since a united Yugoslavia was a must-have only for Serbs due to their population being spread over several Serb and non Serb lands.
The historical narratives were different and thus the differences between centralised and decentraluzed union were irreconcilable. If only you shits were more Yugoslav. If only.
>muh evil EU
I don't remember the EU army occupying my country tho. Unlike Yugoslavia or the Soviet Union/Eastern bloc nobody is stopping anyone from leaving if they don't like it (the Brits are doing it right now).
>wanting to be Yugoslav first
They occupy you economically. If you are from the Balkans, all your national factories/companies/property are probably sold to the westerners.
Brittain will never leave EU. Dont be so stupid.
For reference, Im a Serb and Yugonostalgia is strong with older folks. They truly believed in Yugoslavia and being Yugoslavs and its small wonder why there is so much butthurt over it all.
The younger ones, like me, think its a nice but unworkable idea...because only we would be ready to acxept it. And it takes two to tango.
The one fascinating detail about all of this is the perception of king Alexander. Serbs dont see him as fully Serb ( actually, only by birth and he's regarded more as a Yugoslav since he truly believed and felt that ) and say "Well see we could have been together since the king was a Yugoslav and thats ok" - and then I read Croanons who categorically reject Alexander and state "He was a Serb". Really looks to me like you guys were uneccesarily stubborn regarding that as a "problem".
>They occupy you economically.
Sure they do.
But my point was different - they didn't come with tanks, they didn't exterminate a bunch of people. The actual population wanted to be part of the EU and if/when they don't want that anymore we could leave. It's a completely different situation that Yugoslavia/Eastern block and comparing them is retarded as fuck.
>Brittain will never leave EU. Dont be so stupid.
Sure they won't.
It was natural. The proto-Yugoslavism can be traced ecen back to the 16-17 century as a loosely defined, still not very specific meme. The implication got fucked.
>and if/when they don't want that anymore we could leave.
I'd like to see how will irrelevant Balkan shithole tell to the Germans "Ok Hans, I don't like it anymore, we're leaving".
Germans gave you country.
Germans own every profitable company.
You are their property now.
Yes yes, we know you don't like the Serbs very much... no need to go turbovictim
Croatia and Slovenia voted to join the Kingdom of SHS, to ward of Italy at least. They could have left any time they wanted until Alexander chimped out, declared dictatorship and doomed the country. But he wasn't a Serb hegemon, he was a Yugoslav-centric naive absolutist.