What would have been the best versailles treaty?
Could ww2 have been prevented, and could europe have kept its hegemony?
What would have been the best versailles treaty?
>Give Germany more territory
Are you literally retarded? Your obsession with Kaisers cock does not justify them to win even thought they lost. You are simply an idiot.
Completely dismantle Germany, alternatively just get them hooked on beer and sausages so they're too busy getting pissed to think about conducting warfare.
You can't think about the Rhineland if you're having a great time with your Kameraden.
Note that Germany becomes land-locked, preventing any possibility that the German navy could ever rebuilt.
(Image is a troll)
Theoretically, yes. Germany cannot be shamed to death, however. The best way for this scenario to occur is a short war in which nobody loses to much territory. The Germans would be most concerned about the eastern front, so If the Western Front ends quickly the Germans could make an easy victory over the Russian empire. They would then most likely free the Ukrainians, Poles, and other groups in the east. This puts Russia far away and even if the communists to take power, which they most likely will not because of the Monarchist/Republican West, they will not affect Europe to much. Without the humiliation of Germany, there are no Nazis, and a stable german government continues throughout the 20th century instead of the unstable weimar. Germany would most likely create better relations with France and the UK because they have little to fight over anymore. Austria will blow up in a cesspool of ethnic conflicts, but otherwise, no WWII.
wouldn't there be a lot of resentment from france in that scenario?
German confederation re-established, Ottomans carved up completely, Ukraine being an actual borderland.
that map is soo autistic
does anybody have a world map version of this,
somebody post it
If part of the deal was to have a coalition against the communist in Russia, no Soviets, no Nazis.
>Splitting up Britain
>Mauling France
>Great Germany
What is wrong with you?
Partition France so they stop provoking Germany and pulling Britain into war.
>Using modern borders for German minors
>no gore
Shit taste
Denmark should get Schleswig-Holstein.
Poland should get East Prussia, but lost some of West Prussia to a small German state. Finland gets Karelia and Kola. Unite Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Give Caucasian minorities some more of East Turkey, to prevent genocides. Rumania gets Moldova and that Ukrainian coast. Lastly, make the Jewish State in Crimea.
Denmark didn't want Slesvig-Holsten and SH didn't want to be Denmark.
Doesn't fucking matter. Germany needs to be land-locked to ensure that it can't build the Bismark or Tirpitz.
It's literally rightful Danish land, though.
I do not think Germany could ever be divided up again without a continuation to the fighting.
They were practically starving when they sued for peace. They were also facing muntinies because their sailors and soldiers were starving too. Germany was at the WW1 Allies mercy. They sued for peace so early so they didn’t get partitioned because if the Allies had to march into A starving Berlin, they were going to dissolve Germany for sure and there wouldn’t be a damn thing any German could do about it
>muh big Germany
Versailles only works if Germany is destroyed.
Leave swedish terretory alone you dork
What on earth is that thing in the middle of scandinavia?
France does not have the population or resources to challenge Germany if they lose.
In order to prevent WW2 the threaty would have to either:
1. give Germans whatever they wanted, or
2. cripple Germany's capability to wage war.
German nation was lied to believe by its own propaganda that it is winning the war. There was no way to prevent the stab-in-the-back legend from emerging. Even a peace that would mean the return to status quo ante would not be sufficient. After all, Germany was winning.
It could have been done actually. You would have to play with separatism of each state that constituted Germany.
Say for example: Prussians are responsible for all that war debt. Become independent and your part will be written off. This would make additional effect in making resentments between Prussia and other statelets.
-Germany loses colonies to France and Belgium as part of the reparations, not to Britain
-Referendums in regions like Alsace-Lorraine, Sudetenland, and the German-held parts of Poland, no territorial concessions without a majority vote
-German reparations to Belgium, France and maybe Poland that are paid in percentages of Germany's budget
-Treaty of all European nations that obliges all nations to assist one nation should it be attacked by
*should it be attacked by another
Break apart Germany.
Keep the war going until they agree to unconditional surrender, break the German spirit thouroughly so that revanchist revisionist propaganda is not able to take root in the post-war period.
Form a handful of nation states out of Germany based on cultural and religious regional identities, pit them against each other, blame Prussia for the war.
>France getting Wallonia and Luxembourg
>Italy getting parts of Switzerland
>Austria part of Germany
Also, the Allies definitely shouldn't have forced countries, old or new, to become Republics. That's exactly how demagogues got into power.
>Swiss Lichtenstein
>Still neutering Hungary
>Constantinople not being independent state ruled by the Greek Orthodox Church
>Versailles Redux
Germany gets the Polish corridor and the Sudetenland to stop their endless whining about "mein rightful german clay!". No reparations. Remilitarization is permitted but Anschluss with Austria is still forbidden.
>Lenient Trianon
Hungary gets transylvania and other Hungarian-majority lands. No reason in having all those Hungarians left outside of their country aside from revanchism.
>Sevres is implemented in full force, the Entente goes to war with Turkey to enforce it
Greece gets Smyrna, genocide of pontic & other Greeks is avoided. The Bosphorus becomes a demillitarized zone under Entente occupation.
Armenia and Kurdistan get their independence, Kurdistan also gets Iraqui Kurdistan.
>The Maiden is intact
>No Yugoslavia
Bullshit made-up state. Instead we get independent Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia (with Bosnia included) and Macedonia.
>No Czechoslovakia
Instead we get a reduced Bohemia and Slovakia.
The Soviet Union will be dealt with, eventually once peace in Europe consolidates. Any ideas how that happens?
Thank you for reposting my post from the other thread. Makes me feel all tingly inside.
Let France to fully dictate the end of WW1.
Does anyone have variations of this map? Particularly, I want pre-WWI Europe.
gdansk is polish you autistic german cock suckers
>What if we just gave land from countries that are our allies and who are fellow democracies to our sworn enemies
>surely noone from our country who sympathises or from the countries we gave up the land of who are pissed would be angry
>and surely the historically warmongering germans wouldn't find some other excuse (such as lebensraum, or poland being a fake state etc.) to resume expansionism
>fellow democracies
why cant people realize that the treaty of Versailles was perfect? Germany would completely lost to France-UK in 1940 despite all the concession of Chamberlain if it wasnt for the miracle of the ardenes
that was the action française plans, actual official French planning was never as extensive, the furthest they envisioned was separating the Rhineland from Germany and letting Russia deal with East Prussia
>completely ignoring the Right to Self Determination which was half the reason WW1 started
The fucking autistic krauts should have finished the frogs in 1914, cucked them 1870 style, and then turned on Nicky and knocked him back in his box, probably saved his life as a consequence.
This would be perfect if only Poland and Finland were granted statehood.
>Benelux in one country
>but Scotland and England are separate
Unironically the best answer.
Versallies would have prevented world war 2 if it had been you know... enforced, at all.
Jämtland. They have an independence movement that is mostly a joke.
I avoided the mistakes OP made when he fucked over hungary, I compensated austria for their losses by giving them southern germany I made strong poland to balance russia and prussia. I did everything I could to subvert muslims(maybe it will backfire, but you got to try) I gave romania more reasonable borders. The only things i wasn't sure about was the exact divide between serbia and croatia, whether austria should have coastline, and what the baltics should look like.
the idea of a neutral zone is retarded. That's either advocating anarchy or long term occupation. If long term occupation, then it would be better to cede it to someone else. Martial Law is not good for long term rule. Especially if they'll be administered by french african troops.
>That's either advocating anarchy or long term occupation.
There has been another neutral zone, which was governed through joint and self-administration. I imagine it would have been pretty unmanageable to try and apply it at the scale of that map though, Moresnet was already kind of a mess. At least the German zone would have had more collective power, but being a neutral zone it would have limited ability to exercise any power. In effect I imagine it would have been an occupation as you describe.
fugg forgot file
The fourteen points was drafted just for this reason but the French in typical French fashion couldn't be happy with a plan the eased tensions they wanted their hard peace and paid for it by making conditions in Germany so hard that the stupid sons of bitches allowed that cum guzzling dumb ass Hitler to take power.
wtf is the autism about Czech borderlands?
Leave the whole thing in German hands or restore it with historical borders, there is no suitable 3rd option.
>leaving Balkan land to Turkey
>Allowing Kosovo and Albania to exist
>cucking Italy
don't do this
if you're going with greater Bulgaria, at least do it right.
>hungarian majority
cmon now
at best it was the northern part
>masturbative Hungary that gets areas without Magyar majority including half of Slavonia which was not historically considered Hungarian land at all, being part of the distinct and autonomous Kingdom of Croatia
>Germany completely cutting Poland off from sea access for no reason, not even following the ethnic composition of the Polish corridor
Beautiful map, you retard.
>fucking over Czechia for no reason despite them contributing to the dissolution of A-H to appease the losing side with land that wasn't theirs in the first place
>>leaving Balkan land to Turkey
>>cucking Italy
well it was a map for a central powers victory, austria almost certainly would've taken the whole of northeastern italy
>>Allowing Kosovo and Albania to exist
serbia would've been punished and reduced to a tiny rump state around belgrade